Thursday, November 23, 2023

Sober Up. It's Heaven OR Hell. Follow The Way!

 The ever pressing message, and I dare say the Holy Spirit is out and about emphasizing . . . is that HELL IS REAL!  It's no petty game or vain exercise, this life.  It is serious.  Hence why saints from all the ages will crawl across broken glass . . . to save the savable soul.

If you've been graced with the vision/experience of it . . . you find yourself sincerely thinking you wouldn't wish it on your worst enemy--including you fallen self!

The absence of God's presence . . . is Hell.  

Those who hate and reject and fight and blaspheme willingly--those who want nothing to do with God, get their wish.

This life is sacred.  It is a short, quick, miasmic run . . . through and around a glass darkly--it's hazy, murky this thing we call life here.  THE REAL LIFE . . . THE ETERNAL LIFE . . . is crystal clear and more "real" than this sloggy (albeit blessed) run.

Imagine being left alone, trapped, bound, with only your selfish thoughts and tawdry animialistic and evil desires, bereft of air, breath, water, peace, sleep, rest, light, joy, GOD's bounty. . . . FOREVER!

Fear of the Lord is the beginning of (all) wisdom.  It is a HOLY fear, for He is HOLY, PERFECT and JUST!  And NONE can be in His Presence who are not perfect, good and holy.  Hence, the mercy of The Messiah's sacrificial mission.  He has made The Way!

Time is short and getting shorter.  I am myself feeling the "full court press", end of the game (Holy) pressure . . . to conform, love and wholly serve THE ONE AND ONLY GOD OF ALL!

And . . . HELL IS REAL!  I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, including myself.!!!

Praise GOD!  Wide is the way to destruction, endless existence without The Lord, which is Hell, damnation, just punishment.  

Narrow is the gate through salvation and endless glory, perfection, love and joy within and with the presence of God.

There is nothing more sobering, in this life, than the realization of the stakes at hand--HEAVEN or HELL!?

Follow The Way!

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Practical Reflections, Hearing From God

 I've been talking to, talking with, and hearing from God a lot lately.  It's never really ever stopped, but lately, there is an imploring and a reaching out, both ways.  The foreboding sense generally lends credence to the impetus.

I heard Him say "Open now one of your favorite little, falling apart, held together with a rubber band ancient books to a 'random' page and type what is there, someone needs to hear it."  

So I will, and am now to do it.

(I'm looking at it now.  It is page 428 under the heading "Practical Reflections"):


"'If any man will come after Me, says our divine Redeemer, let him deny himself and let him take up his cross daily, and follow Me.'  In this is included the whole practice of a Christian life, and the way marked out by which we may securely go to eternal salvation, for Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life; the way we must follow, the truth we must believe, and the life we must hope for.  

To live as Christians, and to secure salvation, we must begin by renouncing and dying to ourselves; for this renunciation--this spirit of self-denial--is the first principle of the gospel, the fundamental law of Christianity, our most essential duty, and the most effectual means of obtaining salvation.  It is this interior mortification, this circumcision of the heart, this retrenchment of all criminal, dangerous, or useless indulgences, which constitutes the difference between the elect and the reprobate.  The character of our present sinful state should be that of penance, which is the end of Christianity and the assurance of salvation.

To carry our cross with Jesus Christ, is to suffer from all, while we are careful not to become the cause of suffering in others; it is to receive all pains of body and mind as coming from above; it is to endure with patience all the evils which happen to us from the justice of God or the injustice of man; it is to accept of contempt as our due, and to consider it our greatest misfortune to suffer nothing for God, but our sovereign happiness to suffer always for His love."


Monday, November 13, 2023

The Lurking Murderous Evil

 Related to my "Manifesting" post, forgive me mentioning a couple more of these new style dreams.  (As I've mentioned before, I'm generally not so much a fan of hearing about or carrying on about dreams--but these recent dreams, starting a couple years ago, have been of a wholesale different quality than any I've experienced before, and they are continuing.)

Anyway, about a week before the Oct. 7th Hamas/Israel began, I had an epic dream which unfolded like an action/horror movie, in real-time.

I was on some sort of University type campus it seemed.  It was dusk and I was walking along one of the pathways among the buildings.  A large building to the right was lit inside, and I could see students, teachers working in classrooms.  I suspected it was an engineering or science building.

Suddenly, a shot rang out from inside the building in a classroom.  There was immediate tumult.  Then another gun shot, and then many more.  People started scrambling inside and running out of the building.  One frightened student ran down towards me as I was observing this.  They said, and somehow I also just knew, that it started with one shooter in one classroom.  But, there were other shooters stationed, embedded in other classrooms and they too then began randomly shooting any and all about.  (It was a planned operation.) The shooters soon ran outside and started after those fleeing, shooting them down indiscriminately. 

For some reason, I had a handgun and was glad for it, and pulled it out as I hurried further away from chaotic scene.  I jogged downhill a ways towards some other buildings, but it seemed as if those too were under attack, so I started to just get away from the campus,.

Suddenly one masked assaulters was right behind me, closing in.  I turned and fired a couple shots into their head.  But they kept on coming.  I was startled.  I fired twice more and they finally went down.  But in that fracas, the mask came off (and this is where it relates to "manifesting") and the face, the presence of this raging "person" was more monstrous than human.  It was ghoulish, snarling, ugly, murderous, deformed!  Somehow I knew or had the sense that ALL of the shooters were also like this.  They were nominally human, but there was something terribly "off" about them.  They appeared and felt HALF human, or fantastically deranged at least.  And it seemed as if they had been "triggered" into this murderous massacre's rage.

The scenario went on and on, in real time.  I won't bore with all the minute and endless details, but it included boarding a train, trying to flee the area.  They were attacking and trying to enter the cabins of the train, much like how zombies do such things in "The Walking Dead".  The train reached an end of the tracks, we de-boarded the train.  An elementary school was not far in the distance.  IThere was commotion there as well, people running about, frightened. We were now more in the countryside.  But these things, these mad terrorizing characters were there too, roaming, shooting, attacking.  

I never got caught, and just scrambled into the brush.  It ended there.

The sort of demonic manifesting" thing was interesting to me.  Especially, since I've had a couple more similar dreams since then.  These too have included people who suddenly seem to transform into snarling, murderous, hate-filled, enraged attackers.

What I wrote about the other day where I was at a jobsite--a bustling popular restaurant/bookstore, working, painting--is that in the spirit, in a kind of awake "flash" vision . . . I believe I saw beneath the chattering, vacant veneers of public around me . . . there are very possibly many similar murderous monsters, demonically influenced or outright possessed, lurking and on a trigger's cusp of being activated.  I felt surrounded by the presence of a hateful evil, such that I've never felt/"seen" before, and find it becoming quite ubiquitous.  The presence of evil and demonic infiltration abounds.  Not to cause fear am I relating this, of course.  Fear and FAITH do not co-exist for the True Believer.  But only a fool is not wise to the ways of the world and the times we are in.

Friday, November 10, 2023

"Flash Vision": Cremation Of Care

They've been happening on the cusp of sleep; within what is, I believe, called the "hypnagogic state".  Suddenly I will "see" a broad view/macro view of the world, something usually related to current events.  It always has a "A-ha! I see what's up!" sense to it.  Also, at the moment of the "vision", the portent or scenario I am "seeing" has a strong feeling of obvious inevitability.  There is also a feeling of "this thing is so obvious, how could one miss it!"  Another typical occurance is that in the morning upon finally waking, recalling the "vision" it doesn't seem that profound or striking as it did the moment I "saw".  Although I can still recall what I "saw" in my mind's eyes, it is missing now the ominous foreboding sensation that accompanied the initial "vision".  I find that little detail interesting.

[Note: This "flash vision" experience is different than these strange, new epic dreams, though they also often tend to include what seem to be dreadful, shocking warning scenarios of upcoming events--more on the latest of those, which dreams relate to my last post about demonic style widescale "manifesting".]

Last night's pre-dawn, "flash vision" (as usual, brief and a ominous and shocking when I "saw" it) involved dramatic recent tragic/catastrophic events.  Specifically, the Lahaina Maui fires, Acapulco being wiped out in bizarre, deadly hurricane Otis and the current merciless pummeling of Gaza (though other mass casualty/mass destruction events felt implicated as well, ie., the fuel spill in East Palestine, Ohio.)  

The basic gist of the "vision" put into words, was the message that "they" are effecting these widespread mass destruction events, for--among other specific NWO agendas--to DESENSITIZE the public, so that, when "they" start doing ie., mass roundups and detentions and executions (think Stalinist Soviet Union and the gulag era) the "folks" will turn away, desensitized, numb.

We are being conditioned to become accustomed to and blase' about horrific, tragic, unprecedented mass casualty/mass destruction happenings.  They happen, people are shocked and horrified for a moment, then it drops off the news, is forgotten and there is soon something else, just as, or even more horrific, catastrophic.  The foreboding, ominous tenor of this "vision" was in seeing how easy it will eventually be, for "them" to effect WIDESPREAD, brutal totalitarian oppression, controls on a huge swath of the population.  People will be conditioned to fairly much just shrug, look the other way, and consider it just another "one of those things".  (We are already in the early, soft phase of this mass persecution; I believe it WILL indeed get to genocidal levels.  We have been and are presently being conditioned to view certain groups or types of people as dangerous threats/pests to be simply imprisoned and/or exterminated.  Not only that, but it is and will be VIRTUOUS to target, persecute, kill, torture, imprison the targeted group!)

"And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold" --Matt. 24:12

Indeed, through ongoing and increasingly open, deliberate mass murder and persecution, there is a growing, widespread and shocking numbing of conscience, to the point where such blatant evils and cruelty are celebrated and actually considered virtuous.

Oh, wait . . . what was that ceremony called that the "elites" of the world celebrate together at the Grove?  Oh yeah, "Cremation of Care". . . .

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Lots Of Manifesting

 I've been wanting to write here for days.  There are a number of various blocks.  I'm skirting the edges of the general shutdown tech/info-wise, ie., the censorship . . . . . . But above all, from what I've been Seeing and want to share--it is . . . a bit edgy to convey, and, as always, I don't ever want to just write or say things here that I don't feel aren't "sanctioned" by the Holy Spirit.  So, it is treading carefully, yet feeling, compelled to share.

It's just that . . . as I go to relay it . . . I'm held off, either by the tech blocks OR God . . . and since I tend to "reformed" . . . I roughly assume both.

Anyway. . . . I've got a moment here where the lines are clear to at least begin to address it.  And sometimes, I will at least get down my notes here taken from the field of battle.  I would love to have the time and proper spiritual presence to flesh them out further, and sometimes I am able to to do that.

But also, sometimes, I just will, in a quiet moment, throw out my handwritten notes (from amidst the field of battle) here . . . hoping, trusting, that something of value (for the legit Spiritual warriors) will be transmitted. . . . .

So... for now--and I do hope to expound on this, because I do think it is a real current ongoing most important spiritual phenomena occurring roundabout--I will quick relate my notes amidst certain battlefields:


"Witchcraft--Satanic magnet $ . . . "P** at O**** is a witch, one of the owners.  Demons are manifesting, the clientele look like humans, but, these days, I'm not so sure--my latest dreams keep showing this, how they quickly transform from human-like into beasts/zombies/demonics--hence why they are attracted like (evil) moths to a flame, focusing on me--they feed off Light/Life--because they are dead and dying, parasitical, like the devil, who has no life, but what he can suck from the living--the only kick they get is mocking, manifesting, accusing the Saints, The Believers, the Children of God!  

I think I now understand these latest dreams (old men dream) of these recent transforming evil beasts attacking, and it is becoming near ubiquitous, all around. . . ." 


Ok. So that's the quick related note.  I could expound and hope to.  Basically, I can quick say for now . . . there is real witchcraft going on all around.  And not many people in the middle.  Those that were lukewarm . . . have been and are being subsumed into the demonic hordes.  Yes!  I know that sound hyperbolic and dramatic and theatrical.  BUT, I dare say I am seeing it in day-to-day temporal reality, AND it is being pounded home in these new kinds of dreams I've recently mentioned.

I happen to find myself (as one being IN the world, ALTHOUGH NOT OF IT) here I am seeing and expeirencing flash visions of the latest quick money and deluded and demonically possessed/influenced people are gathering . . . and in more cases than not, now, it is because of deliberate voodoo, sanitaria, black magic etc., . . .  efforts more than you might suspect!  It only takes a few dedicated witches/warlocks to create a coven, and in these days, satan is more than happy to oblige and shower (temporal) gifts on a few gathered and committed towards evil gain. 

I genuinely fear for them.  Hell is real.  Time is short.  Temptation . . . succors and sucks most into that wide way maw of destruction and eternal damnation!

Jus' sayin' . . . . 

The golums are everywhere and if you have Eyes to See . . . you will see them manifesting...

(More to say, God willing.) 

God bless and love you as He does! 

Brother Thomas ©2005

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