Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Romney's' Recalls And The Webs They Weave

 I see in the news, Romney gave a farewell address. . . . I have some crossing paths with the Romneys, starting with George W, and his white cowboy hat I wore for several years as a 13-14 year old, which he left in the house we bought and he left behind with a few political poster signs.  I actually liked that hat, it had George's name embroidered in the brim, nice hat.  Lost it or someone (more likely) stole it.

Then, sitting in a 4 by 5 foot room across the table from Mitt, just before the 2002 Utah Winter Olympics.  I was on a special assignment via my law school at the time.  

We talked; there were about 4 of us in the room, besides Mitty.  I didn't like him from drop one.  I said to myself, "this guy wants to be president, he's slimy and I don't trust him at all".  AND, I told my wife that when I got home and mentioned that I got to meet with "the savior/CEO" of the 2002 Olympics. . . .

Then, oddly, one of my cousins turned out to be his primary campaign finance head.  It was all "Mormon" nepotism, legacy familial connection stuff.  

I NEVER like the cat.  Could See him from the get -go. Never was a fan, never voted for him, pretty much have been disgusted by him and not fooled by him from day one--and had the experience of sitting across the table, a couple feet away from him, sussing him out in person, as he was plotting his would-be ascension. . . .

I tried to warn certain people.    

I'll just say . . . fwiw, . . . still note who I go all in for (politically) and who I don't. . . .

Ahh. the webs they weave. . . . 

1 comment:

Roger said...

Greetings Bro. T.

Yep.. It's amazing, isn't it, when one has the spiritual eye and intuition to see someone for who they really are? And what really marvels me is when I try to explain this to someone that doesn't have spiritual discernment, and all I get in response is the 1,000 yard stare of a deer in the headlights....

Peace, Love, and the Lord's favor,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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