Saturday, September 21, 2024

Where Does Your Attention Go?

 Like I mentioned before . . . ATTENTION is a thing.

It runs the world and was the falling sin of Lucy-pants.


WHO and/or what do you expend your energy toward?

I've addressed this before.  It's worth mentioning again.

This world is run by attention.  It is run by the fallen one who wanted attention.

The fallen one, kicked out of Heaven, then got allowed a realm for an amount of time to showcase how that works.

It works like . . . perversion, child trafficking, murder, violence, hate, jealousy, greed, subversion, destruction of all that is good and of God, 

So, God allowed the Rebel/rebels to show what they could do WITHOUT His Sovereignty.  

And look at it now.

Horrific.  Pure dedicated evil.

WHERE does your attention go?   Are you focused on and loving ONLY GOD?!  NOT the god of this fallen world, but THE GOD OF ALL, WHO IS SOVEREIGN, HOLY, GOOD ABOVE ALL, KING OF KINGS!

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