Sunday, December 22, 2024

Fighting to the end of the Beginning!!!

 I can relate to the prophets of doom.

When many are saying, "peace and security, prosperity" etc., I find myself no so sure about that. . . .

I do not enjoy saying beware.

Many things are afoot.  

The doomy prophets got stoned, chased out, shunned, ignored.

Because, of course, we ALL WANT PEACE and comfort and prosperity and ... well, just being able to live a decent life, so when someone is raining on the parade ...... they tend to get shunted. . . . .

Problem is . . . THERE ARE LIES AFOOT and THE LIAR is holding reign for a bit.

Keep your head on straight.  When "hope" is shouted (which indeed we all crave and want!) nevertheless, keep your "powder dry" (spiritually speaking, of course).

It is no fun being a harbinger of the ultimate doom of the wicked.  FOR, many who think they are ok . . . are actually a part of the wicked parade, charade. . . . AND they hate you for waking them up, calling them out.

Over here in this little corner . . . it falls on me . . . to keep sounding the alarm. . . .

YES, I understand the impetus to want all to be well, regardless. . . 


And it is worse than pitchforks and lava and demons flying about poking, and single cells . . . and chains . . . and visceral physical style torment....   

NO!  THAT would be an almost satisfactory Hell.  BUT!

HELL . . . is actually ......... worse than that.

I need to warn.  It is worse than the generally correct descriptions.  

You have no idea, experience of it.  

Some have had a brutal taste of it.  BUT IT IS WORSE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE unless SHOWN to you. . . . .

[see Luke 16:24]

I am compelled to repeat it again.... (forget drones, presidents, new golden ages, second chances,  purgatory, spirit prison, WW3, Great Resets, trans-anything etc and etc. . . . . . . . .)

Just know this:  Eternal life WITHOUT the Presence and Love and Purpose of THE LORD, GOD . . . . . .. .  . . . . is . . . . LIFE WITHOUT GOD, LIFE WITHOUT GOOD. . . . Then. . . .

All you are left with . . . is your own fallen, disgusting self, and all of YOUR faults, YOUR mistakes, YOUR failure . . . . BEREFT of the the Presence and blessings of GOD--which includes . . . ie., AIR . . . water! . . . food . . . another day . . . sunshine . . . night . . . animals . . . family . . . friends . . . LOVE . . . His Glory . . . .His Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . AND SO MUCH MORE!

All that you get (if you are so disposed to choose and enjoy all but God) 

. . . .is . . . stuffed . . . into a coffin of sorts . . . can't move, can't quite breathe . . . no water . . . no sunshine . . . no cooling . . . no engagement with others ... -- JUST YOU AND ALL YOUR WICKED FALLEN THOUGHTS AND DEEDS RUMINATING IN YOUR BEING ..................... FOR ETERNITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THAT is HELL!!!!

And, of course, you deserve it.  Because you loved yourself more than God.  SO, it is a just reward!  (HENCE THE NEED FOR A SAVOIR!)

It makes sense that the Apostles and martyrs are and were willing to die, be tormented . . . in boiling oil, nailed to crosses right-side/upside down, stoned, thrown off cliffs, punctured, beaten, burned alive etc, etc. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! 

One who knows must and will try to and warn others of His Majesty and Holy Justice!  And that angers those who hate Him--HE IS WHO HE IS/I AM THAT I AM! ..... 

Anyway, HELL is infinitely more horrendous than the usual descriptions.

It is worse than what any suffering martyr has gone through in this short life .  

History and present day reports show continuously that those who love and believe in, and follow The Lord are persecuted often in the most horrific, demonic ways; yet HELL and submitting to THE EVIL ONE, THE LIAR, which yields HELL. . . . IS INFINITELY WORSE!



Well... the devil can...... and his "children" can .... and do ... and they think they have a chance to upend God's Sovereignty.....And for a moment, it looks like they are winning. . . .


Either you believe or you don't. . . .

Well... and we'll See . . . won't we. 


I hate evil.  I hate my fallen nature.  I LOVE GOD . . . and I will be fighting to the end . . . of the Beginning! 

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