A few old posts I could find. For a while I saw Syria trouble as being one of the big last "red flag's" before ... well . . . all hell breaks loose, so-to-speak. So, noting that Syria is up front lately, just though I'd revisit....
--"Syria . . . I’ve always been keeping an eye on Syria as an initial flash point to get the real hot war in the Mideast started ….I’ve expected that the things will not start so much with Iran but Syria . . . that the first big attacks, either by Israel or the U.S. will not be at Iran but Syria." Posted 6-07-07
--"For a couple of years I’ve been emphasizing Syria over Iran in terms of important triggers in the Mid East and suggesting that war with Syria would likely precede war with Iran. This came from a “vision” in the spring of ‘05 . . . . " Posted 7-08-07
--[Purport: I've long seen Syria as a big trigger point. I think if the U.S. takes any military action in or against Syria . . . Israel does, as seems almost to be starting today in the news . . . then we will seriously at last be entering into the real first bullets of the the 3rd Mid East related World War . . . . Russia will become engaged at the point . . . . It looks like the "octopus" I "saw" going into Pakistan . . . is now in Syria too . . . . Syria is a big deal . . . a major sign post, marker point, trip wire in the larger chaos operation ..... ] Posted 6-21-11
1 comment:
Greetings Bro. T.,
WOW.. From 17 years ago and 13 years ago... Yikes... This is scary stuff....
Peace, Love and the Lord's favor,
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