Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Do Not Fear, He Is Always With You

 Fast moving waters . . . we are in, as I've noted, written of, melancholily anticipated, in real time.  

We're in them, and hitting the rocky rapids, whirlpools, waterfalls.

Getting hammered from the left, from the right, inside outside, physical, material, psychological, spiritual. . . . and then some.

Bottom line, is whether you truly have faith in God or not?

We are being hit with all kinds of "total war", "asymmetrical (demonic) warfare" on all sides.  I know me and mine are . . . and I see and feel deeply for all the others that are also.

We are in a last days of new martyrs, I dare say.  Most (as usual) will die in (worldly) ignominy.  Some will be seen and known by The Remnant even in this fallen world.  Regardless . . . GOD SEES AND RECORDS AND REWARDS the least, unseen, unheard in this vaporous realm AND, we trust IS THE AUTHOR OF ALL!  So shall it be!  HIS WILL BE DONE!

Every deed, every thought, every selfless task, effort--striving to love others as one loves oneself--IS WRITTEN . . . IN THE BOOK OF LIFE>!

Take heart, take heed, stay in prayer, repentant, humble, grateful and keeping YOUR EYE SINGLE TO THE GLORY OF GOD!  For that is what it is ALL ABOUT!

And He promised and WILL reward those who love and value and serve and yearn and appreciate HIS GLORY ABOVE ALL!!!

This fleeting, fallen, corrupt world . . . will have it's end.

And those who love it more than The Lord, will find their place--what THEY wanted aside from GOD!

God bless the suffering, the penitent, the humble, the grateful, the righteous in Christ . . . the martyrs and saints through the ages, including this age.

Praise God all the way!

Do not fear!  Bless and love and hope and be strong in your faith!  Times of especial trial are upon us at last. . . .  ALSO a time for reflected glory in serving and staying true in and to His Revelation!

Most is dross, sent to the pit.  That is HIS will, so shall it be.  So it is Written.

Me? Just shouting through the din of tumult and chaos and multitudinous assaults; I dare not say "a watchman" . . . but . . . it does feel like that sometimes, finding myself piercing through the haze of war and darkness, weaknesses of my own. 

God bless you!  I pray for you.  Your prayers are felt also and deeply appreciated.  

We shall mostly feel abandoned, alone, afraid . . . the few that be who Know and are willing to give all for The Truth. . . . 

BUT HE SAID (and if you Believe what He said, then never forget and thus cherish!) He Said: I will never leave or forsake you.

That promise along with accompanying gratitude . . . is mightier than all the armies and chaos and charades and subterfuge etc., that the puerile, debased, doomed enemy may impenitently toss your way. 


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