Saturday, October 26, 2024

Cartoon Break

Intermission . . . cartoon break.  There are some wild cartoon's from back in the day. . . .


Roger said...

Greetings Bro. T.,
Like what I've always noticed in the past and discussed with someone one just the other day. Artistic people tend to be more in-tune (observant) than most people and certainly see and understand the world differently. I group together artistic people under a unique umbrella, these are our writers, musicians, sculptors, painters, orators (performers) and etc. Making cartoons certainly shows this amazing talent. And when it comes to cinema, I often marvel over the script that was written for a particular movie. It's as if "how" did he/she ever think up such a "thing?"

Peace, love and the Lord's favor,

Roger said...

Greetings Bro. T.,

Just a quick addendum... I must be a little slow in my old age, I just realized what "the elevator to the basement" means (selling one's soul).. And Prince actually had a reference to this in a song?? WOW!! And I've heard about the shakeup which is going on with hollyweird and the music industries.. Zeph had a recent podcast on Substack. He brought up the topic of idolatry (hero worship). Something which I'm guilty of too (being a Bruce Lee fan). Revelation 21:8... Yep this is a serious chapter and message.. It certainly refers to so many areas in our lives...
Anyways, that cartoon is amazing... With a very interesting message, metaphor and symbolism.. Funny, how I see myself as that onion being somewhat of an outcast and on my own for most of my life with only a couple of true friends.. I think that's how the Lord keeps certain one's of His liking safe from the world??

Peace, love and the Lord's favor,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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