Monday, December 2, 2024

The Persevering Heart, Soul/Mind & Spirit....

 Well . . . and not a fan of bombing people.  Not a fan of starting fires to burn, kill people out of their neighborhoods and homes . . . terrified children, innocent animals, women, men, nor flooding, freezing them, starving them to death like animals to the shoulder-shrugging slaughter.

There ARE "people" here in this realm, who actually get off on it.  THEY LOVE AND GLORIFY EVIL, CRUELTY, OPPRESSION, MURDER, SUBVERSION et al.

I step over and save wayward boxelder bugs and feel sorry for them in the coming cold.  

I'm not saying "oh, I'm so great, so nice...."

I'm just saying, if I stand back and objectively observe--causing any intentional harm on anyone or anything, without any sense of compassion or empathy . . . it is utterly foreign to me.  

There is actual evil here, and "people" who actually ENJOY and profit from inflicting it on others, to gain power, money, prestige, status etc.  THAT mindset, spiritual-set, is SO repulsive and heartbreaking, it is hard to even notice and acknowledge.  But, there it is.  

THAT realization--that there are those (more than one might imagine) who have no problem with it, is what shook to me to my core and still does.

THAT realization was the final straw . . . for me . . . coming to recognize, realize . . . that if there is actual EVIL INTENT . . . then, the devil is real; thus GOD is real.

If there is evil, there is good.

The eastern philosophies and mysticism try to blend it all together--but that is a lie.  There is no blending good and evil.  YES, we experience and are capable and do both . . . BUT GOD IS GOOD!  And The Way is NOT through "balancing", accommodating, syncretizing good and evil together.

The antithesis to God . . . is, at the end of the day, meant to glorify His character, as He so wills.  So yes, we see and experience that antithesis.  But know, it is meant to glorify and exemplify and exalt HIS Holy nature!  Those with eyes to see and ears to hear . . . understand this mystery . . . enough to cleave unto His Being and Truth

It is a hard truth to fathom and accept--hence why so many just get mad, hate God, hate His Sovereignty, hate that HE is GOD and He will do what He will; but it is not for ANY of His creatures to complain and imagine they would do it "better" or fashion some sort of usurpation.  

It is not about YOU!  It is not about the creature! .. YES ... we are blessed to be created for His design and unfathomable will and purpose; but the fool would try and overturn God's Design!

Hence, with those who would . . . you end up having creatures bombing, burning, perverting, murdering, lying, sneaking, stealing, subverting; whereas, if the creature would simply submit and acknowledge and be grateful for and worship GOD'S SOVEREIGNTY and The I AM THAT I AM . . . peace and love and goodness would be the result!

And it WILL BE, for The Lord IS The Word and the final say!  

Time is short, life is short, so never forget and be thankful that "the sufferings of this world are nothing compared to the glories to come" for those who find themselves chosen of God.  

This truth results in certain gnashings of teeth, wailing, violent hatred and, from their part, an ultimate, genuine rejection of the will of God--BUT, thus then justice is served.  In the end, each gets what they "want".  Some are made for this, some are made for that. . . . .

You can argue all the day, shake fists at the sky, go back and forth in rabbinic style arguments ..... 

And many will, have and will do, until the end. . . .

Others, will be striving, yearning, to be counted as one of His, having heard the call. . . .

Oh!  And the resulting humble, devastating realization of that!. . . . Makes it such that there is NO gloating or pride whatsoever.

What there IS, is a tender, living, loving, compassionate, patient, persevering heart and spirit and soul--the opposite of murder, hatred, cruelty, indifference, theft, perversion, subversion.

The Persevering Heart, Soul/Mind & Spirit transcends the temporal body.  

Dust to dust, dead--the wages of sin are death.

Life is eternal.

Where does one find oneself . . . in that eternal life?

1 comment:

Roger said...

Greetings Bro. T.

Yep.. You hit the nail on the head with this posting.. Very deep.. I've often thought about this issue of "THEY LOVE AND GLORIFY EVIL, CRUELTY, OPPRESSION, MURDER, SUBVERSION et al" too.. Let me add my penny-thought to your dissertation here, if I may? Truth. There is no blending of conflicting or non-congruent concepts.. No amalgamation.... An example of this is the popular saying of "conspiracy theory." These don't fit together rationally.. It's trying to say that it's just a theory that two or more people are conspiring together.. No theory, they either are or they are not.. Bingo.. This takes the wind out of the sails of the those naysayers..
Now for the real mind-bending thingy on EVIL, CRUELTY and ETC... I do believe that this exists somewhere deep within all of us.. Maybe even written in our DNA too? And has been in our DNA from a very long time ago.. Since the FALL? I think what I'm working up to here is what I read in 2nd Ezra from the Apocrypha... Most people struggle very hard and work on trying to keep this part of our psyche under control so it doesn't manifest.. (Whether or not they are conscious of this fact or not). These struggling souls also have a conscious and a strong desire towards empathy.. Their connection to and belief in the Lord is what sustains them and their actions.. On the other hand, those you referenced, have seared consciousnesses and spirits, and find pleasure in all kinds of wickedness.. To be honest, I have no idea why THEY choose to let THAT evil part of THEMSELVES out to manifest the way THEY do?? This kind of reminds me of that story about the scorpion and the frog.. So, can a zebra change its stripes, or a leopard change its spots?? Another friend of mine said that there are those who can't change and those who don't want to change.. My final thought-of-the-day is: The Lord has got this, He's got everything under control.. He gives His peace to us...

Peace, Love and the Lord's favor,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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