Tuesday, November 26, 2024

The Author Of All Such Hearts--Feeling Thanks and Giving!

 Several immediate thoughts at the moment. . . .

One is . . . aye . . . yi . . . yi . . .

Shoveling snow... gotta make way for Skylar who gets up at 4:15am to head to work down the mountain, but his car/tires are now getting sketchy... BUT . . . hoping the snow subsides, otherwise I will have to get up from (now usual weird 3:30-4:45am lucid dream time thing that's been going on for a while) and either shovel again, or drive him to work. . . .

Which is fine.  I'm happy to do it.  I am grateful for every breathe, every anything, no complaints.

Spent the day sanding, skimming, patching, sanding, talking people off ledges, avoiding distracted drivers, petting the dogs, treating homebound peeps to a meal, praying, listening to Christian/Hebraic debates, working, shoveling snow, calming people down, checking in with current events, dogs, listening to others' day stories, thinking about Hell, thinking about God, sending messages and musical arrangements to prospective musicians who are--so far--down to do another live show, wrangling with the "opening act" cats who have big ideas, thanksgiving concerns, decisions ... typical day.....  

(looks like it's going to end up pizza, lol!  WHICH isn't my idea or wish because I actually like cooking all the old fashioned T-Giving food and am quite adept at it.... BUT ... the "kids" and wife . . . just want to get pizza... HOWEVER... I am still holding out and may still try to invent (even it's a small one) a little side "thanksgiving pizza" ... which would consist of  pizza dough... gravy... some mashed potato spread... bits of turkey . . . cayenne . . . cranberry . . . and ..... and ... perhaps some sort of stuffing type sprinkle... I think that could actually be a thing! "Thanksgiving Pizza"  

Lol, but nobody around here is buying it... BUT I'm gonna try to slip it in, if I can amidst all the other things I have to take care of.... 

THEN . . . also . . . as always . . . I'm thinking about everyone; feeling their pain and loneliness . . . and also concerned about those who think they've "got it made"  .. . . . . . AYE YI YI .... !   My mind and soul and spirit is 360 degrees vision, appreciation and commiseration and concern! 

. . . . . At the end of the day (and I thank God for every day, every breathe!) . . . I strive to find myself adhering to loving GOD above all.  And as He directed, loving His; loving my neighbor as myself...loving you!

A tall order!  

THUS, I thank God for The Savior!  HE Who suffered and took on ALL OF THIS fallen FALDERAL! 

(I suppose this post could be considered a bit of a thanksgiving thought, missive.)

SO . . . I declare, I am in awe of, love and fear God ABOVE ALL!

And I genuinely love you; He knows my heart, He knows your heart--and I dare say, amidst my faith and hope and longing, HE is the Author of all such Hearts! 

Bro T 

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