Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Never Took the Diddy Ticket/Basement Crawl

 [Sidenote blog related to the daily news]: 

All the revealing of the scene.  The diddy stuff.  I've alluded to it before.  I came up against it quite a few  times.  I was a young, super talented, charismatic, pretty young boy/man.  I was always having to fend off "chicken hawks", which I did, successfully, btw!  

It actually started when I was 7 or 8.  I believe I was Protected, otherwise I could have been molested, assaulted.  I never was, thank God!

I was eventually taken to a few adult parties, as a sort of token, novelty, because . . . well, was an only child, babysitters were hard to find, sooooo. take the little kid to the party .  

I remember in 6th grade, at one of the occasional parties at our house, my step-dad taught me how to mix drinks, be the bartender for a bit... it was a novelty... I mixed the party goers' drinks, they chuckled, thought it was cute... And then, (thank God nothing weird happened, and I would go off to my room to sleep, listening to the talking, laughing, music well into the night, as I drifted off to sleep, then school in the morning) my "dad" lawyer with his associates (he was a big up-and-coming lawyer, very German in his character and ways...super intelligent, not emotional, introduced me to Plato, Aristotle, logic). . . . I found out later in life that those were wild parties--not WILD wild... they were just 70's boomers, smoking weed, drinking, and perhaps doing some other stuff, but on the surface very straight-laced and professional).

Well, and then after that all the "offers" . . . from very wealthy, placed people.. which I always was repulsed by... and never "took the ticket"/"went to the basement" . . . .

Because I loved Truth and God above all--above money, fortune and fame.... I was told by the evil one(s) . . . . "you will only then be a day laborer, just working by the sweat of your brow" ...... And I said, "that sounds rough, BUT I am not going to cross that line!"  

And I didn't, and haven't.

It was obvious to me.  They want to get you into a compromised situation . . . record it all . . . then blackmail or gift bounteous $ bribes.  It's either, you are blacklisted OR . . . you have a million dollars in your bank account tomorrow.   

I said no.  I saw and rejected over and over . . . that whole play.

 I love God above all.

Tempted in all things, . . . The Lord said NO!  And did NONE!  HE IS PERFECT!

He said, if you Know and follow Me. . . so will you be tempted and tried and made the least.

I sorted through the whole assaults of The World/Devil, and said NO! to the temptations. 

"They" said . . . "ok... fine.... now your life will be hard."

And I said, "The Lord had nowhere to lay his head, how dare I expect anything more than that!"  

And I find myself grateful for every breath of life . . . and the opportunity to give comfort and blessing to THE LEAST OF THESE.


Anonymous said...

Greetings Bro. T. :)

WOW... The first thing I did when I started reading your post is go over to Urban Dictionary to look up the meaning of "chicken hawks." Yep.. You certainly had to have been protected the Lord All Mighty at an early age.. And He knew your heart too.. I remember Zeph talking about his early years and going to see "slasher movies" with his friend.. Someone else on Spreaker talked about and described "the industry" and its wickedness too... He also talked about those that sell their souls for fame and money.. So, when someone famous dies, it's because someone else is coming up the ranks and needed a sacrifice.. Entertainment is a truly nasty business.. It's quite alright to be slaving away at manual labor in this life rather than going to the "pit" after it's all said and done.. And I am so grateful for the Lord looking after you because of everything I've learned from you and our friendship....

Peace, love and the Lord's favor,


Roger said...

Hello (Again) Bro. T...

I had an after-thought which I wanted to mention. It's in regards to those who told you that you would only be a day laborer... Anyways, that's a pretty arrogant point of view, but it matches up with their kind of stature... But on the flip side... I just finished reading the biography of Elon Musk.. He came up from a very rough childhood... And he was quite the workaholic too.. He put in lots of hard and long hours... And physical labor too boot... So those guys that mocked you, would never be able to keep a pace like Elon Musk... I always get a chuckle over the fact how some elites feel they are so entitled and privileged and basically full of themselves...

Best regards again,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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