Monday, September 30, 2024

YOU Will Not Cave

[I will revisit this post . . . I am suspect that there are typos and some clarification wording that ought straighten it out... BUT ... the time is such, and, I dare say, some impending . . . hmmm. ... from what I've been seeing and feeling in The Spirit..... (It looks like a dark, solid, maleficent, irrevocable wall of sorts . . . moving up closer, soon, and about to get into place)] . . . 

Such that, I want to quick share these timely thoughts/feelings/spirit (see below) . . . 


..... feeling the suffering, sadness going on, viscerally.  The people, the pets, the animals. . . . And a continuous foreboding sense for all.

The wicked . . . are wicked . . . and evil . . . and delight in the suffering of others.  

They always have, through the ages.  

We are in an age.  Nothing new under the sun.  

There are the day-to-day worries, bills, inflation, people changing, family, friends, taxes, beloved friends and family dying, pet losses, looming more treachery, demonic influences swirling about, subtle back-stabbing whisperers, projected impending doom, intended doom, perversion of God's laws/commandments/nature in your face  "pride".... getting old body falling apart and reducing, "cultural revolution" Mao 4.0 where the children that have been brainwashed to hate their elders then put them up to have stones thrown at them and then eventual calumny them to gulags, or outright tortuous executions..... 

I recall reading (AND hearing personally from actual survivors personally, the many accounts--now mostly censored and hard to find) of how the godless God-hating cabal communist marxist devil spawn... would suss out the "Christians" . . . main target . . . and then, for instance, in a case I learned of . . . they took the man, a believer who would not renounce his faith, and put him in a tall barrel . . . encased . . . with nails sticking in from the outside... just touching his body barely.... THEN ... they rolled him in the barrel . . . down a steep hill.... And they laughed and drank and played poker and continued their torture the rest of the days on the others.  Christians were primary targets--because . . . in the communist world . . . the state is God . . . there can be no other contender.

Most in that position of torment and threat (who do not have the grace of God, Holy Spirit) cave.

They do not persist. They still have hope in this world.

But True Believers . . . martyrs . . . simply CAN NOT cave!  Once you have seen the Truth and the Glory of THE ONE TRUE AND ONLY GOD . . . you cannot deny it.  Separation of goats and sheep happens at that moment.

It isn't easy, for sure! It is Awful . . . terrible, painful! 

BUT . . . when you think of the One Pure Sacrifice, Who gave Himself to suffer and take on all your fallen sin, iniquities . . . and you recall, having read thereof, and even barely grasp . . . the depth, and suffering, and sacrifice, and the disgusting mockery put upon, and the calumnies spread against THE PERFECT LAMB OF GOD.

There is all the physical, material, worldly threats and attacks and subterfuge, as usual. . . .

BUT above all . . . never forget and always keep in mind and in spirit and soul . . . THIS IS A SPIRITUAL BATTLE!

This worldly life is a vapor.  It goes fast, even if you live a long time.  Many get clipped way before even a long life.  Tomorrow is not promised.  SO . . . pray always . . . always be striving for a prayerful, grateful state of mind.  AND (and this might sound flippant, but it's not) . . . a certain sense of humor amidst the oppression . . . is Godly.  We would not have a sense of humor, if God didn't Himself, within his essence, being.  

Gratitude . . . a sense of humor . . . love . . . compassion for the lost fallen . . . empathy . . . loving others as much as you love yourself . . . loving GOD above all--finding yourself graced with the unfathomable (albeit "through a glass darkly")  love and desperate desire for THE TRUTH, GOD . . . and being gifted with having the recognition of The Lord, The Word.

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