Below is a "reprint" of a blog I wrote in 2011, which includes some earlier blogs from 2007 era.
May be apropos to recall it. I have elsewhere mentioned my certain "dreams" that go back about 30 or more years . . . where . . . there comes a night . . . when the whole night sky is filled with luminescent crafts of all shapes, sizes, design etc. It was such that the whole sky was packed from end to end . . . with "crafts". Obviously, it was a game changer, because EVERYBODY could and did see it, so profound that it was.
I only bring this up because I am hearing about the now almost ubiquitous sightings of strange UAP etc in the skies lately....
Anyway, yes, below, I'm reposting an old post that may have some relation to what is going on and perhaps what is about to go on....

Here are some mentions from the past . . . looking forward to this time soon upon us--actually seeming now to manifest. I am hearing some otherwise standard bearing people in the "alternative" "news" "inside info" scene . . . talking positively about the "good" aliens . . . of the "galactic federation" versus ie., the "bad" aliens such as the "dracos" or "reptilians" . . . . .
I have been warning that when this thing breaks . . . it is going to be very seductive and many, MANY will fall for it. Even many who thought for sure they would never jump on board the "space brother" train . . . WILL.
I am starting to get a new picture in mind of how I think it might all be portrayed, the theater of it all . . . . Been waiting for that . . . . Now seems to be firming up . . . .
Great and incredible and wondrous signs and events will occur . . . to knock you off your simple, Gospel based relationship with the Lord. Fantastical things will vie for your heart and mind and soul. People will forget the basics; the simplicity of the Way; being Good, honest, chaste, forthright, loving . . . and will go in for all sorts of exotic exercises and theories and "experiences" . . . . . . . . distraction, mis-direction, subversion, subsuming, this thing will come with power; the believer must be a fortress . . . and will often be alone, holding out against the tide of public euphoria and opinion . . . . . .
"NEXT–and this will be THE BIG DOOZY–will be when these same satanic conspiratorialists bring about “CONTACT” with the “true” CREATORS of humankind–our “space brothers” . . . the aliens! . . . . Thus removing/destroying the concept of God the Father as well as the Son.
Who will be able to withstand such a psychologically powerful juggernaut? Who will argue– when the “spaceships” actually land, and seeming creatures from another galaxy present themselves and their apparently superior culture and technology and announce–that THEY are the creators of humankind on earth?
Only those with the inside track–personal knowledge and relationship with the Truth Himself will be able to withstand this shock and the accompanying social peer pressure to accede to the “new revelation”.
Such a public promotion of the “Lost Tomb of Jesus” (a worn-out, ancient lie promoted by perverts and sodomites in the past, ad nauseum) . . . shows that the Luciferians are feeling bold–I suspect it won’t be too long before “contact” is made with the “creators” themselves . . . . . . . . . .
Just know, that this is all nothing new. The attack on the faithful has been ongoing since the Fall in the Garden. “Same old thing, in brand new drag”, as D. B. once sang . . . . ."
Posted March 4, 2007
"Certainly, we are on the fast track, as suspected . . . going into the next few years, to 2010, 2012 . . . . and in between . . . the changes “they” have in store for the masses, are really breathtaking considered in light of the much more gradual acceleration of things priorly.
I would expect along with increasing “serious” discussion of ufos and ETs, there will be a parallel course emphasizing archaeological discoveries . . . which tend to support the overall attack on biblical thought and teaching . . . . Along with possibly some historical documents found or “revealed” a la’ Da Vinci code or Jesus’ purported tomb type stuff . . . . .
… the puppet masters begin their full court press for the big changeover to the new world spiritual/world techno-occulto-tronic order . . . . .But especially, when these “new discoveries” and wonders of the universe are sprung on the world, and then even the ETs themselves, to help us with our problems “if it just weren’t for those pesky Christians and Orthodox jews and Muslims . . . but especially the Christians” . . . . .
ostracization, persecution, discrimination, badgering, brow-beating, and on and on will be the reward for the faithful in the beginning of all this . . . . ."
Posted July 7, 2007
“Service to Self” vs. “Service to Others” …….. “2012″ ……… “The Shift” ………. “4th Density” “3rd Density” …….”earth’s frequency” “Sons of Darkness” ….. “Extremists” …….. “Fundamentalists” ……… “Galactic Federation” …….. “Lightworkers” …… “forces of Light vs. forces of Dark” …… “Self Needs vs Other Needs” ….. “Harmonic Convergence” ….. “Galactic Wave” …….. “Ascension” …… “the Galactic Shift” …… “Creator Mother” …… “the Sacred Feminine” ….. “Space Brothers” …… “Convergence” …… “Synthesis” …….. “Transhuman” ….. “the Christ Principle” …… “consciousness-shifting paradigm” ……. “Transpersonal” ….. “The Awakening” …… “Star Kids” …. “Indigo Children” ……. “Sustainability” ……… “Light and Life”
. . . . . . .
The above phrases are COMMON parlance and some of the code-words which will lead the way to the persecution, torture and murder of believers in the Jesus of the bible.
A smile on their face, a flower in their hair, these “service to others”-denizens of the “coming shift” will sing “new age” hymns as they gleefully seek to destroy the vestiges of “the Age of Pisces”……….including all the men, women and children they deem part of it.
Just a heads up for those of you not so familiar with what’s really going on in the world . . . .
You will see more of these terms mingled into mainstream media……just as t.v. shows like “Heroes” subtley teach the Luciferic doctrine of conscious evolution and humanist supremacy and the coming super race ……..
It is true, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions ………
Evil is seductive and parades as Good in the beginning ………
“Good shall be called Bad, Bad shall be called Good” is a biblical warning we now live amidst….
The devil always encourages “liberty”, “knowledge” and “self-fulfillment” at first….but always leads to slavery, ignorance and self-destruction……….
Many are called, few are chosen…..because it is hard to perceive the subtle and seductive deception………MANY will follow the way of so-called “Light and Life” ……..
Beware, my brother…….take heed my sister…….."
Posted February 20, 2007
1 comment:
Greetings Bro. T.,
WOW.. This is wild.. I just had a memory jogger when I ran across a post on X. Well, it seems, FWIW, that that news agency Breaking911 had a headliner about UFO research by the big boys... A classified briefing.. Another friend of mine has been warning about Satan's "tricks in the sky" for a couple years now.. So, it seems that the big show in the sky is going to be upon us sooner than later? I'm not sure if you heard about the Miami mall event from about a year or so ago. What my friend mentioned on his radio show was that 3 creatures (beings) that were around 10 to 12 feet tall manifested (became visible) for a few minutes. Which caused a major ruckus in the mall. Dozens of squad cars arrived too. It was discovered (learned) afterwards that a teenager of one of those policemen asked his dad about it. His dad's reply was that everyone was instructed NOT to discuss anything. A gag order from on high. Probably from very high levels? This makes one wonder if this is a pre-apocalypse visitation? Something on biblical levels? My friend that relayed this story said that those entities were demigods. Anyways, these entities can't be killed by human means.. This video was hard to find again.. But I found it.. Perhaps you can translate what these guys are saying? Some say that this video came from some kind of video game and its really old.. I will just leave it to that... However, when one looks deeply into movies, the people that write the scripts seem to have a knowledge or understanding of things (supernatural) that 99.99% of us don't.. It's as if THEY are tapped into something other worldly? JTOL. :)
Peace, Love and the Lord's favor,
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