Wednesday, April 24, 2024

THE Most Vivid "Dream" Ever Pt.1

 [Last night/early morning . . . I had THE most vivid and detailed and real-time, "lucid" dream I have ever had.  And that's saying something!  I've had a lot, but I've only just started mentioning these "new kinds" of dreams as opposed to the long trail of them I've had since a child; because since a few years ago, these dreams lately, as I've mentioned here before, are of a wholly different kind of style and nature.  Well, I've never been a fan of or interested in peoples' dreams in general, because there is so much room for self-serving nonsense and irrelevancy. I'm still not sure what to make of it, other than, I know it is unlike any I have experienced before, this particular dream, such that I took the time, about 3am to get out of bed and hurry and write down some notes while I could recall it.  I have some theories re this new kind of dream experience, but for now, I'll say they are just theories . . . nevertheless, these latest "lucid"-style dream experience is so new and unusual, that I feel it worth sharing here.  And without any analysis at this time I am just going to quick relate it in objective observant terms.]


"It seemed I was out of town, job done, and needed to get back home.  Roughly, I was about a state away--what would normally, in other times, would be a 14-hour car drive, going south into the next state (as if working ie., in mid-Utah and was trying to get to mid Arizona, in terms of a geographical conception of the commute.)

I  had a sort of small "portable" motor bike type a "mini-bike/moped"--not big enough to make the full ride, small enough to carry on a train or bus along my way.  And so, it turned out, me and a couple other fellow familiar workers caught a designated, train that was part of a sort of community/public ride-sharing transportation system, and there were a couple of others, also boarding the train, also, worker-type dudes headed somewhere back home after a job or business of a some kind was over.  

The train was dirty, oldish--not a passenger train of any kind, solid and functional, but more of a generic day-today supply train carrying various things, products, BUT also would allow a few passengers included to take the ride (like in the old days--and, well, maybe even more nowadays!... when poor or frugal or spy people took rides on freight ships/trains, for a cheap price without any much luxury appurtenances, to say the least.  We were scruffy, tired, needed a change of clothes, each just plenty ready to get back to our unique homeward destinations; sitting on hard old wood benches, tired heads leaning, drowsing against the clanking, hard trainride-car walls. . . . [Well, and as I started getting slightly uncomfortable, I found myself floating outside, leery, and so, peering into the greasy old windows of the front main engine/locomotive compartment of the train, as it we were cruising along the tracks, and I saw about 3-4 dudes, in grey/blue  grubby, ruddy "department" uniforms, sitting on their bench/chairs, in a work-a-day somnambulistic glaze . . . just doing their job, half asleep, just wanting to get the shift over and get to their off-work destination.  They weren't at all concerned, because, as gritty as the system was, in general, things were automated, scheduled, and they expected the next shift workers would take over. . . .]

[As noted, we were headed south, but, as we rolled along, I felt "something" was not quite right, and then remembering, impressed that I had about a day or so of transportation time, hopefully, to get back  home, to my wife and family. The expectations was there were "Uber"-type characters who would and were suppose to show up to carry on the next phase of the transportation--either another train switch, or perhaps a bus, or a car.....]

Anyway, we finally came to the next scheduled stop, and we were directed to un-board and wait for the soon to arrive relieving transport. . . . But it was soon evident some kind of a screwup had happened--the next drivers/transporters were not showing up on time, nowhere to be found.  We were stranded now, at night, tired, and told to wait until "they" could sort it out.  Whoever was suppose to show up and take us along the next stretch of the route had missed their call.  There was a sense that it was possibly, stereotypical "millennial"-type "stoners", lackadaisical "government hires" . . . and that it might actually be many hours or more, or never, until THEY or someone else conscripted might show up to carry us on our way, according to schedule.

So, myself and the couple other fellows I was loosely travelling with--waited, shuffled about on the platform waiting for an hour or so, in that dark, damp night . . . milling about that empty little station post for a while, until it became apparent, at least to me, that nobody was coming anytime soon or ever, and definitely not soon enough for the time-frame I was expected to fulfill to get back home in time.  

I decided to grab that little motor bike I had been packing along; and the other couple guys followed, and we trudged across the tracks to a nearby ramshackle, but at least, dimly lit and somewhat inviting and lively outpost.  

It appeared as an old-mill style or once historic miner-town wood-framed establishment/hotel (built circa late 1800s it seemed.)  In that late dark night, I could smell  the sense that it had been there for a long time, one of the various old weather-worn side-station hostels along the trail-line, with many a now-weary tale to tell.  

Me and the other couple of fellows straggling, entered the place, resigned that we must wait until the "next ride" finally came along the tracks or road so that we could eventually continue on our journey.

There were people there--sort-of creepy and twisted, degenerate locals and some other random earlier travelers who had perhaps just decided to hang out there for a while, finding themselves increasingly comfortable and lazy at that particular outpost.  

It was a dilapidated old affair, damp, with lurking, molting spooky rooms available or occupied on the upper dreary floors; but on the main level there was a funky, trinketry gift shop, run by one a 30-year old white-trashy, over exuberant blond (part of the family-run operation) and a side sitting room/library  with bookshelves containing the standard LDS book collection, and so, not surprised, I realized this was an old Mormon family-run establishment.  The elder grandpa and grandma couple, owners were there, overseeing things, in another adjoining "sitting room"/parlor, sitting in comfy old chairs and mindlessly, wistfully, casually recalling and sharing local town legends, history and family with some of the wayfarers who were hanging about.

I went to the gift shop, trying to kill time, waiting for the next transport (train, bus, car, whatever) but also slightly worried about and conscious of my little motor bike I had parked in the entry/garage area below where several other travelers and occupants were just lolling about, jawing, munching cheap snacks and drinking and smoking in the dark recess, ground level, of that area near the local frontage dirtroad.  The train tracks just beyond that and I noticed a river or wide canal just further beyond some field and marshy land, to the west, about 200 yards distance. . . . 

[Next, in part 2, is where things got weird and startling and intense.  A certain kind of military operation suddenly invaded the scene and it went from there in such detailed and nuanced ways . . . that when I happened to "wake up", I ran downstairs in my boxers, 3am, determined to quick write down some notes of this dream--THE most lucid and detailed and unusual dream I have ever had; such that I felt it important to get into words, before it left my memory.  I don't know if any or what significance it might have, but it was so unique . . . for what it's worth, if anything, I felt compelled to document/share it.  And so I will continue to sort through my hastily, determined early morning notes to recall and write it here.  Well, and the Chinese invasion element was particularly detailed and realistically portrayed, I'll just foreshadow here now. . . . ]"

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Part 5 of encounters/Crawling over broken glass to save one soul

 From what I am yet still being shown . . . about the seriousness of our situation we are actually in . . . I am impressed to recall this quote of L. Ravenhill regarding one of those who find themselves headed to Hell.  

And I find myself nearly ready . . . to crawl across broken glass . . . on my stomach . . . for miles . . . if one soul could be saved. . . . . . . .

What HE suffered and took upon Himself to block the deserved wrath of The Holy Father, is something that I am just barely comprehending.  

I will and must tell you this. . . . GOD IS HOLY, HE IS JUST and this reality IS WHAT IT IS . . . for HE IS WHAT HE IS--THE GREAT I AM!!!!!!   The Truth is The Truth!  Take it or leave it.

The enemies of God hate that fact, truth.  They say "it's not fair" . . . and then delve into being "the victim". . . . And then the devil is ever ready to assist them in having a "pop", a "best life now" in this world (the world the devil is temporarily ruling". . . . . . . 


"Charlie Peace was a criminal. Laws of God or man curbed him not. Finally the law caught up with him, and he was condemned to death. On the fatal morning in Armley Jail, Leeds, England, he was taken on the death-walk. Before him went the prison chaplain, routinely and sleepily reading some Bible verses. The criminal touched the preacher and asked what he was reading. “The Consolations of Religion,” was the reply. Charlie Peace was shocked at the way he professionally read about hell. Could a man be so unmoved under the very shadow of the scaffold as to lead a fellow-human there and yet, dry-eyed, read of a pit that has no bottom into which this fellow must fall? Could this preacher believe the words that there is an eternal fire that never consumes its victims, and yet slide over the phrase with a tremor? Is a man human at all who can say with no tears, “You will be eternally dying and yet never know the relief that death brings”? All this was too much for Charlie Peace. So he preached. Listen to his on-the-eve-of-hell sermon:

“Sir,” addressing the preacher, “if I believed what you and the church of God say that you believe, even if England were covered with broken glass from coast to coast, I would walk over it, if need be, on hands and knees and think it worthwhile living, just to save one soul from an eternal hell like that!"

--from Leonard Ravenhill's "Why Revival Tarries"

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Encounter Pt. 4 (Word to the wise and humble)

What I've called "the great dressing down" ("born again" initial experience/vision/encounter) happened, if I recall correctly, April 16th 2004.  Then, there was a second hammer of realization hitting the nail on the head within several months afterwards, where I saw that EVIL is real, and that if there is EVIL, there is GOOD.  AND THAT, evil is best described in specific terms IN THE BIBLE.  AND, I had a vision of JESUS gigantic in "space" above the world, above all, in His Hands, and I Heard "I Am The Way, The Truth, and The Life."

I was on a job, outside someone's house, painting their deck and railings, overlooking the city valley.  But the vision was within, what I Saw.

Afterwards, I called my wife driving home, in tears, saying, "It's Jesus!  It's the Bible!"--which was poignant at the time, for I had been studying and practicing one of the last (of the many) Hindu belief systems/religions (Vaishnavism) that I had long sorted through.  (Well, and that's after having sorted through Advaita Vedanta Hinduism, Buddhism, Zen, Sikhism, Sufism, Taoism, Mormonism, Yoga, and about 20 or so other isms and wanna-be prophets and mystic gurus/leaders of every kind. . . .) 

Anyway, so, I broke the news to my family, calmly, quietly, gently, and humbly--"It's Jesus!"  [Well, and this is after a many, many years of searching every religion worth searching for The Truth.]  I NEVER rejected Jesus, or The Bible, but was just searching to make sure I hadn't missed something.  Also, having been raised in a Mormon culture, my idea of "Christianity" was tainted. . . .

Oh, I could carry on for chapters re that whole spiritual journey... BUT, I want to get to the 4th encounter.

[Time is short, and what I am being Shown now in The Spirit is so intense and visceral and critical, that as long as able, I feel impressed to cut to the chase, while the opportunity is still available.]

[Well, and I'm not going to mince words, so forgive me if the recitation is a bit terse and not extra nuanced.... but, if opportunity comes up, I am happy to delve deeper.]

So, back to the story (which happened circa 2005-6), TRUE STORY!... I've seen that JESUS is God, evil is real, and the Bible is true....!  Meanwhile, I still had to go to work--do my basic labor job, painting, with a 35-45 minute commute on the highway, I15 corridor.... I'm driving, and the little demons who have been hanging around start to get alerted--"we've got a runner!" (meaning.... I am NOT going with the devil, the dark side and they have been casually hanging around, attached as can be, and now they are alarmed and alerted that GOD is coming to rescue, yet again, one of His own.)

SO, caught off-guard, startled, they double down (note: in the spiritual realm various levels of demonic entities are assigned to everybody, just like in an army--they have various menial tasks to do, like attach, harass, obfuscate, confuse etc., on basic levels)... BUT ... when angels at the behest of The Lord are sent to rescue, OR, The Lord Himself suddenly comes in, comes to task... THEY (the demons) get alarmed (because THEY have to answer for their assignment... and in Hell and amidst the demonic, they do not want to be on the bad side of Satan, having failed in their task of torment).

SO, now The Lord is present.  They scatter.  BUT, they still stick around hoping that I may fail again and then they can just get back to sleepy evil guard duty. . . . HOWEVER, NOPE!  JESUS, outside of time, and, of course, outside of any of MY ability or merit, INTERVENES and SAVES and protects.

I am driving in a car, going 60-80mph . . . day after day, headed to my daily work...but now very well aware that I am under spiritual attack.  One wrong move, one wrong lane change at the wrong time etc., can end up in a tumultuous, deadly crash and mortal death.  And THEY (the upset, now startled attending demons) begin to cause any harm or accident or mistake that they can . . . . . . AND I can See and feel them angry and wanting to do just such!

SO, I find myself . . . praying for protection, seeking, yearning for The Lord to cover me amidst the angry onslaught. . . . . ("they" ---the demonic assigned tormentors actually try to tell me to just drive into an abutment, or swerve, or make some dumb mistake)  BUT, I'm not falling for it.  

I find myself, after earnestly seeking and praying, with JESUS . . . IN THE SPIRIT . . . on a rock . . . just up the beach sands a bit . . . the ocean is there roaring like it does... but about 20 yards away.... 

He is sitting on a crag of a rock, in the sand, in His robes, casual, but earnest and loving and all there deeply, as He is.  And I am just kneeling, crouched in the sand, crawling....... and desperately reaching for even the hem of His garment, His robe.... 

The first time, I was actually sitting next to Him on the rock.  But as the attacks went on for days.... I found myself a foot or so away.... yet I could reach out my arm . . . just to touch the very bottom of His robe... AND THAT WAS ENOUGH! .... 

Well, and that went on for days.  Just even barely grasping the hem of His garment... with the tips of my fingers.... was enough to save and protect me from the alerted multitudinous demonic attacks.

Yes, there were waves against the shore and there was lively salty mist in the air; but the sun was always out--we were alone together.  He didn't say anything through these times.  He was just there, lovingly, knowingly, acceptingly . . . on that rock . . . being a comfort.  He DID give a beneficent glance and slight gesture (which comforted me to no end!) .... However... we didn't talk.  I wasn't actually asking anything, just needed some triage immediate comfort and protection, and that's all and what He provided. . . .  WHICH WAS ENOUGH FOR ME TO REMEMBER TO THIS VERY DAY, I must say!

This went on for about 3 weeks.  No words.  It was all mind to mind, heart to heart communication--ME, simply being in desperate need of GOD and we both knowing all the past history and meaning, both personal and macro.

This fourth "encounter" . . . . . . . . . I will describe at base, is simply.... His Presence and Love and All-knowing connection..... (sorry, "words" fail to convey... BUT the Spirit WILL convey, I dare say!) .........................and it was simply enough . . . just to TOUCH the hem of His garment/robe--on that salty, windy, ocean beach rock--for days, and days . . . . 

He is beyond all measure.  He IS lovely and love and all-saving. . . and a mystery to us mere mortals....

Fall down, drop down, crawl, plead for, pray for, and thus, endear yourself to having a desperate sincere spiritual craving and need for THE LOVE OF GOD!


[Well . . . and looks like there may be a part 5,  I didn't intend that, BUT, He is, and I suspect He still wants to reiterate the import of realizing the reality of Hell. . . . 

What I have continued to be shown about it . . . should . . . scare the Hell out of you! God Willing!!!!]


back in a bit... fwiw, I must continue this ongoing iteration.... The Hell part is no fun.  But I must and will relate what I've been shown--word to the wise, chosen, and humble

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Encounters With Jesus pt. 3 (asking Him my question)

 This picture is almost exactly a depiction of the scenario when I had my first striking, personal, (near physically present) encounter with Jesus, in His bodily form.  [I told my wife about it soon afterwards, and she loves the re-telling of it to this day; because His sense of humor was involved amidst a brief, profound simple statement, and everyone has a sense of this aspect of His personality, whether they consciously know it or not.]

A couple of small differences (re the above pic) is that we were at the TOP of the rugged, rocky mountain crags, tip-top of the peak--and I was located about where this pov is coming from, looking at Him about 4 feet away. . . . It was also colder looking than this pic--barely any scrub vegetation, more austere, there was a brisk, bracing high altitude wind. . . . He was sitting on a rock, just like in that pic above me.  I was half-sitting, crouching against the sheer precipice . . . asking him my question. . . . 

It seemed to me at the time and in memory, that it happened to be atop my favorite mountain in the land where I grew up ("Mt. Olympus" in Salt Lake City).  

[Actual pic of Mount Olympus, winter SLC, UT--We were just barely

below and behind that far left-side side of the peak.]

[I had many other early continuous experiences, communications, and "shown-things" from GOD,  before this, as I was a neglected child of divorce, broken family, Mormon surroundings etc.; and found myself made early to seek the meaning of life, thus seek God.  And there have been several angelic protections/interventions I have perceived all along The Way, I believe.  But THIS humble missive is about JESUS deigning to appear and meet, when implored--so merciful is He . . . for one such as me!]  

And, just to note, I am focused on, and relating this small/profound experience of presence of God, because I am focused on the Eternal!--NOT the current hyperbolic news re events of the day.  The Way, is Spiritual, Within! Above all--with personal relationship with GOD!  I am well aware of all the "news of the day" and that people are thirsty for distraction from THE TRUTH of the Actual situation OF WHERE YOUR SOUL GOES AFTER DEATH! AND that GOD IS GOD!!!  YOU are not!  Submit, and seek and implore, repent, strive, persevere, DESPITE the constant attempted distractions, whether worldly or familial or any other iteration that the demonic imps can cause some stupid chaos...

 SO . . . it as actually before I consider my "born again" beginning (June 2004) "dressing down" 4-hour vision experience.... But, as I said, I had always been seeking and praying and meditating and seeking God.  

I was in a serious, desperate moment, and, yet again, beseeching God to show me The Way--The One True Way--and He arrived.  He was sitting on a craggy rock across from me, He was in His usual looking robes, and looking up at me with a sort of "you called me here and what do you have to ask" expression, slight, gentle smile, but intent.

I basically emoted--for talk in the spiritual realm is more "mind-to-mind", not physical mouth speaking--that I was in troublesome, besetting circumstances, at the "end-of-my-rope" . . . and astonished nevertheless to meet Him here and available.

I "said", "how can You have any intimate knowledge of and care for my small, meager questions and solace, when You have SO much and SO many others and issues to deal with at this very moment, let alone, throughout all past, present, future attention, intervention, consolation?  How do you have the TIME to sort out everyone, let alone ME with my petty concerns at this moment?"

HE lightly chuckled! (This is the part my wife loves in the story). He looked down away briefly, then looked up sweetly, wryly, but eye-to-eye . . . and said "I AM time."

He paused.  I was given a quick vision of the fact that HE is the Creator of Time and beyond time.  He said "I have all the time in the world."

Time is different in the heavenly realms.  It is not so linear.  It is (if I could put it into words) the all in all.  It is one thing.  It is all at once, yet there is an element of trajectory... but, ah, words fail.  BUT He showed it to me in my mind.

And it was a big relief!  He has "time" for EVERY SINGLE BEING AND PART OF CREATION, no matter how small and seemingly insignificant. "Not a single sparrow can fall without your Father knowing it."  

That is basically what He conveyed.  

Up there in there eerie heights, just the two of us.  HE deigned to answer that wondering question!  Well, and I know that many suffer from the sense of "why would God care about little old me?"

He is so vast, so involved, so intrinsically invested, yet Holy and apart, yet also loving and merciful.

God is Someone to love and to strive for and please and cherish and be grateful for, beyond measure.

There is no measure to Him.

Hence, He is God.

[Looks like there will be a part 4, as I get to more ongoing meetings on the rock, on the beach, with surging ocean, holding His hem, when the demons attacked..... ]

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

If You Are With God

 [. . . . Just impressed to share a quick note before I get to part 3 of my encounter experiences with Jesus. . . .]


Above all, regardless of striking events going on, or about to go on,--know and recall that many such astonishing things have happened before, all through this story of mortal time we find ourselves within, throughout history.  A simple directive I feel impelled to relate at this time, as we see signs and reports of signs and amidst the general sense of dire import in the air:

If you are with God, and if God is with you, no matter the details of how this fallen world affects and ends your physical, mortal life, ALL IS WELL!  

THIS life is a vapor; a very intense, God designed and crucial vapor, yes--but then I thank God for every breath, for every sip of water, for sun and rain and light and earth and creatures and for even the base experiences of this existence, as a single soul, being, individual amidst other such souls . . . though it is fallen, with tormenting attributes surrounding and impinging, threatening. It is indeed a fearful and awesome bequest granted, directed and intended by The Creator which we find ourselves subject to.

Meanwhile, the intent of The Distractor/Tempter/Evil One is to so confuse the soul with worldly mis-direction--such that the prized soul never knows about, or ever realize and see the slightest glimpse of the profundity of this creation by The Creator--in order to drag that soul to the pits of Hell along with the rest of the lost and those who love darkness more than light/evil more than good.

Whatever "events" befall--in any age--if YOU are with God and God is with you . . . all is well.  The details of a dispensation or a time or various worldly machinations/events . . . can go to Hell, and be burned in the lake of fire, as they will.  If you are with God, against all the arrows and darts and subterfuge of the wicked one, and He is with you . . . then all is well . . . and the rest can and will be damned.

SEEK while it is still "day" to be with God The Father, with King Jesus, with The Holy Spirit, and pray that He is with you as you strive in repentant, worshipful, mourning, excitedly expectant, soul and spirit.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Encounters With Jesus (pt. 2)

 Recalling . . . . So, we were in a sort of bazaar, ancient middle eastern times, architecture, people milling about.  They are milling about because The Teacher is holding class.  There are shops and walkways . . . but we are in a sort of covered area with trellises, it's shady in the inner courtyard area near this one of the various little buildings made of stucco, solid.  Vines and leafage cover the tops so that it is shady and cool all about.

People are hovering, standing around in some sort of anticipation that something is afoot--someone important is inside the nearest little rectangle, mud/stucco building I am also in front of.  There is basic daily banter, gossip, lunchtime talk going on, and it does seem a bit crowded around this particular place, as if someone important was inside--respectful anticipation is in the air. 

There is a subtle, but intense excitement amongst the gathered, as if some fans were waiting on a celebrity, or a notable--someone notable within who is about to come out, appear from the little room/building, where the door is tightly shut because something scheduled is going on inside. . . .

Well, and I was near the entrance, just outside that door.  It was known and understood that a class was underway.  This was a classroom and students, pupils were inside being given instruction.

There was a deferential, but slightly roiling anticipatory vibe in the air as everyone milled about, chatting, while looking towards the door.  THEN, one fellow near me--a younger kind of wild, eager fellow suddenly rushed up to that little circular, vine covered along the edges window, to swiftly peak in.  It was a small window, round about the size of a small pizza, with fresh green vines around the edges, slightly inset, but up high enough that he had to get on tippy-toes and hop a bit to look in.  He dropped down after the leap-and-and-look, with an excited, smiling expression, saying, "He's there!  He's in there!"

I was near this young man and the window and I suddenly couldn't resist taking a look myself, and  there was the overall sense that it was ok to quick take a gander in, so long as one wasn't causing a self-serving distraction.  In fact, it was intended and allowed that the genuinely intrigued, milling people about should be able to take a peek into the room, if drawn to, and daring enough and willing to make the effort.  It was all cool.  There were no bouncers.  Everyone there, while chatting about day-to-day stuff, all had a respectful air and self-awareness of the scene, the import, albeit in such a basic, humble, daily milieu.

So I did quick move to the window, haul myself up by my fingers a few inches above tippy-toe, and see into the room where He was, grabbing the rough whitish stucco window ledge to pull myself up a few more inches, and saw a small classroom full of attentive, disciplined pupils, students.  

They seemed about ages 4-12, sitting at "desks" of a rustic, wood and clay type (which I have never seen before).  

And there He was . . . at the front of the class, center, but in front of the podium and "blackboard" in the back behind Him where another, regular "teacher" would usually be teaching from....

He is sitting on a slight clay/wood-constructed stool in front of the podium, on the students level, (well, and it looked like a type of miniature throne--not ostentatious, but humbly, subtly in a throne/chair style . . . .  He is in an off-whitish robe/cloak with some soft-worn gold/beige bands on the sleeves, cuffs--it's clean, not brand-new crisp, just comfortably used.  

He looked like Jesus--medium long, slightly wavy brownish hair to His shoulders, the mustache/beard, about 33-35 years old. . . . He was just wrapping up the lesson, I could tell, as He appeared to be making some sort of closing comments and then the students started to subtlety shuffle in their seats, as students do, just as they do when they know class is ending. . . . 

He looked very sweet, very calm, yet very in charge, while very at ease, and started to get up to leave.  I FELT He noticed me looking through the window, and that He was aware that others had too, and that it was just fine and actually expected and intended, although He didn't direct look.  It was a body language type of communication and sense. . . .

Then I dropped back down, having had my brief glimpse, grateful to have had it!  

I WAS very interested to analyze His face, to see if He looked like all the paintings/depictions that are common, which I/we have long seen.  And I would say YES!  Very much so... BUT . . . a little different than any I have ever seen before.  

And I must be honest, I was slightly disappointed!  But happily so! 

How can I describe!?

Well, I'll try!  

His nose was not as aquiline/anglo as is usually depicted. And in general, there was nothing striking as far a facial "beauty" goes in the modern sense--like a model, or actor.  He was "average" looking.  I would say, the epitome of "average" looking. Not ugly.  Not beautiful.  Not striking in any kind of alarming way (ie., He wasn't unusually handsome, nor was He unusually odd or unattractive looking.)

It was His charisma, His subtle sweet charm that was striking, considering the expectation that one might have.

Anyway, the students came out of the door, class over . . . then He came out amidst the murmuring hubbub, the people outside the room milling about expectantly, as they, we, all excitedly turned to and focused on Him, as He humbly exited and and went about going on His way.  

A few of the more excited among us pressed against Him to get a glance, a word, to say something, to hear something.... I pressed close, about a foot away within the crowd, just wanting to get a closer look at His face again.  I felt He was aware of me wanting to get close and it was welcome, and He also was welcoming of the others who, like me, wanted to get close but not wanting to take up too much of His precious time; for it was known that He was on his way to do other things, "appointments", other gatherings to meet.

Overall, there was an atmosphere--in that shaded, vine-covered, cool garden courtyard--of graciousness, compassion, understanding, patience, intention, comradery, respect, awe. . . .

 He went on His way, slowly but intently, with a few of His close fellows accompanying; and we, left there, were all fully satisfied with this brief, subtle but intense encounter.


That is the end of that recall; other than that I could carry on more about His physical features--but what was clear at the time, is that that (His physical features) was mostly incidental, compared to the deeper experience of His presence and the understanding of the scene. . . .

Well, I will say one more thing, as it was one of the foremost and instant observations I had. . . .

When I glanced through the window and saw Him on his teacher chair/mini-throne, what I saw was a man in physical form.  But within the man, I Saw . . . an infinity endless space.  In a metaphysical sense, there was no "man" there, although there obviously was.  

It is pretty much impossible to convey, without words getting in the way and distracting.  I will just say, it was like . . . a man is there, who looks like Jesus, yet, He is empty.  Meaning . . . He was a vessel, a form . . . for a vast emptiness, cosmic space.  No ego.  No earthly accoutrements. . . .  There was a form, a shell and He did look and act like Jesus as we have read and heard of Him.  But within that physical form . . . was a "universe" so-to-speak. . . .


Next I want to relate the other couple encounters, just as intense in their own way.  

But this one is fresh, unexpected and both subtle and profound and I am just wanting to quick get it into writing while I can.  

God bless< I pray, to strengthen and continue to sanctify you!


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Encounters With Jesus (pt.1)

 [Well... I started this (see below) . . . and it looks like it will take 1-3 parts to finish, but I am determined to get through the reminiscence--get it into words.  For there is nothing more important or tender to my heart than the handful--so far--of visitations I have experienced, and been graced by . . . from The Lord in Person.  And especially now, lately, "in these times" as they say, the compulsion to share is pressing. So, here is an initial introductory rough draft, part 1.  Just sharing, hoping it may be edifying for another, as it has been for me.  They are small encounters, brief in a way, yet, I find as I've described and shared it with my wife, for instance, I realize could write a book about each, extrapolating about the nuances and spiritual import of the several events.  For one sliver, one shred of His Light coming from even a single experience/encounter with His literal Presence is enough to last a mortal lifetime.  So, for now at least, amidst the raging ongoing and intensifying war, some quick words via a "blog post" must suffice, God willing.  And I'm continuing to pray for and implore and am grateful for any more to follow, God granted.  And, His Word, regardless of this, does suffice!]


While it is still fresh in my memory--it was just the other night. . . . Jesus, The Lord showed Himself to me.  I have had a couple other encounters like this.  Just a couple--each profound beyond words and measure, and such was this one.  

This one was unique and special, as were the others, in their own way.  HE is so multi-dimensional, so unfathomable, yet, always so personal, every time. . . .

Well, and these personal appearances have been few and far between.  BUT, that does not mean that I haven't constantly been engaged by and with and through The Father and, of course, The Holy Spirit.

Their ministrations are unique, as I have experienced it.  The Holy Spirit runs through all, while The Father holds court as ultimate King and anchor, above and beyond, Holy.  Yet, They ARE ONE, and so, trying with mortal words to delineate the personal experience of Each, must and does fail words; but the impetus to share and witness is compelling . . . and The Spirit Of Truth will testify and witness to Children of God, Believers--those of and in Faith, I humbly submit.

BUT, I don't want to find myself getting too verbose attempting to sidetrack into the gloriously distinguishing characteristics of each of the Trinity Godhead.

I just want to quick share my vision--dare I say--visitation (albeit slight) of Lord Jesus last night.

First, I must say, I don't suggest such a thing lightly.  I freely admit, and am grateful, having two blatant visitations of the sort, where He comes in bodily form.  This does not negate or marginalize the many and ongoing and ubiquitous experiences of Him and His Spirit and The Presence of The Father many times through the years of seeking, searching, "hearing"-from, "seeing" in the (yet very real, but more subtle) mental/spiritual/emotional receptions of His will and communication.

I am HERE talking about a more nuanced communication and experience, where HE comes "bodily" and more viscerally and personally present. . . .

I'll briefly recall and mention the two profound earlier ones (the first about 22 years ago, the 2nd about 19 years ago).  Well, and this latest one I take great solace in, because I have actually been asking for something of this sort for the past few months.  Yes, I've craved and have been asking for a personal visit/vision in these trying times.  And I must say, this is something I would never lie about or concoct or self-deceive about.  The stakes are too high and I respect and honor even A SHRED--A SLIVER of His more visceral presence, more than any kind of petty imagination or self-delusion to pawn off some tawdry self-serving experience. No way! 

Now, as eluded to, I have many supernatural and spiritual experiences since a child.  I believe God has been guiding or watching, protecting etc., all the way.  Some of such spiritual experiences have obviously been from the other side--from the one who is always harassing, prowling, mis-directing and trying to steal souls, such as I know, and scripture confirms, we ALL experience. 

But there are particular visions, meetings where it is simply The Lord, Jesus, our friend and intercessor, Who arrives and takes a moment to show up.  And ONE MINUTE or even "seconds" of "time" with Him . . . is enough to serve a lifetime of continued belief and faith!. . . .

[ to be continued....]


Saturday, March 23, 2024

The True Almighty God! (with updated notes:)

Love this song! Praise The True Almighty God!  Glory To God Forever!

(I'm memorizing the lyrics, and will be singing them in my mind, soul in the night, along with The Lord's Prayer . . . during those times when the concerns of the world and the demonic tormenters are ever pressing and harassing, as they do.  I'd suggest you do the same.  Super powerful spiritual defense in these last days.  The angelic army is assembling in glory and victory!)

(Well, and to the one who asked . . . And thank you for your detailed thoughtful, response!:) 

My current thoughts are that God is showing heaven and hell to many right now--well, and while the technology and freedom is still available to share such experiences, while still available. I believe it is a special dispensation of sorts, these revealings, for time is short.  Watching some of Paul Washer's recent sermons--one of my favorite pastors--it is clear HE is being shown the dreadful reality of hell and the seriousness of the matter in ways that he hadn't experienced or had seen before.  Time is short, and The Lord is not to be trifled with in the slightest! So, increasingly intense and vivid visions and warnings are going out, to be shared.  That is my take on the matter, anyhow, and THANK YOU for sharing your comment and your story!  I am humbled, grateful for that . . . and all of you . . . and all that God provides, every thing and creature.  He blows my mind. Always has (thank God!) and I pray, always will, God willing I am fit for His company--WHICH would be up to Him!)

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

The Wicked Thugs Of The Airs & Beware, Hell Is Real

 Well . . . the devil is obvious, and stupid.  He got started out the "best of the best" ... but it went to his head.  (The mystery of iniquity involved with that yet makes me wonder, but it is God's will, majestic and, I dare say, and expectantly yearn for, unfathomable).

So, anyway, being the obvious knucklehead he (the devil) is, ME, myself--being just a fallen mortal made in the image of God--blessedly keep catching him at his game.  When the dumb devil can't be everywhere at once, he has to, and has been employing hell-bound suckers to do his bidding.  

It's set up like a military operation--the realm of "the airs", 2nd heaven.

. . . . ie,. Lieutenants, sergeants, vice-regents, princes, kings, presidents, influencers, stars, thugs, side-family, fake friends, grifters etc., and etc., is what/who he's got to do his tawdry, desperate bidding--to torment and if possible, drag as many to the depths with the ultimately fallen as he can. . . .  

SO, if you are on the radar of the "wicked thugs the airs"--the "2nd heaven" gangster crew... he (ol' scratch) will send henchmen and hirelings to harass, annoy, sicken, break, destroy, murder, blackmail,  , throw things, throw childish evil tantrums, IF he (lucy) CAN'T get to you Spiritually . . . because, SPIRITUALLY, thank God, you are sold out to and believe and have faith in God The Father, Jesus the Savoir, The Holy Spirit!  

Meanwhile, please note, HELL IS REAL!  He has been showing it to me, making me experience it in tiny fragments, which is more than I can barely bare.  It is horrific, BEYOND IMAGINATION! 

It seems to be a thing nowadays, and I concur--there seems to be recent, urgent revealing of that real, hellish reality.  

Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and humility and a truly, deeply repentant heart, mind, and soul!  It's no game. 

A tiny fragment--a miniscule glimpse into that hellish horror, bereft of God's grace . . . is so much worse than I have ever imagined.  

Others who have seen it, experienced it, even slightly, say the same.  It is beyond any mortal, earthly suffering, no matter how bad that can be.  I am a witness and am compelled to warn you all. 

As given, as allowed, humbly, I will futurely convey what I am being shown. . . . 

With this, I also know and have experienced that He is Holy, Love and Righteous, Just. . . . 

But He HATES evil with a PASSION!  He is one to be righteously feared, for He is Lord and Creator of All, and hates the corruption of His creation and His creatures.  THIS is a time especially to understand and respect and humbly submit to this awesome, awe-full part of His Personality and Being.  

For too long, far too many have taken His grace for granted, in weak, self-serving ways, hypocrites, users, mockers, weak and self-serving.  

No!  HE IS LORD and He will not be mocked, and He will not suffer evil foolishness and the perverse, wicked, attempted corruption of His will.  He can't.  He Won't.  He doesn't.  He is HOLY!!!  

This is not a time to be casual in seeking Him.  Nor to take His grace for cheaply granted, if one is not wholly, desperately and thankfully seeking His forgiveness and recognizing His sacrifice and suffering on our behalf.  Please, do not toy with God!  His thunder is rumbling, His lightning is fierce NOW, and He will not be shunted aside for mere selfish baubles of the world.  His Word testifies, He DOES HATE certain things. Beware!

Prov 6:16-19

Heb. 4:12-13 



Friday, March 15, 2024

A Tale Of Woe ;)

 Whew . . . and meanwhile, it's been a jenky year or so.  I'm not one to complain, and haven't, and am not now, just reminiscing, lol.  It's like an extended mechanical demonic attack. . . .

You could say this run of troubles began last winter--THE worst, craziest, snowy winter we've ever had up here in our 18 years on the mountain.  The snow was 12 feet high on either side of our driveway!  Aaaand my old trusty snowblower died just as the beginning storms started (storms that pretty much didn't stop through to March!)  So I had to shovel by hand, pretty much a couple hours each morning just so I could get out to go to work.  Great exercise though!

It really kicked off in May 2023-- both air conditioning and furnace died.  Yikes.  Sooo, yeah, had to figure that out.

Then in August when we had a freak storm here that caused all kinds of damage in our area and flooded our basement where my musical equipment and Isaac's bedroom are.  Had to tear out and get new carpet, paint.  I acted fast when it happened and managed to rescue my instruments and stuff for the most part though.  But that took us weeks and weeks to clean up, and still some places need it!  Insurance didn't cover anything.

Then September Skylar tore the ligaments in his left arm doing heavy lifting at his work. (One year before he tore the ligs in his right arm and had to have surgery and was recovering for 6 months.)

Also in September days after Sky showed up with his new arm injury, Lindsay fell over one of our dogs and I came in from the garage to find her face down on the floor, blood pouring from where she smacked her chin.  Near broken jaw!  She couldn't open her mouth for weeks!  It was scary.  Also fractured a rib and other wounds.  It was a hard fall!  Oh, and also in the midst of that, Lindsay had to have a tooth pulled due to neglect from a prior dentist (we believe).  She still has to get one put back in.  I cracked a tooth about 6 months ago--haven't had a chance to get it dealt with. . . .

A few weeks later, our kitchen facet died--followed by a clogged something or other which made the dishwasher flood from the bottom, lol!

Lindsay does a lot of laundry for the four of us living here, every day.  That was in January. Well, the washer spinner stopped working.  We had to do the old laundromat run!  Eventually got it fixed, but it wasn't cheap. 

Meanwhile, my old work truck has the check engine light on for a year now.  It's not really worth fixing--I will have to break down and figure out a new work car--I have not wanted to get into any car payments, as both our cars are paid off...but will have to acquiesce.  I gotta get to work and really can't miss a day.  Which has now been complicated by the fact my driver's door handle won't open and I have to climb in the passenger side (really impressive to my clients on my jobs lol).  Well, and just got two new tires and new brakes a few months ago.

We did finally get a refurbished snow blower for this winter--BUT it was put together by an old retired guy who likes to fiddle with them as a hobby.  Great old powerful snowblower--IF I COULD GET IT STARTED!  I got it going twice, and it was delightful.  That was back in January.  I tried the electric start the other day, and it blew our breakers.... Soooo, back to hand shoveling.

Well, and with the economy, inflation going on, hitting everybody hard . . . my work really slowed down December through February--which is not a time you want to be scraping by!  Christmas was... well, spiritual!  We really couldn't do anything much present-wise because I've had to pretty much be shelling out big chunks of cash for all these things over the past year.  There's probably several other things I can't even remember.

Hit after hit after hit!  It's been a doozy!

BUT praise God!  There are so many things I am grateful for--life, family and God above all!  And that, while gettin' on in years now, I'm still healthy and strong enough to do my physically demanding job, and still have clients who've stuck with me for years. And, well YOU, and you and you and readers here have been a blessing and encouragement I never take for granted here at this little outpost:)! 

And I know many, many others are also struggling and dealing with challenges and outright tragedies in the days of chaos and attack!  For instance our neighbors across the street just a week ago had to experience their teen granddaughter getting hit by a car and killed!  

Onward Christian Soldiers!

Friday, March 8, 2024

Just Imagine

Pre-election . . . imagine a day, perhaps a Monday, banks close.  And they stay closed for days, weeks possibly.  Internet and power outages.  Sleeper cells strike power plants, water facilities, but you don't know, because there is no information about what is happening.  You can't buy food or gas, because debit card won't work.  Looting, rioting commences.  It doesn't take long until food and water become real issues.  Like a thief in the night, this scenario could suddenly arrive.  All the gangs, terrorists, criminals begin rampaging.  Could small rural communities suddenly find themselves under control of armed cartel-like operators--those folks who thought themselves far from the cities and lawlessness are now surrounded, infested. . . .  Do foreign soldiers under guise of UN forces soon appear to "maintain law and order"?  No news, no one knows what's going on.  It's fend for yourself time. . . .

I pray not.  I hope not.  But won't be one bit surprised if the "next big thing" has a shape similar to this scenario.  Think ahead, have some sort of plan.  Imagine this worst case scenario, what you will, should do.  Of course, staying in close relationship with God, with the guidance of The Holy Spirit, for Believers is preeminent, for I do believe there WLL be guidance for His remnant, as always.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

The Good Shepherd

 "Amen, amen, I say to you Pharisees, whoever does not enter a sheepfold through the gate but climbs over elsewhere is a thief and a robber.

But whoever enters through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. 'The gatekeeper opens it for him, and the sheep hear his voice, as he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.'

When he has driven out all of his own he walks ahead of them, and the sheep follow him, because they recognize his voice. But they will not follow a stranger; they will run away from him, because they do not recognize the voice of strangers.'   Although Jesus used this figure of speech, they did not realize what he was trying to tell them.

So Jesus said again, 'Amen, amen, I say to you, I am the gate for the sheep.  All who came before are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen them.  I am the gate. Whoever enters through me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture.

A thief comes only to steal and slaughter and destroy; I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.  I am the good shepherd.  A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."  --John 10

Thursday, February 29, 2024

No Joys To Seek In The Nether World, so don't be greedy here/+ updates

 "Happy the man whose mouth brings him no grief, who is not stung by remorse for sin.  Happy the man whose conscience does not reproach him, who has not lost hope.

Wealth ill becomes the mean man; and to the miser, of what use is gold?

What he denies himself he collects for others, and in his possessions a stranger will revel.

To whom will he be generous who is stingy with himself and does not enjoy what is his own?

None is more stingy than he who is stingy with himself; he punishes his own miserliness. 

If ever he is generous, it is by mistake; and in the end he displays his greed.  In the miser's opinion his share is too small; he refuses his neighbor and brings ruin on himself.

The miser's eye is rapacious for bread, but on his own table he sets it stale.

My son, use freely whatever you have and enjoy it as best you can; remember that death does no tarry, nor have you been told the grave's appointed time.

Before you die, be good to your friend, and give him a share in what you possess.

Deprive not yourself of present good things, let no choice portion escape you.

Will you not leave your riches to others, and your earnings to be divided by lot?

Give, take and treat yourself well, for in the nether world there are no joys to seek.

All flesh grows old, like a garment; the age-old law is: All must die.

As with the leaves that grow on a vigorous tree: one falls off and another sprouts--So with the generations of flesh and blood:

one dies and another is born.

All man's works will perish in decay, and his handiwork will follow after him."

--Sirach 14:1-19 NAB


I grabbed one of my many bibles the other day, and quick opened it "randomly" to this report above ^

Anyway... a lot going on on all sides.  I'm always pressing on, despite the slog and ruckus. . . . 

The world is and always has been pressing in in it's own way (especially now with our youngest son having hit the "big time" (music biz stuff, number one song in the "world", "Beautiful Things"....hit in the music biz world which I turned MY back on early on, and have warned of, soul-wise, for him since a child--but each to their own, and, so far, as far as I know, he has not "gone into the basement" (I've warned him: "just don't go into the basement where the dark things happen AND THEY GET IT ON tape" .... cuz then they/he got you hard.... the devil got you, suckered you .... 

Well...  AND meanwhile, ... apparently my danged ol' grandpa's artwork was just featured AGAIN on that tv show "American Pickers" last night... I guess his artwork and stuff is "collectible" so they say.... 

A bit surreal, lol... 

BUT, so, definitely got a heads up re swirling surreal interest about.... And, likewise do appreciate, adhere to that, we are to be in the world but not OF it.....

Meanwhile.... I've just been painting, praying, cooking, thinking, writing, doing workaday world as given and grateful for every living moment!.... taking care of family--the couple boys with some special needs still at home...lovely persevering wife of 40 yrs. plus 2 gettin' old dogs, The Bruce and Dude.

And, of course, I'm well aware of the agitprop and geo-political usual machinations going on....It's all basically Marxist/Globalist/satanic drivel as I long ago predicted it would be.... Yup. 

Nevertheless, as always . . . . . . . staying focused on, and praising above all, GOD ALMIGHTY, amidst the swirling battles, storms, depravations, insinuations and odd surreal worldly appurtenances/annoyances and blessings.... 

bro t


Tuesday, February 20, 2024

If You Find Yourself....PRAISE GOD!

 So . . . my friend wrote back . . . and I read the first  sentence and was slightly afeared that he was going to say all the hell, demon, scary talk . . . was something that he just couldn't abide, or that he doubted such things, ie., couldn't "imagine a 'loving god' creating such a world/reality".  

But turns out, he simply said, in so many words, that he was glad I had such visions rather than him!, because . . . his own memory of past sins was enough torment already! . . . and that, (as every Believer has experienced, I dare say) he so much as said, "how could God forgive ME, after all I've done and not done!"

THAT is a beautiful response!

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom!  

What is lacking in these days of ubiquitous distraction and fluffing and marginalizing the potential destitution of our mortal, fallen situation?  





THIS in-between-ish worldly mortal state IS REAL and important!

It's not a fantasy.  It is not a Disney movie.  It is not up for grabs.  

When the Holy Spirit convicts your Spiritual heart and soul, and (GOD WILLING) body too!.... Then you will find yourself flat down on face, in awe, in worship, in love, and yes, in righteous fear of THE ONE ONLY TRUE GOD OF ALL!

The way is strait and narrow.  Many are "called" . . . but few are chosen.  

If and when you find yourself chosen . . . all you can do is, yet again, give thanks and adulation to The One Who Saved you.!  All glory and thanks and praise always and only go to HIM, The Savior of humankind........ (sidenote, btw, not a fan of the series "the chosen"). 

When times get rough, you will find yourself considering that NO suffering you will, or have, or are experiencing now REMOTELY compares to what Jesus took upon Himself--the unblemished sacrifice, Who suffered ALL for ALL!  

An innocent man AND God Himself!  Beaten, tortured, lied on, maligned, abused, spit on, whipped, mocked, tempted, thrashed, bleeding, DYING on behalf of those who love and choose and worship The Father ABOVE ALL!  ABOVE ALL!!!

AND THEN HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD.  The FIRSTBORN from the dead, resurrected! PROOF!

Take heart, if you find yourself recognizing THE PROOF . . . AND being Spoken to and acknowledging and believing in, and striving for, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and The Father--THE ONE TRUE AND ONLY GOD!

(Whose Word testifies Thereof!)


Sunday, February 18, 2024

A Note To A Friend (and to you)

This is my safe space, this now longtime "blog"..... where I can and love to just share only what is Spiritually given, God willing, and Hear and appreciate you.

The following is a text message I recently sent to an old musician friend, who was typical atheist back-in-the-day .... We met via musical interests . . . back around 2000AD... Love the dude.. sweet... super talented, one of the over-looked--we've collaborated on a few albums worth of work, amidst the day-to-day worldly survival lives we were both living meanwhile. Our "project" was under the name I came up with at the time, "The Most Fallen".

.....ANYWAY... as I continued to evangilize to him, (C.S. Lewis was a good entry angle)... he went from atheist/agnostic . . . to a Believer!... as we continued texting and talking and doing music. Praise God!   

(sidenote... Music-wise.... he got me to appreciating the Beach Boys/Brian Wilson... and I got him into realizing Bowie's musical acumen/nuance and catalog. 

So... most of all ... GOD ... and God talk with family, friends and fellows is, for me, most important above all..

So the below is what I wrote [anything in brackets is my added notes, btw, otherwise, as usual when I relate these inside missives, I will keep the text grammar/verbiage as is... fwiw:) 


Well... and he has just responded since this... which I think will make for an interesting, hopefully edifying message, sharing, as I know we experience similar trajectories as we move ALONG THE WAY . . . amidst the Spiritual confluences, internal questions, and usual intensities that Believers experience...  especially now, cutting edge....


"Spiritual sidenote... (Sorry, just venting . . . to a friend:)  you!  One of my only friends still standing . . . who actually has a brain and soul and gets nuance.

I got a vision of Hell.  several months ago....

...and it has been and is continuing to scare the hell out of me.

This life is a vapor... I've always been seeking God, it's all through my lyrics ...  But what I was shown--unexpected and out of the blue, was a slap in the face, wake-up call.

. . . . It shook me to my core, because, ie., compared to all the tawdry, stupid, worldly nonsense going on all around us in the world, I've tended to think, "hey, I'm doing alright comparatively...."

But... whew.. just like when I experienced the initial "great dressing down" (as I've described it--the four hour vision April 16th, 2004 in St. George, UT) . . . when I was in a def scary state of things--that's when Jesus came and showed me all my awful actual being [hypocrisy, sins] it went on for hours [I saw the future, I saw across the veil into the intermediary dimensions . . . I suspect the "2nd heaven"]

Well . . . anyway

I believe that's when I got "born again" as they say... and I did pull out of a very dangerous trajectory.... and did become a full-blooded Christian/Believer...(at the time, as you recall, I was Vaishnava/Hindu-ish).

Then time passes... and some superficial "backsliding".. here and there, but overall, pretty dang straight.

But then, as He always has, does, He comes back to pull me out of any mire... and, yes, the usual ongoing multitudinous demonic attacks [demons are assigned to you at birth, via generational legionary assignments, btw] those legions who hate it when you PERSERVERE!....

I indeed saw a snippet of literal hell... and it's biblical... and now I'm wanting to do anything and everything (especially the talents gifted, ie., musical, while still alive .... ) to glorify Him.. and walk the narrow path...

Not so simple.. but maybe it can be.. as pertains to still being in the world but not of it.

Forgive me getting a few things off my chest.. just in the midst of the holy battle. Love you btw.   Appreciate YOUR perseverance and friendship always and ongoing!"


Sunday, February 11, 2024

Do Not Let Up In Desire To Know And Please God!

 "I am sensible of my natural corruption, which renders me incapable of all supernatural good, and prone to all evil: but cast myself on the mercies of a God who can bring much out of little, as He produced all things out of nothing; since it is not sufficient for me to know my own nothingness, and that I ought to glory in nothing save only in my infirmities; I should also (for this is most important) be guided by a humble diffidence in myself, and a firm confidence in God, to whom nothing is impossible.  

"When I find no consolation in man, then it is I feel indeed the happy necessity to have recourse in God, and of depending upon Him; happy that, all being wanting to me, without Thee.  O Lord, I should find my all in Thee!  Well might holy Job thus express himself: Thine eyes are upon me, and I shall be no more.  For when I think of Thee, my God! I feel within me an ardent desire of pleasing Thee, and everything disappears from before me, when Thou dost present Thyself to my soul."


This was given to me to impart today and bears (fwiw) the gist of my ongoing, current modus operandi, mentally, spiritually . . . in these days of intense, intended chaos and swirling demons yet on the loose creating havoc as much as possible before their time has come.  Everyday (let alone every minute!) we must observe the following scripture and keep it's warning close to heart--for even in small things, there is temptation towards the world.  

All is for and in and under the purposes and glory of God.  Strive!  Press!  Yearn!  He loves that you seek to love and know Him!  So many don't.  They don't give it even a shred of thought or care.  Maybe once or twice in a bad spot in life . . . for a desperate moment they barely do, giving it as much credence as throwing a penny into a wishing well; but then they (ignoring His mercy) go right back to their senseless, wickedly inspired gallivanting with the world (in uncontrolled thoughts, deeds, intentions, secret desires, deals made, etc. and etc.):

"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"  --Matt. 16:26

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Love Worshipping God!

What does it profit . . . a person . . . to "gain" the world . . . and yet . . . lose their SOUL!?


What is that?

Is it YOU . . . and YOUR wishes, dreams, wants, needs?




It's not first about YOU.  

YES, He is so gracious and creative and magnanimous and endlessly gifting and providing such that you find yourself existing as a creature in His Kingdom!  What a gift!  He doesn't need to do anything.  He is that He is!  But He made you and wants you to experience the majesty of His Eternal Being!

When you are graced with understanding and being a part of this knowledge . . . all you want to do is WORSHIP HIM--WORSHIP GOD!  THE I AM THAT I AM!  Praising The Lord and exemplifying His mind in this fallen world, for now, is what we have to do.  Everything else is chaff in the blowing wind of ephemeral days, vapors, come and gone. . . .


Sunday, February 4, 2024

The Preps To Be Done Are Within...and NOW

 Obviously, we're in for it.  Things will get even more intense and nutty; to say the least. . . .

There are a few pragmatic preparations to make . . . but, having watched it unfolding and knowing where it's going, I long have, and still do--primarily above all the worldly happenings--stay focused on GOD.

The preparation above all . . . are Spiritual.  That's it.  Within.  Within the heart dedicated, sold-out to The Lord.

Seek God first.  HE will sort out the rest for your best being.


"Most people have no higher object or pursuit than the narrow limits of this vain, perishing world, and are therefor led captive by Satan at his will.  Thus it will be till sovereign grace effects a change; for at that happy period, a new world arises in the regenerate soul.  But they who live and die slaves to their lusts and passions must perish every-lastingly; so Scripture and reason evince, "If ye live after the flesh, ye shall die." (Rom. 8:13)

"'Attend to the friendly cautions and admonitions: 'Evil communications corrupt good manners' --1 Cor. 15:33.  'Abstain from all appearance of evil.' --1 Thess 5:22.  'Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation.' --Matt. 26:41.  'Ever keep a good watch over the thoughts of your heart, which our Lord tells us is the resource of every abomination.' --Matt. 15:19.  'Our thoughts are heard in heaven.' --Young.

"'Christ purged his temple: so must thou thy heart.  All sinful thoughts are theieves together met to cozen thee.'" --Herbert

[notes from "The Holy War" --J. Bunyan]

Friday, February 2, 2024

40+ "Talkin' For".....

  • It's our 40th Anniversary today, Lindsay and I.  
  • Lol, Groundhog Day!  
  • I like that we were so young and not thinking about branding or timing or much at all except there was a day we decided to marry!  (Turns out it was Groundhog Day!--hey but easy to remember;)
  • We didn't go for all the wedding falderal . . . we just slipped out to a local magistrate in the a local small township nearby, the two of us, and had a lady cop/security person there to be the witness.
  • Married 40 years.  
  • Well, and it goes back a little further than that. We actually sorta met, saw each other at a silly high school party in the neighborhood.  I was 16, she was 14.  I saw her across the room.  (My song "Talking For" on my Vistanaut debut album "Apollo Down" describes it a bit, fwiw) 
  • Then we kept bumping into each other through various parties and school functions, proms, "stomps", "dances" etc.
  • Anyway, there were/are lots of "synchronicities" and extended family connections going back through a couple generations turns out. . . .
  • A tapestry, woven, obviously by God's own hand.  AS ARE ALL of us and our situations.
  • (Here is a pic of us from just a couple years ago)

[I don't know if this link works... 😬 but if interested, it's the aforementioned song of mine "Talkin' For"]

Monday, January 29, 2024

Urgent! Get ready, get real, bear Good fruit!

 "Every tree that does not produce good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire." --Matthew 7:19

Judgment is coming.  Coming to me and to you and everyone else. . . !  It is but a vapor away. . . .

If you are talking to, in relationship with--in awesome fear and love of God . . . then you must be bearing good fruit, NOT walking in the way of the world, but walking and talking with The Lord daily now.

Heaven and Hell is where it's at.  This world is but a proving ground, a temporary experience along the way.  There are only two ways to go. . . .

And yes, it's as serious as it especially feels and what you are hearing in The Spirit these recent days.

[As always, although I haven't mentioned it in a while--I'm speaking to myself first off and then sharing the sentiment!]

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Thank You And God Bless You

First off, thank you!  It's mostly a lonely walk, I know and so, I am deeply grateful for any commiserating, cross-carrying, fellow disciples of The Master lending a hand, along the way, in this day and age. . . . God bless you:)!

 ......And, to that end, fwiw, I do like to go on record now and again with a few recent handwritten scraps/notes that I find crumpled in pocket along The Way:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

--Perfect love casts out all fear.  Love casts out demons!  God is Love.

--Your home is/should be your church

--Why do they hate a God they don't believe in?

--When you resist the devil (and he thought he had you through his various minions) the devil will come himself attempting to retrieve with fury.  BUT, he is vanquished by Christ, so call out His name and Know that The Lord has got you, and will protect and save you from the torments and hellish future designed for the wicked and those who love darkness over Light.

--I pray to be gifted the Love of God, and now especially to Know the Love that God has for me.

--"Empty buckets are most fit for the well of grace."  --Spurgeon  

[...."these shall be filled while the full ones stand idle at the well's mouth"]

Is This How It Goes? (PolySci Thought experiment:)

 When Barry Soetoro was first in the running for prez . . . I recall writing here immediately, "he is a stone-cold Marxist".  That was back when many were swooning at the prospect of--as dummy Joe then said--"the first black candidate who is clean, smart . . . blah blah blah . . . it's storybook man!"

I also wrote that he (B.S./B.O.) was not ever going away.  As in, even after the 8 yrs were done, he wasn't going anywhere.  Then he got his compound in D.C. and has been behind the scenes ever since, as many now have recognized (well, and we know he is just a whore/stooge for the higher-ups in the cabal. . . .  

And, of course, that means that big mike wasn't out of the scene either.  Now we see it all fleshing out as expected.

So, is this what's coming down the pike?  Well, let's do a little thought experiment. . . . .

Something kicks off.  Probably a J6 2.0 setup of sorts?  Then other "terror" events, coordinated . . . get underway. . . . The Don is meanwhile ranging about and it's obvious that there is lots of support for him, as if it were inevitable that he would "genuinely", obviously win the election . . . BUT . . . the internal chaos/"civil way" psyop (white nationalists etc, etc. blah blah blah) plus the targeting of certain infrastructure/cyber and hard targets leads to state of emergency . . . elections suspended or reordered in some fashion . . . . . . then for "healing of the country" purposed . . . big mike rides in on the white horse, and perhaps (as I've long thought/seen) some sort of "panel government", general "politburo", ruling committee takes over amidst the national crisis. . . . Now, it is intended that everyone (especially the "nationalists/patriots") see this blatantly unfolding/manipulated . . . SUCH THAT . . . when it does, they finally lose their sh*t and have had enough! . . . . . . . . Chaos ensues, rebellion, "civil war" . . . and then inevitable camps/gulags/roundups/isolations/exterminations for those who don't "get with the program and get on board the New World Order train, as we head down the tracks towards a brave and bright new future" (lol, sorry, just quoting myself there from my '91 T-Ray NWO Regional Director satirical audio bit. . . )

[Well, and throw in some new pandemic stuff and a few major "natural catastrophe's", and towards tail end of that, start winding up the alien invasion/visitors thing. . . . Just to wrap it all up toward 2030, into a nice (bloody, decrepit, corrupt, perverse, wicked) tight Satanic bow. . . .] 

Thursday, January 25, 2024

T-Square Operation

 Well . . . and  . . . anyone kickin' around, readin' around these ol' truth nuggety hills of a blog, must now be recognizing what's about to take full force; ye ol' T-Square operation. Down in the heart of T____

Trust none but God--none but those who have God within, in these times.

T square . . . T rump . . . T xas . . . J sixish

Set-ups going on.  

For the T people. . . .  Traps are being laid; be wise as the serpents, beware; which one can do without selling out one's soul. . . . 

Real martyrs and martyrs of sorts will abound, 

yet too there is always a remnant to carry on. . . .

By The Way You Live

 "When Satan has obtained full possession of the heart, he gradually draws it off from the observance of those duties we owe to God and man, as reasonable creatures: such as ordinances, public and private prayer, obedience and affection to parents and relatives; and also from that important duty essential to the welfare of our immortal spirits, self-examination.  These being neglected, the sinner becomes at length, be evil courses, 'to every good work reprobate.'"  - -"The Holy War", Bunyan, notes.

"May the Lord stir us up to use the means of grace, that we may not thus make shipwreck of faith and a good conscience!"

"They profess that they know God; but by their works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate."

"Such people claim they know God, but they deny him by the way they live. They are detestable and disobedient, worthless for doing anything good."

--Tit. 1:16

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Heeding The Call!

 "Calling, Call" ... [What it means, Biblically . . . and VERY important, critical to know and heed NOW.]

"This [Calling, Call] is one of the most common words in the Bible, representing over twenty words in the Hebrew and Greek text.  In the Old Testament the emphasis is on Israel's corporate destiny; whereas in the New Testament the emphasis is on the call of the individual to repentance, faith and service.

The 'called' comprise a larger group than the 'chosen' who respond.

 . . . . The verb 'call' and the noun 'calling' almost always denote that sort of call which is issued by the Father, and is made effective through the Spirit.  It is [just] such a call that produces response of faith in Christ.

. . . . As the message of the Gospel is heralded to every creature, as the general call is issued, God works by His Spirit in the hearts of those chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world to draw them to the Son. Such a call is issued by the Father, made effective by the Spirit through the Word and draws us into fellowship with the Son." 

--Zondervan Vol. 1(emphases, mine)

Friday, January 19, 2024

Prepare Your Soul, Storm Approaching

 An impending sense of a kind of dread has been growing in me for a while now and is only getting closer, stronger.  In my mind it looks like a dark, dense, inevitable storm looming on the horizon, while feeling it also closing in on all sides.  In my dreams I see life and bustle carrying on, but across the way, on the horizon, a preternatural, dense, black wall of storm clouds, flashing with lightning is noticed and it is approaching with increasing destructive speed.

Metaphorically, that is what the rising overall apprehending of an encroaching, malevolent danger has been like.  In general, it doesn't shake off.  Only in Godly contemplation and prayer and immersion in the things of the Spirit, is it assuaged.  It is like sensing some unseen predator or lurking doom,  persistently present.

The foreboding impression of its inevitability casts a pall over day to day life, and especially in the quiet of night, visionary flashes of its details shock.

And just from simple, informed analysis and observation of all that's going on, I don't believe that "they"--the sold-out minions of the wicked one, will relent one bit in their march for total conquest and destruction of God's people.  They WILL implement all of their various schemes of totalitarian control.  They WILL increasingly target, marginalize, subvert, infiltrate the few willing to take a stand against the worldwide, coordinated tyranny.  They are vicious, hateful, evil, demonic, desperate, and short on time.  

They are also delusional in their beguiled, spiritually diseased and morbid state.  They actually believe they can win, defeat God and His plan of salvation.  And I remember once pondering, perplexed and asking The Lord just how could these (so-called "elites") carry out and continue their obviously destructive, wicked, perverse agendas on the people and this creation.  And He answered--or showed me, rather--a look into their mindset.  They believe THEY are doing "good"!  They believe that their god, is the "good" god! And that his methods are ultimately the best in the end for humanity and the world!  Sure you have to "crack a few eggs to make an omelet" but the end result is worth the pain, torture, destruction, murder, perversion, suffering of others, in the meantime.  

"Something wicked this way comes".  I believe and sense, there is no stopping it.  It has already been held off for a while, no doubt due to God's mercy and other's intercessory prayers.  But I can hear the rumbling of the approaching hoofbeats, the roar of distant, but approaching thunder and torrents.  A general hostile, malicious humming, buzzing is in the air. . . .

Prepare your soul!

Thursday, January 4, 2024

"Poignant & Nice" expounded

 And by "poignant and nice"--some understated verbiage . . . I mean: 

Straight to the heart, heartfelt received, lovely, indeed, slogging about in the trenches while sold-out dedicated, carrying one's own cross, pertinent, hitting the mark, bullseye, . . .  Leaving all behind that is not of and for God, not looking back--neither to the left or right, aspiring slave of Truth, of God. . . . Joyously received amidst the darts of the wicked besides, hearing and sharing the Call while in the din of battle on all sides, praising God for Spiritual fellowship in this fallen world, humbly experiencing His clarion Call to order, sharing some food and water in the trenches while enemy missiles fly overhead exploding and seeking to destroy, shouting and whispering throughout the din of warfare to beloved comrades, and no time for trifles meanwhile. . . .!

Nothing and no one unclean, unrighteous can inherit the kingdom of God.  And so were some of you, but you are now washed, justified, sanctified in the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of God.  --1 Cor. 6:9  

Trench Warfare & The Unveiling


"Thanks Bro T.

I consider your communications like dispatches to the front lines and we are receiving them huddled in cold and muddy trenches, (halted) for now. I always enjoy them like letters from home, words that are pondered on but hastily written for the troops who are still alive. I imagine them being hurriedly sent out in the dark of the night; as we read them carefully under candle light and know that the Holy spirit is ministering to us and has not forgotten us at all.
God Speed

Thank you Steven for your poignant, nice commentary!  It describes quite well just how I feel about the various missives.  Indeed--AND IT'S BLESSED TO SEE AND EXPERIENCE!--the darker, the more perverse, the onslaught of evil, lies, wickedness becomes, the brighter the Light!  God will not be mocked nor leave His people bereft of strong, real Holy Spirit Presence amidst the intended chaos!

Well, and the lies and rampant iniquity, long hidden in the shadows, is coming to light.  A lot of truth is being revealed lately, in a torrent.  The world is not going to change direction from these revelations of what has been going on behind the scenes (of Hollywood, music/entertainment industry, politics)  BUT many are waking up and individually there IS a lot of change of direction underway.  It looks like "the apocalypse" (the unveiling) and "the winnowing fork is at hand"!--Matt 3:12.

I am myself certainly feeling an intensified (blessedly compelled) drawing-in to His Spirit, Truth, Holiness, preparing for Heaven!

Brother Thomas ©2005

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