Friday, December 27, 2024


 "He said to them, "Beware! Keep yourselves from covetousness, for a man's life doesn't consist of the abundance of the things which he possesses." 

"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves."

"You therefore, beloved, knowing these things beforehand, beware, lest being carried away with the error of the wicked, you fall from your own steadfastness."

"By justice a king brings stability to a land, but a man who demands “contributions” demolishes it."

"Beware the man who comes bearing gifts and invoking flattering words."



And little ol' worker ant over here, worth nothing, but for God . . . I say beware . . . of wolves in sheeps' clothing; all the day, every day--when they say peace peace, security . . . . . . . Personally, I still believe the evil worldly program is ongoing and will not stop until The Lord returns and puts the end to it... Jus' sayin' . . . . . . 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

GOD is LOVE--the Spirit Of Christ, Imbibe

 “Love feels no burden, thinks nothing of its trouble, attempts what is above its strength, pleads no excuse for impossibility, for it thinks all things are lawful for itself and all things are possible”

T a'K

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Fighting to the end of the Beginning!!!

 I can relate to the prophets of doom.

When many are saying, "peace and security, prosperity" etc., I find myself no so sure about that. . . .

I do not enjoy saying beware.

Many things are afoot.  

The doomy prophets got stoned, chased out, shunned, ignored.

Because, of course, we ALL WANT PEACE and comfort and prosperity and ... well, just being able to live a decent life, so when someone is raining on the parade ...... they tend to get shunted. . . . .

Problem is . . . THERE ARE LIES AFOOT and THE LIAR is holding reign for a bit.

Keep your head on straight.  When "hope" is shouted (which indeed we all crave and want!) nevertheless, keep your "powder dry" (spiritually speaking, of course).

It is no fun being a harbinger of the ultimate doom of the wicked.  FOR, many who think they are ok . . . are actually a part of the wicked parade, charade. . . . AND they hate you for waking them up, calling them out.

Over here in this little corner . . . it falls on me . . . to keep sounding the alarm. . . .

YES, I understand the impetus to want all to be well, regardless. . . 


And it is worse than pitchforks and lava and demons flying about poking, and single cells . . . and chains . . . and visceral physical style torment....   

NO!  THAT would be an almost satisfactory Hell.  BUT!

HELL . . . is actually ......... worse than that.

I need to warn.  It is worse than the generally correct descriptions.  

You have no idea, experience of it.  

Some have had a brutal taste of it.  BUT IT IS WORSE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE unless SHOWN to you. . . . .

[see Luke 16:24]

I am compelled to repeat it again.... (forget drones, presidents, new golden ages, second chances,  purgatory, spirit prison, WW3, Great Resets, trans-anything etc and etc. . . . . . . . .)

Just know this:  Eternal life WITHOUT the Presence and Love and Purpose of THE LORD, GOD . . . . . .. .  . . . . is . . . . LIFE WITHOUT GOD, LIFE WITHOUT GOOD. . . . Then. . . .

All you are left with . . . is your own fallen, disgusting self, and all of YOUR faults, YOUR mistakes, YOUR failure . . . . BEREFT of the the Presence and blessings of GOD--which includes . . . ie., AIR . . . water! . . . food . . . another day . . . sunshine . . . night . . . animals . . . family . . . friends . . . LOVE . . . His Glory . . . .His Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . AND SO MUCH MORE!

All that you get (if you are so disposed to choose and enjoy all but God) 

. . . .is . . . stuffed . . . into a coffin of sorts . . . can't move, can't quite breathe . . . no water . . . no sunshine . . . no cooling . . . no engagement with others ... -- JUST YOU AND ALL YOUR WICKED FALLEN THOUGHTS AND DEEDS RUMINATING IN YOUR BEING ..................... FOR ETERNITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THAT is HELL!!!!

And, of course, you deserve it.  Because you loved yourself more than God.  SO, it is a just reward!  (HENCE THE NEED FOR A SAVOIR!)

It makes sense that the Apostles and martyrs are and were willing to die, be tormented . . . in boiling oil, nailed to crosses right-side/upside down, stoned, thrown off cliffs, punctured, beaten, burned alive etc, etc. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! 

One who knows must and will try to and warn others of His Majesty and Holy Justice!  And that angers those who hate Him--HE IS WHO HE IS/I AM THAT I AM! ..... 

Anyway, HELL is infinitely more horrendous than the usual descriptions.

It is worse than what any suffering martyr has gone through in this short life .  

History and present day reports show continuously that those who love and believe in, and follow The Lord are persecuted often in the most horrific, demonic ways; yet HELL and submitting to THE EVIL ONE, THE LIAR, which yields HELL. . . . IS INFINITELY WORSE!



Well... the devil can...... and his "children" can .... and do ... and they think they have a chance to upend God's Sovereignty.....And for a moment, it looks like they are winning. . . .


Either you believe or you don't. . . .

Well... and we'll See . . . won't we. 


I hate evil.  I hate my fallen nature.  I LOVE GOD . . . and I will be fighting to the end . . . of the Beginning! 

Sunday, December 15, 2024

UFO Dreams, Portents revisited

 Below are a couple past posts that I could find . . . relating to ongoing dreams about a day, a time, when the whole sky is filled with "space-craft" . . . .

There may be some relevant observances amidst these ealier writings. . . .


Sept. 16, 2023:  "I've had many dreams about this event, since early teenage years . . . and ongoing . . . recently still.  

The sky is suddenly full of craft--"spacecraft" . . . a "ufo" type invasion. . . . It fills the sky, multitudinous.

And, also . . . have had the visions/dreams . . . of military aircraft . . . suddenly filling the skies--strangely.

AND . . . I have long ago talked and written about "the day of slaughter".

I suspect they are all connected--these visions.

"They" are running out of rope. . . . And getting desperate.  And "they" need to pull off a big showcase scenario . . . to shut it all down (too many people are waking up to the lies).

Timing is always weird, re predicting these things.  BUT they do all end up coming true.

I dare say . . . there will be a day, or a night, where an "amazing" visual event will occur . . . in the skies . . . and then will usher in "their" nwo shutdown/total control/ wishes. . . .

I've Seen it.  I (believe) I know it will happen.  

Just a heads up.  When it does, just know . . . that it is FAKE and a strong delusion.  

It will be so overwhelming to most, that most will succumb.  But Those who Know . . . will Know what it is--a strong delusion.

It is coming.  At soonest, within the next year.  ("They" often have to push back their timeline plans). . .

Yet, "they" will keep on it.  It may be 2 years out . . . but it's coming, and relatively soon.  And it will be a big deal.

Just sayin' :)

 Heads Up" 


 Feb.15 2023 : "Well . . . and a bit more detail that may (or may not) be warranted and interesting, regarding the longtime dreams of the sky event(s). . . . 

There have been many of these "visions"/dreams consistently over the years, fwiw.  It has seemed to be some sort of theme to maybe take note of, so I've wondered a bit, noting the oddness, detail and persistency of said "dreams/visions". . . .

Anyway, regarding this basic theme, which always involves the sky--what's going on in the sky, there are basically two versions.  One is very "ufo-y" --the other is more "military-craft-y" as pertains to the details and visual features.  I suspect they are both of the same cloth, but am just noting that it has always been mostly one or the other type scenario emphasis re a particular dream.

So, for instance, the "military craft" one: I am somewhere, perhaps in or around an old childhood memory home on the foothills--the "avenues" which look out over the (Salt Lake) city valley . . . OR I'm in some strange neighborhood or suburbs I don't quite well, but still vaguely recognize . . . or occasionally I'm in some random, populated location, big city somewhere. . . .

It is evening, going into night . . . someone alerts, shouts--people are startled then looking up to and pointing at the sky. . . . 

ONE of the two scenarios is very military looking.  Fighter jets--more than you'd ever see normally, are streaking across the sky.  Feels like something is up.  Then there are more.  Then there are all kinds of different military-looking aircraft now zooming across the sky, horizon to horizon . . . many different kinds in packs and, as it goes on, increasingly more of them getting intense-looking and modern strange--either massive or precise fighter-jet airplanes of clearly military type.  They tend to follow lines of dedicated trajectory, as if tracing a coded "highway" in the sky--they fly in tandem, two-by-two, in a straight-ish line, like along train tracks, the ships/craft seemingly connected together on their trail in the high sky altitude . . . fast, steady, intent. . . . And then there are more and more. They keep coming.  Everybody on the ground is awed and pointing and starting to get giddy but nervous and thinking of running for safety.  Obviously, something is going down. 

The people are looking up, watching, concerned, shouting, pointing, thinking that maybe they are needing to be running for cover.  [AND that there were bizarre other things . . . in that vision of the "train of craft" in the sky I had the other night--but I'm still thinking how to relate that part and hope to soon.] 

ANYHOW. . . . carrying on. . . .   

By the end of that particular (dream) scenario . . . the sky is fairly well filled with many different forms of military aircraft, eventually, flying this way and that--something big is going down. . . . . Also, sometimes--often actually--that scenario involves that there are also ground troops, mechanized units, tanks, trucks etc., pouring in from the sides--through the hills, over and through the mountains, in the streets. . . .  It gets into house-to-house, block-to-block, hand-to-hand investment, combat.  Certain areas of the city/neighborhoods are threshed, invaded, door-to-door . . . yet, a few locales were held by what roughly could be called "resisters", organizing as able amidst the chaos.  

But it was moving fast.  Yes, there were a few pockets of corralled people holding out, taking a stand, left alone for a bit . . . but the enemy forces were obviously and persistently overwhelming--to the point that it become a situation of eventually finding oneself fighting and hiding and running for one's life.

Now . . . THE OTHER ("ufo"-y) scenario is a little different.  It doesn't seem to involve troops on the ground (ie., the tanks, trucks, military-looking aircraft etc.)  And although I had dreams of this one long ago (circa mid 70s-80s, 90s and have had again even recently) before it was fashionable to talk about "fake alien invasion" script, I'll say, now, in retrospect, I recognize it as indeed more in line with that  concept/anticipation of an "operation blue-beam" type holographic "fake alien" invasion.  

So, recalling that scenario, re the dreams, I am in various of those same previously described vaguely familiar city/neighborhood locations. On the ground . . . it's nighttime . . . we . . . are hanging out, general people, some family, neighbors of sorts, out and about . . . THEN . . . there are suddenly things--lights in the sky . . . we stop what we're doing . . . I, we are looking up, seeing strange translucent jellyfish-looking and various MANY other odd luminescent "flying-saucer" kinds of crafts of all shapes and sizes, instantly manifesting out the black night sky, appearing right above and throughout the whole sky, from horizon to horizon, across the valley. . . . The sky is  ridiculously filled with multiples of all sorts of colored and designed kinds of "ufo-y" looking brilliant, "beautiful" "spaceships"!  It is breathtaking, ominous.

Indeed, they weren't there one moment, then, all of of a sudden they are, as if, "turning on"!

Well, and I've heard from others dear, who have apparently had similar "dreams" of these kinds of scenarios. . . .

I really don't like carrying on about dreams.  BUT . . . with recent "news" events . . . and the way things are going with rapidity . . . I thought to share and beg your indulgence for it.

God bless and be with you ALWAYS!

bro t"

Friday, December 13, 2024

G reset in Play

 The Diddy, J-Z etc., rap industry take down . . . is just one of the first big dominoes to fall.  The NFL and NBA . . . MLB will be next.  We are just witnessing the end of a long term grift.  Behind it all, is the SOS, long-time (thousands of years) blood-line consolidators and manipulators of "world events" . . . through the ages.  

It is indeed, I believe, the subtle ongoing of "the G reset" .... They are in the midst of collapsing the last iteration of the last monopoly systems.  They do it every so often, as needed, according to demonic planning.  They already have the next monopoly systems ready to go; they will be mostly virtual, AI, robots etc.

Empires rise, empires fall.  The same entities who . . . for instance, helped orchestrate Alexander the Great's "achievements" ... Caesars ... Napoleon .... Charlemagne . . . Stalin . . .   Oy vey, there are so many who have been seduced,  taken the ticket, taken the seductive road at "the crossroad".

We are in the midst of the next "industrial revolution"....

They/It/Them/Scratch and his minions . . . plan and work on these things over years and millennia--because it is at base . . . a SPIRITUAL contest.\

Humans, creatures, come and go . . . . . . BUT the demons live outside this fast, quick material realm life.

THEY . . . travel through and observe and manipulate families, communities, towns, countries. . . .


Sunday, December 8, 2024


A few old posts I could find.  For a while I saw Syria trouble as being one of the big last "red flag's" before ... well . . . all hell breaks loose, so-to-speak.  So, noting that Syria is up front lately, just though I'd revisit....


--"Syria . . . I’ve always been keeping an eye on Syria as an initial flash point to get the real hot war in the Mideast started ….I’ve expected that the things will not start so much with Iran but Syria . . . that the first big attacks, either by Israel or the U.S. will not be at Iran but Syria."  Posted 6-07-07

--"For a couple of years I’ve been emphasizing Syria over Iran in terms of important triggers in the Mid East and suggesting that war with Syria would likely precede war with Iran. This came from a “vision” in the spring of ‘05 . . . . "   Posted 7-08-07

--[Purport:  I've long seen Syria as a big trigger point.  I think if the U.S. takes any military action in or against Syria . . . Israel does, as seems almost to be starting today in the news . . . then we will seriously at last be entering into the real first bullets of the the 3rd Mid East related World War . . . . Russia will become engaged at the point . . . . It looks like the "octopus" I "saw" going into Pakistan . . . is now in Syria too . . . . Syria is a big deal . . . a major sign post, marker point, trip wire in the larger chaos operation ..... ] Posted 6-21-11

Friday, December 6, 2024

Recalling The "Dream of The UFO/UAP's" Filling the Sky


Below is a "reprint" of a blog I wrote in 2011, which includes some earlier blogs from 2007 era.

May be apropos  to recall it.  I have elsewhere mentioned my certain "dreams" that go back about 30 or more years . . . where . . . there comes a night . . . when the whole night sky is filled with luminescent crafts of all shapes, sizes, design etc.  It was such that the whole sky was packed from end to end . . . with "crafts".  Obviously, it was a game changer, because EVERYBODY could and did see it, so profound that it was.  

I only bring this up because I am hearing about the now almost ubiquitous sightings of strange UAP etc in the skies lately.... 

Anyway, yes, below, I'm reposting an old post that may have some relation to what is going on and perhaps what is about to go on....




Here are some mentions from the past . . . looking forward to this time soon upon us--actually seeming now to manifest. I am hearing some otherwise standard bearing people in the "alternative" "news" "inside info" scene . . . talking positively about the "good" aliens . . . of the "galactic federation" versus ie., the "bad" aliens such as the "dracos" or "reptilians" . . . . .

I have been warning that when this thing breaks . . . it is going to be very seductive and many, MANY will fall for it. Even many who thought for sure they would never jump on board the "space brother" train . . . WILL.

I am starting to get a new picture in mind of how I think it might all be portrayed, the theater of it all . . . . Been waiting for that . . . . Now seems to be firming up . . . .

Great and incredible and wondrous signs and events will occur . . . to knock you off your simple, Gospel based relationship with the Lord. Fantastical things will vie for your heart and mind and soul. People will forget the basics; the simplicity of the Way; being Good, honest, chaste, forthright, loving . . . and will go in for all sorts of exotic exercises and theories and "experiences" . . . . . . . . distraction, mis-direction, subversion, subsuming, this thing will come with power; the believer must be a fortress . . . and will often be alone, holding out against the tide of public euphoria and opinion . . . . . .

"NEXT–and this will be THE BIG DOOZY–will be when these same satanic conspiratorialists bring about “CONTACT” with the “true” CREATORS of humankind–our “space brothers” . . . the aliens! . . . . Thus removing/destroying the concept of God the Father as well as the Son.

Who will be able to withstand such a psychologically powerful juggernaut? Who will argue– when the “spaceships” actually land, and seeming creatures from another galaxy present themselves and their apparently superior culture and technology and announce–that THEY are the creators of humankind on earth?

Only those with the inside track–personal knowledge and relationship with the Truth Himself will be able to withstand this shock and the accompanying social peer pressure to accede to the “new revelation”.

Such a public promotion of the “Lost Tomb of Jesus” (a worn-out, ancient lie promoted by perverts and sodomites in the past, ad nauseum) . . . shows that the Luciferians are feeling bold–I suspect it won’t be too long before “contact” is made with the “creators” themselves . . . . . . . . . .

Just know, that this is all nothing new. The attack on the faithful has been ongoing since the Fall in the Garden. “Same old thing, in brand new drag”, as D. B. once sang . . . . ."

Posted March 4, 2007

"Certainly, we are on the fast track, as suspected . . . going into the next few years, to 2010, 2012 . . . . and in between . . . the changes “they” have in store for the masses, are really breathtaking considered in light of the much more gradual acceleration of things priorly.

I would expect along with increasing “serious” discussion of ufos and ETs, there will be a parallel course emphasizing archaeological discoveries . . . which tend to support the overall attack on biblical thought and teaching . . . . Along with possibly some historical documents found or “revealed” a la’ Da Vinci code or Jesus’ purported tomb type stuff . . . . .

… the puppet masters begin their full court press for the big changeover to the new world spiritual/world techno-occulto-tronic order . . . . .But especially, when these “new discoveries” and wonders of the universe are sprung on the world, and then even the ETs themselves, to help us with our problems “if it just weren’t for those pesky Christians and Orthodox jews and Muslims . . . but especially the Christians” . . . . .

ostracization, persecution, discrimination, badgering, brow-beating, and on and on will be the reward for the faithful in the beginning of all this . . . . ."

Posted July 7, 2007
“Service to Self” vs. “Service to Others” …….. “2012″ ……… “The Shift” ………. “4th Density” “3rd Density” …….”earth’s frequency” “Sons of Darkness” ….. “Extremists” …….. “Fundamentalists” ……… “Galactic Federation” …….. “Lightworkers” …… “forces of Light vs. forces of Dark” …… “Self Needs vs Other Needs” ….. “Harmonic Convergence” ….. “Galactic Wave” …….. “Ascension” …… “the Galactic Shift” …… “Creator Mother” …… “the Sacred Feminine” ….. “Space Brothers” …… “Convergence” …… “Synthesis” …….. “Transhuman” ….. “the Christ Principle” …… “consciousness-shifting paradigm” ……. “Transpersonal” ….. “The Awakening” …… “Star Kids” …. “Indigo Children” ……. “Sustainability” ……… “Light and Life”
. . . . . . .

The above phrases are COMMON parlance and some of the code-words which will lead the way to the persecution, torture and murder of believers in the Jesus of the bible.

A smile on their face, a flower in their hair, these “service to others”-denizens of the “coming shift” will sing “new age” hymns as they gleefully seek to destroy the vestiges of “the Age of Pisces”……….including all the men, women and children they deem part of it.

Just a heads up for those of you not so familiar with what’s really going on in the world . . . .

You will see more of these terms mingled into mainstream media……just as t.v. shows like “Heroes” subtley teach the Luciferic doctrine of conscious evolution and humanist supremacy and the coming super race ……..

It is true, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions ………

Evil is seductive and parades as Good in the beginning ………

“Good shall be called Bad, Bad shall be called Good” is a biblical warning we now live amidst….

The devil always encourages “liberty”, “knowledge” and “self-fulfillment” at first….but always leads to slavery, ignorance and self-destruction……….

Many are called, few are chosen…..because it is hard to perceive the subtle and seductive deception………MANY will follow the way of so-called “Light and Life” ……..

Beware, my brother…….take heed my sister…….."

Posted February 20, 2007

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Romney's' Recalls And The Webs They Weave

 I see in the news, Romney gave a farewell address. . . . I have some crossing paths with the Romneys, starting with George W, and his white cowboy hat I wore for several years as a 13-14 year old, which he left in the house we bought and he left behind with a few political poster signs.  I actually liked that hat, it had George's name embroidered in the brim, nice hat.  Lost it or someone (more likely) stole it.

Then, sitting in a 4 by 5 foot room across the table from Mitt, just before the 2002 Utah Winter Olympics.  I was on a special assignment via my law school at the time.  

We talked; there were about 4 of us in the room, besides Mitty.  I didn't like him from drop one.  I said to myself, "this guy wants to be president, he's slimy and I don't trust him at all".  AND, I told my wife that when I got home and mentioned that I got to meet with "the savior/CEO" of the 2002 Olympics. . . .

Then, oddly, one of my cousins turned out to be his primary campaign finance head.  It was all "Mormon" nepotism, legacy familial connection stuff.  

I NEVER like the cat.  Could See him from the get -go. Never was a fan, never voted for him, pretty much have been disgusted by him and not fooled by him from day one--and had the experience of sitting across the table, a couple feet away from him, sussing him out in person, as he was plotting his would-be ascension. . . .

I tried to warn certain people.    

I'll just say . . . fwiw, . . . still note who I go all in for (politically) and who I don't. . . .

Ahh. the webs they weave. . . . 

Monday, December 2, 2024

The Persevering Heart, Soul/Mind & Spirit....

 Well . . . and not a fan of bombing people.  Not a fan of starting fires to burn, kill people out of their neighborhoods and homes . . . terrified children, innocent animals, women, men, nor flooding, freezing them, starving them to death like animals to the shoulder-shrugging slaughter.

There ARE "people" here in this realm, who actually get off on it.  THEY LOVE AND GLORIFY EVIL, CRUELTY, OPPRESSION, MURDER, SUBVERSION et al.

I step over and save wayward boxelder bugs and feel sorry for them in the coming cold.  

I'm not saying "oh, I'm so great, so nice...."

I'm just saying, if I stand back and objectively observe--causing any intentional harm on anyone or anything, without any sense of compassion or empathy . . . it is utterly foreign to me.  

There is actual evil here, and "people" who actually ENJOY and profit from inflicting it on others, to gain power, money, prestige, status etc.  THAT mindset, spiritual-set, is SO repulsive and heartbreaking, it is hard to even notice and acknowledge.  But, there it is.  

THAT realization--that there are those (more than one might imagine) who have no problem with it, is what shook to me to my core and still does.

THAT realization was the final straw . . . for me . . . coming to recognize, realize . . . that if there is actual EVIL INTENT . . . then, the devil is real; thus GOD is real.

If there is evil, there is good.

The eastern philosophies and mysticism try to blend it all together--but that is a lie.  There is no blending good and evil.  YES, we experience and are capable and do both . . . BUT GOD IS GOOD!  And The Way is NOT through "balancing", accommodating, syncretizing good and evil together.

The antithesis to God . . . is, at the end of the day, meant to glorify His character, as He so wills.  So yes, we see and experience that antithesis.  But know, it is meant to glorify and exemplify and exalt HIS Holy nature!  Those with eyes to see and ears to hear . . . understand this mystery . . . enough to cleave unto His Being and Truth

It is a hard truth to fathom and accept--hence why so many just get mad, hate God, hate His Sovereignty, hate that HE is GOD and He will do what He will; but it is not for ANY of His creatures to complain and imagine they would do it "better" or fashion some sort of usurpation.  

It is not about YOU!  It is not about the creature! .. YES ... we are blessed to be created for His design and unfathomable will and purpose; but the fool would try and overturn God's Design!

Hence, with those who would . . . you end up having creatures bombing, burning, perverting, murdering, lying, sneaking, stealing, subverting; whereas, if the creature would simply submit and acknowledge and be grateful for and worship GOD'S SOVEREIGNTY and The I AM THAT I AM . . . peace and love and goodness would be the result!

And it WILL BE, for The Lord IS The Word and the final say!  

Time is short, life is short, so never forget and be thankful that "the sufferings of this world are nothing compared to the glories to come" for those who find themselves chosen of God.  

This truth results in certain gnashings of teeth, wailing, violent hatred and, from their part, an ultimate, genuine rejection of the will of God--BUT, thus then justice is served.  In the end, each gets what they "want".  Some are made for this, some are made for that. . . . .

You can argue all the day, shake fists at the sky, go back and forth in rabbinic style arguments ..... 

And many will, have and will do, until the end. . . .

Others, will be striving, yearning, to be counted as one of His, having heard the call. . . .

Oh!  And the resulting humble, devastating realization of that!. . . . Makes it such that there is NO gloating or pride whatsoever.

What there IS, is a tender, living, loving, compassionate, patient, persevering heart and spirit and soul--the opposite of murder, hatred, cruelty, indifference, theft, perversion, subversion.

The Persevering Heart, Soul/Mind & Spirit transcends the temporal body.  

Dust to dust, dead--the wages of sin are death.

Life is eternal.

Where does one find oneself . . . in that eternal life?

Friday, November 29, 2024

Not A Fan Of:

Not a fan of evil

not a fan of perverts

not a fan of back stabbers

not a fan of bullies

not a fan of the cruel and devious

not a fan of those who crucified The Lord

not a fan of the hidden hand

not a fan of the cabal

not a fan of the wicked

not a fan of the killers

not a fan of the rulers

not a fan of the god of this world

not a fan of those who think they will win, but won't

not a fan of the mean

not a fan of those who hate God

not a fan of those who hate and take advantage of the weak

not a fan of the secret society

not a fan of the lovers of darkness

not a fan of vain occultic ritual addicts

not a fan of those who abuse

not a fan of those who lie while putting on precious pretense

not a fan of the world

not a fan of those who love and serve the world

not a fan of the devil

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

The Author Of All Such Hearts--Feeling Thanks and Giving!

 Several immediate thoughts at the moment. . . .

One is . . . aye . . . yi . . . yi . . .

Shoveling snow... gotta make way for Skylar who gets up at 4:15am to head to work down the mountain, but his car/tires are now getting sketchy... BUT . . . hoping the snow subsides, otherwise I will have to get up from (now usual weird 3:30-4:45am lucid dream time thing that's been going on for a while) and either shovel again, or drive him to work. . . .

Which is fine.  I'm happy to do it.  I am grateful for every breathe, every anything, no complaints.

Spent the day sanding, skimming, patching, sanding, talking people off ledges, avoiding distracted drivers, petting the dogs, treating homebound peeps to a meal, praying, listening to Christian/Hebraic debates, working, shoveling snow, calming people down, checking in with current events, dogs, listening to others' day stories, thinking about Hell, thinking about God, sending messages and musical arrangements to prospective musicians who are--so far--down to do another live show, wrangling with the "opening act" cats who have big ideas, thanksgiving concerns, decisions ... typical day.....  

(looks like it's going to end up pizza, lol!  WHICH isn't my idea or wish because I actually like cooking all the old fashioned T-Giving food and am quite adept at it.... BUT ... the "kids" and wife . . . just want to get pizza... HOWEVER... I am still holding out and may still try to invent (even it's a small one) a little side "thanksgiving pizza" ... which would consist of  pizza dough... gravy... some mashed potato spread... bits of turkey . . . cayenne . . . cranberry . . . and ..... and ... perhaps some sort of stuffing type sprinkle... I think that could actually be a thing! "Thanksgiving Pizza"  

Lol, but nobody around here is buying it... BUT I'm gonna try to slip it in, if I can amidst all the other things I have to take care of.... 

THEN . . . also . . . as always . . . I'm thinking about everyone; feeling their pain and loneliness . . . and also concerned about those who think they've "got it made"  .. . . . . . AYE YI YI .... !   My mind and soul and spirit is 360 degrees vision, appreciation and commiseration and concern! 

. . . . . At the end of the day (and I thank God for every day, every breathe!) . . . I strive to find myself adhering to loving GOD above all.  And as He directed, loving His; loving my neighbor as myself...loving you!

A tall order!  

THUS, I thank God for The Savior!  HE Who suffered and took on ALL OF THIS fallen FALDERAL! 

(I suppose this post could be considered a bit of a thanksgiving thought, missive.)

SO . . . I declare, I am in awe of, love and fear God ABOVE ALL!

And I genuinely love you; He knows my heart, He knows your heart--and I dare say, amidst my faith and hope and longing, HE is the Author of all such Hearts! 

Bro T 

Monday, November 25, 2024

Holy Spirit Consideration, Appreciation

 Below is a draft of something I wrote a few weeks ago... part of it got lost, like sometimes happens when writing . . . a section gets erased through user error or whatever, which kind of demoralized me for a moment-- ..... But I figure I shall just put it up as was, what was left of the writing.  

I'm not going to even proofread it right now (as I usually do, because I'm a self-directed "grammar nzi" :) ... I don't like typos, and DO like do clarify intent, sloppy phrasing--what I was trying to say...  etc. 

So, with that in mind....  this (see below) is from a little while ago, in the midst of daily life forging on scenarios.  I WILL come back and re-read it and correct if needed . . . but for now, just figure I intended to, and shall nonetheless, just get it expressed . . . raw as it basically was.... 

GOD BLESS and THANK YOU!--I treasure this space and special relationships among certain Believers! I appreciate your support, thoughts and prayers and fellowship! (If I DID manage to get it posted before, perhaps it bears repeating.... if not, forgive me:)


"Heads up... here comes (hopefully not my last will and testament, lol!) I just meant to write about how The Holy Spirit is not so much understood and appreciated and marginalized a bit . . . but ended up giving my testimony and a bunch of pertinent but tangential personal reminiscences about the whole path of seeking the truth, meaning of this life. . . . And, this is in the midst of all the sad, treacherous, foreboding, ongoing worldly machinations intensifying . . . and, dealing with one of our beloved dogs, "Dude" who had to have a pretty serious surgery last Monday, which has been more intense than expected . . . lots of cleaning up blood, cones, staying up with him every night, watching over him, hour-to-hour . . . can't get back to work, because there is also Bruce to watch and console, and just have to take care of and keep an eye on him constantly so that the healing doesn't go backwards. . . . And then, I, like so many who see and feel and commiserate what is going on with the suffering people, pets, animals, creatures at the behest of these evil, Godless wanna-be globalist overlords, targeting towns, families, groups, areas . . . for their imagined final brutal enforcement of worldwide anti-Christ Satanic totalitarianism.   

I (like you I suspect) know so many now who are struggling, suffering, taking losses, deaths. . . . There are those who have "taken the ticket" . . . sold out and are doing better than ever (spooky)

  . . . the unSeeing unHearing . . . tend to hate and fight and find ways to attack The Trinity.  This isn't the whole of their hatred of Truth . . . but a big obvious sign of their character and assault . . . is that they do not comprehend THE TRINITY . . . (and Paul). 

Because they hate God's grace (because THEY want to get credit for themselves and THEIR OWN works/effort/ego) . . . AND, since they have not been GRACED with The Holy Spirit WHO REVEALS THE TRUTH . . . they hate those who have (been graced with being given/chosen to be indwelt by GOD, by THE HOLY SPIRIT, The Comforter, God's Spirit, The Spirit of Truth.)  

It is such . . . and it is Written . . . that GOD is a Trinity.  The Trinity is a mystery to our mortal minds, but The Spirit of Truth will and does convey it.  And you will die on that cross, if you are blessed to Know it.  He is ONE GOD, THE GOD OF ALL--three distinct persons with ONE ESSENCE, ONE BEING, THE ALPHA AND OMEGA, all in ONE.  It defies mere human understanding, and the truth of it--Him/God exasperates the fallen and the born rebels--for they want to create a god in THEIR own image, or some other fanciful image . . . but . . . and since The Truth is God is The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, they will naturally hate and despise that Trinitarian Truth, for they are of their father, the father of lies.  Thank God for the gift of The Holy Spirit!  Who, in the days since the meridian of time, is given to us, within, since God in the flesh ascended to His throne.  SUCH that we shall not yet be left alone.

Well, and the Hindus/yogis have their own (similar, but false) version of a trinity ("Trimurti") Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva . . . and then they have their "saints" and "avatars" . . . various variations thereof.  (Sidenote, I've well studied early on in life the whole "eastern philosophy" angle deeply--I was a "sannyasin"(renunciate) of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh/Osho . . . later a dedicated Vaishnava/Hare Krishna . . . armature but fair scholar of Vivekananda, Shankara, Ramakrishna, Krishnamurti, Yogananda,  and also included serious forays into studying, practicing, testing the similar Buddhist/Zen/Taoist areas--Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, D.T. Suzuki, also checked out Sufiism, read the Koran, gnosticism; and seriously analyzed, sussed out (but never practiced) Gurdjieff/Ouspensky . . . Blavatsky, Castanada, E. Cayce, Alice Bailey, Swedenborg, The Urantia Book . . . and a bunch more . . . And then including . . . taking the "missionary lessons" of the Mormon Church and becoming a "deacon" and a "priest" and near-went on a Mormon mission; and, of course also studied the Greco/Roman philosophers, Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle. . . . AND, so as not to leave out what the nihilists/existentialists were up to . . . Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Camus etc.  Aye yi-yi!  That's about the half of it and I still have all their books in my library, which also includes a wide variety of Catholic writers (Augustine, Aquinas, A'Kempis ie.,) . . . Native American "Great Spirit" "spirituality" . . . well,  and tangentially martial arts' "spiritual" disciplines I've studied and practiced (several different Kung Fu and Japanese disciplines--Hung Gar, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, Karate, Akido).  That is a rough list of the "spiritual/religious" studies and practices. . . . Don't get me started on my ancient historical delvings (which DO actually connect, inform and relate .... such as Xenophon, Herodotus, Thucydides, Livy, Plutarch--my favorites--plus, lol I just love history, from ancient through Biblical, "middle ages", medieval, reformation era, Revolutionary, American western/Indian, communism/socialism, 20th century, 21st century . . . etc.)

Sorry... I'm  carried away albeit thinking of some of my multitudinous searching avenues, and side-interests off the top of my head that I've read, studied and practiced since a boy.... 

I could go on into other areas ... BUT MY MAIN POINT IS . . . that I've been seeking, searching, testing, pleading, praying for, meditating and practicing on FINDING THE TRUTH, above all!--The meaning and purpose of life!  I always believed, felt and through rational observation of reality early determined there had to be A MEANING AND PURPOSE TO LIFE!   

If I were to put a date on it, it was April 16th, 2004 when I had "the great dressing down" as I've called it--a 4 hour vision of God--JESUS Himself . . . where . . . I was shown many things, for hours--mostly about myself and my spiritual hypocrisy, sinful fallen nature, and I was shown (I believe) the 2nd heaven--that realm where the "prince of the power" is still riding dirty--oh the things I saw!  AND even in that betwixt realm, it was MORE REAL than this realm.  I became a (albeit newborn) Believer in The Bible and Jesus as The Way, The Truth and The Life that night, for He came and chastised and revealed to me my naked self . . . and did it with gentle love, yet strict, unyielding purpose to show and rescue. . . .

On that morning, when it was finally over . . . I got up, went to the kitchen (I was working in a house, painting in St. George, UT, alone, back on my way home from working on a different project in Palos Verdes, California).  And there, at about 7am ... found some paper and thought to write everything I had just seen and been shown, all the details. . . . But, it felt too fresh and important and precious to try to roughly incapsulate it--because it was a direct personal message.  I would have to test it through remembrance of the foundational import and message, and then, if God granted, I would remember the most important parts to relate/convey.  

Bottom line was (regarding my lifelong search):  "The Truth  is Jesus!  I am a wretch. Thank God for The Savior." . . . . which revelation I DID tell my wife when I got home, and carried on telling, sharing thereafter.  SHE got born again about 2 years later, and my sons also (I believe, although GOD is the ultimate judge of that) fairly soon thereafter.

   There was also a follow up vision a few months later, after "the great dressing down", which sealed the deal for me.  At the time, I was following the "Vaishnava" Hindu religion focused on Krishna.  

As I then delved more deeply into The Word (although, interestingly . . . all along these other pathways I NEVER rejected The Bible or Jesus, and, regardless of various spiritual and philosophical exploring, I ALWAYS found myself praying to God The Father In Jesus' Name) . . . I eventually found myself what is called "reformed" so-to-speak, --although all-in-all I think it's just Biblical revelation and understanding--AND being ever more comfortable and acquainted with and Shown the Trinitarian God.  

AND . . . (back to the subject at hand) I believe, and experience to this day THE HOLY SPIRIT guiding, sustaining, comforting, teaching . . . all along the way. 

 AND, just noting, that The Holy Spirit is too often (I believe) not acknowledged for the critical, foundational role He plays in the day-to-day sustenance and source of Truth sussing in this life since AD, AND especially in such dark and wicked times, where chaos and distraction and tricks and Noah-days tech with appurtenant temptations abound!  (I thank God I don't have a problem with that!)

Hence, being found a friend of, and a fan of, and a discerner of, here I (HOPEFULLY FINALLY GET TO THE POINT LOL!) a little bit of shout out TO THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!  


[Well, and, since I keep from not carrying on.......... I shall carry on, and keep checking my grammar and hope to get a message over the stormy bow....] Soooo... re the Trinity (where Holy Spirit oft too much gets short shrift)]

The Muslims . . . have, basically a concept of God THE FATHER... but that is it.  There is NO other portion or deviation or sharing with that absolute concept, as they conceive it--ALLAH.

The Mormons, also , for instance, do not understand or believe in The Trinity, as Biblically stated.  Joseph Smith said we are all gods in potential--kind of like the Hindus, there are "many gods".  YOU can be a god!  Like most the new-agey people have said, and then now, tik-tok-y girls and fey boys say . . . we are all gods. . . . "You are a god" ........ 👎

[By the way, regarding LDS theology, it is obvious that Joseph Smith developed "the church"--as they call it here in "the new Zion", Mormon country]. . . .  

As he (Joe) carried on  . . . meanwhile, he was taking other men's wives, young girls, stealing money, empire building and being a new (albeit typical) cult leader.... He found a very convenient "secret doctrine" that confirmed the demonic whisperings he was seduced by and went with (just like Muhammed did similarly) found some "secret knowledge" that he came across (and had already heard about) when he eventually got invited into the ongoing Masonic/"Illuminated" teachings in the area............. which are/were infested with a mishmash of mystical Islamic/Jesuit/Sabbatian/occult teachings.... At the time it was an exotic 'secret knowledge' that ie., Templars/masonic perverts and such had already gotten involved with and, of course, it involved banking, geo-politics, tantric-sex faux spirituality, and on and on.  A mish-mash of  Kabbalistic "new age" cobbledygook) . . . . . 

And, well, yeah , ... ol' Joe Smith got too big for his britches and didn't realize that the Masonic oaths he took were serious and he shouldn't share  but for penalty of death ... but he had a "new" expanding following and dare to ... BUT .. they made him pay with his life at the Carthage Jail.]


Ok... well . . . . I need to end this last missive.  I could on and on . . . . . . But for now, I think I better just post. Tomorrow is not promised, praise God."

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Not Of This World

I hope my impending sense of doom of sorts is just personal, and not of a wider scope.  

The seeming release and correction of the: stress of constant gaslighting, the economic oppression/thievery, the blatant corruption/perversion--the calling good bad, calling bad good . . . the destruction of history and cherished shared memories of such, the wicked and blatantly satanic upending of relatively installed Biblical political and civil truths understood and established . . . addressing the horrific longtime and surging child abuse, s#x trafficking . . . . And on and on and on.  The Spirit cries out for justice!  Even unbelievers (of sorts) can appreciate that!

I'm sorry, but I just cannot ignore the sense that there is a big--perhaps one of the biggest--set-ups for disappointment ever so far.  I, like so many others, I know . . . pray and yearn and cry out for some sort of relief and correction!  I hope I am just being "donnie downer" and I will happily, exultantly bear that title ongoing if my concern is proven incorrect!  FOR REAL!  

I wish nothing but the best, and could use some of it myself and for those I love . . . which starts with those closest to me, related to me and then radiating outward to ALL who are suffering under the rule of the "god of this world."  The suffering is near unbearable . . . but then I think of The Lord Who took ALL of it on Himself!  So, what complaint can I or anyone who loves and follows Him have!  The greatest gift EVER GIVEN in all of history--if one can grasp it/be graced, chosen to See/Hear it.

Hopes are being sprung high.  An exultant refreshment, feeling is in the air, indeed, it's tangible and being broadcast. . . .  

If I were an Amos type character, I would simply say . . . keep a part of yourself, your soul, centered on Spiritual purposes.  And beware of prophesied days of trouble. . . . 

If . . . things in the world . . . "go south" as they say . . . do not let that EVER extinguish your love and faith and dedication and worship and humble submission personally to GOD'S PURPOSE ABOVE ALL . . . which Purpose is Written and foretold in His Book, His Writing, His WORD!

Jus' sayin'. . . .

Enjoy the moment . . . but keep it Real . . . in the depths of your soul, your Holy Spirit-inspired-and-instructed higher self (who is eternal and exists ABOVE the shiftings and sidetracks and distractions--albeit sometimes materially pleasurable--never forget that the devil is still at play). 

(Just writing, just saying, sharing my thoughts and observations and feelings. . . .)

God blesses you :) with EVERY BREATH YET! Take care!

And thank you for checking in over here in this little light corner of the things and the people and God-loving corner NOT of the world. . . . 

Friday, November 8, 2024

Birthday thoughts 2024

 Birthday boy today.  Heh.  I almost forgot, but a few loved ones and friends reminded me, lol.

Went to the doctor (spooky high blood pressure as usual, but a bit over the top this time).... Had some weird thing going on with my thumb, which was the main issue to address--won't share the gory details lol. . . . Then worked, painted some walls, wrote some more bars/melody/lyrics (in my head) on this song that I dreamed of a few weeks ago that has been pressing on me, kind of haunting me . . . which I hopefully can get recorded/manifested sometime soon . . . before I forget it. Went to dinner with wifey--to our local fave Mexican restaurant. Coddled and gave attention to the doggies. . . . Fought off the bizarre energy company trying to do (who know's what) in our yard--something to do with "gasline" repair.... But it came out of nowhere and I'm a bit sus... not even sure they are really the gas company... Will have to keep an eye on that going forward...

SOoooo a fairly typical day.  I'm still kickin'. . . .

WELL AND of course . . . watching and listening, observing, analyzing the remarkable current events. . . .

I still say (hope I'm wrong) as I have before . . . "they" will not go quietly into the night.

Enjoy the sugar high . . . stay alert, prayerful (never forgetting GOD ABOVE ALL) while the next stages of the script play out. . . . 

God blesses you, and I thank you for your friendship and support and your divinely created intelligence, soul, spirit, body et al!  Intricate amazing creatures, one and all of you, praise God!

Sunday, November 3, 2024

I'll Paint, You Can Keep The Feak-Off Ticket

 I have so much to share, say . . . 

This is the only place where I can get to a semblance of it all...

Regarding the gatekeepers in the "entertainment industry" . . . I really just need to do some talking, conversation on a podcast or something...  otherwise, it's turns into a small, unfinished book here.

I'll continue to share what I can. . . .  

Yeah . . . bottom line . . . I was on the close outskirts of the "industry" . . . but, I was, myself, deliberately far away from SPIRITUALLY getting too close, and thus, could wave it away.  

The stink of the pit wafted from far away . . . and that was enough for me to stay clear.  

Yes, I heard the tales.  It's run by "the mafia".  I was approached several+  times with various seductive offers.  "We will have you break into the top 10 in the UK, then we will have you conquer the American charts."  

But I had already, long before committed to God, and rejected the tempter when I was 13 and he came to me and showed me "the crossroads" path choice.  

He (the devil)  said, "you have two choices right now!  You can be a young, breaking-ground, 'cutting edge' famous kid-artist/musician/singer/celebrity . . . OR . . . you can reject my offer and take the ignominious path.  What will it be?" 

I sat there for about 3 minutes . . . realizing this was the big choice. . . . But I was already owned by God, seeking Truth, and said, "well . . . I have to go the Godly way.  I have to stay with Truth, with God."

He (satan) said, in so many words, chuckling, mockingly,  "ok, sucker. . .  now your life will be very hard.  Good luck buddy."

That day I made my choice.  THE ONE TRUE GOD.

And, indeed, from about that day forward, it was rough.  I was an orphan, survivor.  BUT GOD always was with me.  Like He said "I will always be with you."  THAT is a Spiritual promise and message which has kept me faithful, alive through thick and thin.  And to this day . . . God Willing, praise God, Jesus, ongoing!

YET, he (the evil one never stops) kept coming back and saying, "are you SURE you want to go with God?  Surely you can ride the fence for a while . . . let me help you out with your dreams and talents for a while, and then later . . . if you want . . . you can go back to your God. . . . "

Yes, if you crave the world, yes you have to cross certain lines, do certain things, that are, of course, captured, recorded, .... then blackmail and/or bribe.  Most, that are desperate to be rich and famous (especially if they are not really that talented) WILL eagerly cross that line/take the ticket..... 

I saw it fairly close, but far enough away to just say no.

"They/he" told me . . . while scoffing, mocking, "Ha... well, now you will just be a day laborer.  Blackballed.  No one will understand or care about what you rejected and denied.  Now you will work 'by the sweat of your brow' and have calumnies subtly, ongoing tossed at you."

I said, "fine, Jesus was a carpenter.  I'll paint."


Saturday, October 26, 2024

Cartoon Break

Intermission . . . cartoon break.  There are some wild cartoon's from back in the day. . . .

Monday, October 21, 2024

"Basement Predators" tales continued....

 Yes , , , when and if I can get ever get to podcasting (before they shut it down) I can then perhaps fill in all kinds of interesting details.  Especially related to the Spiritual angle of things that was going on at the same time that I was bumping up against the world and its/his attempted seduction. . . .

Meanwhile, I'll continue here with a few of the (many) notable points and memories. . . . 

So, during the time of dealing a bit with Browning, I was also making waves in one of the oldest in the country (biggest around town) AM talk radio stations.  There, I met Martin and wife Natasha (top prime time hosts at the time) and they were fascinated by my talk radio satirical bits I self-produced and brought into the station, which they played and I became a regular guest/feature of the whole station (guest appearing on  various other main host's shows as well (as "T-Ray: Regional Director Of the New World Order").  This was was 1990-93, although I had already submitted produced previous satirical bits which aired regularly in mid-late 80s).

I saw the future of "talk radio" . . . which, eventually turned into "creator content" podcasting.... BUT I DIGRESS...

Anyway... Natasha, Martin's exotic wife, once they heard the original music I was self-producing, said she knew Ahmet Ertegun, founder of Atlantic Records, and they wanted to introduce me.

As a young wanna-be artist pursuing a record deal, I thought, "great!"

I took them with me for one of my meetings with Browning.  

Nothing came of that meeting (as far as Martin and Natasha were concerned) but I carried on with Browning's interest.  

 I continued to be a regular and star guest/producer of satirical comedic/political bits for Martin's show for a a few years thereon, among other shows.  

I was basically JP Spears/Mark Dice/Glenn Beck/Alex Jones/Rush Limbaugh/Crowder/Phil Hendrie etc., (regarding doing heavy political comedic satire) before they were really on the scene.  BUT I was in little ol' Mormon town Salt Lake City... and so, other than being a local underground celeb... never broke out to the big time as far as talk radio is concerned, though I could have, but was more interested in doing my music.  

Well..... and finally Senator Bob Bennet's campaign advertisers during--I think around '92--finally called the station owners and threatened to pull their advertising, because my mocking, satirical political slams of HIS hypocritical ads . . . were running back-to-back--thanks, lol, to another brilliant iconoclastic libertarian talk show host at the time there, Bob Lesh, who realized and supported my subversive intents (subversive in a GOOD way--against the cabal/ corrupt system)

ANYWAY, I digress again, lol!  See?  I just need to be a guest on or have my own podcast so I can go into detail and don't have sit here typing words that get onerous for some to have to read.... 

But... I'll continue.  This is what I've got for now. . . .

Back to the music industry part.

I scored a documentary for a wealthy fellow around the time of the initial Browning era (while I was also scoring, doing all the foley, sound effects, songs, engineering for one of THE FIRST ALL DIGITIAL MOVIE SOUNDTRACKS made (Lucas Films was doing similar at the same time, but we were near close to beating them!).... It hadn't been done yet--an all digital soundtrack and editing. . . . I was the one who did it (the soundtrack part) every night... I had the keys to the studio and for weeks and weeks wrote and engineered the whole soundtrack part....  (Well and there is a whole other the studio I was working with/for and what happened to them--the brilliant, but "green" Mormon boys with some good investment money alongside Redman Movies and Stories (still in business btw), who let the whole thing collapse when the Hollywood cats came in with their seductresses and blow... BUT I DIGRESS YET AGAIN!!!! SORRY.....)

So, yeah, one of my other soundtrack clients at the time hired me to write, produce, record the songs for a vanity project of his, retelling his "recovery" story about coming out of alcoholism/debauchery . . . and finally "getting straight".  

Which I did.

When he gave me the check, he made a side chuckle comment . . . "yeah, don't worry about the surname... lol.... it's just some family stuff from back in New York."

Confused (and naïve) I said "What? What do you mean?"

He chuckled, looked away, realized I didn't catch his slightly embarrassed smirk . . . "Lucchese."

I was about 23 years.  There was no internet, obviously at the time, and I didn't get the inference... But he was basically saying he came from the Luccehese mafia crime family of New York... but that he had changed his ways . . . hence, making his personal documentary redemption video which I had just scored.....

[He was actually a sweet guy with a nice wife, living peacefully in SLC, trying to work honest, wanting to be a sort of video/tv producer]

AND, he saved my butt in Rock Springs, Colorado, when our car broke down, towing a U-Haul on the way to Florida, with my young wife and two little boys. . . . More on THAT adventure later....

Ahhh... but back to the (unsuccessful) predators all along the way. . . . 


>>>>> Which I'll get to next... (for now, as the night wears on, I've gotta take care of Dude, one of our beloved dogs who had a pretty serious surgery... just got all the stitches out from several "mass" removals from a few weeks ago.... It's been a bloody mess... and a lot of time, keeping an eye on him so he doesn't get to the wounds.... not much sleep... lots of cleaning, washing things... constant attention... And we have Bruce, his "brother" dog vicariously suffering through all of it.... It's been an ordeal... And... meanwhile gotta keep day-laboring, painting peoples houses... bills, food, two boys/men still in the home with special needs, wife working fingers to the splits and bone keeping up the household...

 OY VEY THE INFLATION! Yet, I never am not aware of all that others are going through, so I'm not one to complain or whine--just commiserate.

It is crushing, for instance, feeling . . . the most recent horrific ASSAULT/NEGLECT in NC . . . similar to Lahaina, Acapulco, Paradise CA, and others that haven't had even that slight attention.... I see and know what's going on, and empathize, pray for, feel for--heartbroken for ALL THOSE being attacked . . . by the wicked one(s)....!)

WE also have a close one who just got word of stage 4 C . . . . 35 yr old mom, with 2 young ones... (I believe it is turbo C exacerbated by the j*b (but that's just my own suspicions--may be wrong.) 

I am well aware of the ubiquitous pain and suffering and struggle and hope by telling some old tales of mine, I do not in any way want to marginalize what else everyone is also experiencing, struggling with.  

Time may be short to share, so I'm sharing.  We'll see.  

"They", little doubt, will pull out all kinds of novel, evil, maleficent acts to continue their subversion, corruption, perversion, wickedness, and censoriousness . . . going forward.  They actually "get off" on it! . . . . I know! It is hard to comprehend that there are those who actually ENJOY and RELISH evil, cruelty, oppression etc.  (WHICH, is why they have gotten away with it for so long and continue to do so). 

The hoi poloi, "the masses" in general, just don't have the imagination or spiritual insight to realize what is going on and how diabolical and serious it (Spiritually) is. . . . 

I thank God there is A Judge . . . at the end of the day. . . .

I fear Him in a Holy way!  I love and worship Him as able, as Given to do so, which is the ultimate gift!

God willing . . . I'll carry on with some tales of "basement predators" meanwhile, fwiw.  (Well, and I'm just using the term "basement" . . . as a metaphor, obviously.  The line can be crossed on a yacht, in the attic, in the front room, in the mind , not literally just a basement--although it happens there too.

Prince said "we're not gonna let 'the elevator' bring us down" ... and by that he meant... even though he had "gone to the basement" . . . crossed the line, he regretted it and fought back against his relinquishing to the wicked one, for fame, fortune, temporary power . . .

BUT.... he finally died in an elevator.

It's real.  THEY are ruthless.  You can sing about it all the way to your grave and garner a few shekels and fame and some posters and t-shirts at the end. . . . 

It is better to NEVER cross that line, take the ticket, go to the basement--SELL YOUR SOUL for "fame and fortune".

Better to live in ignominy, or as a martyr known or unknown.   

God blesses and loves you.  He is fathomless and mysterious and yet close and personal ALL THE WAY.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

More Tales From "Don't Go To The Basement"?

[forgive me... I just quick wrote this, and if I don't get it posted, it tends to languish... but I haven't had time to edit grammar and typos, so I'll recheck....and correct as needed.. But for now.. here this is.

Because it's all over the news . . . a bit more on this topic--the rites and ways of the entertainment business at the top levels.  Also, I have a family member who has landed very near that whole scene; it was a scene I worked my up to through talent, relentless creative hard work (because I am an artist, and of course, it would be nice to be compensated for creating art/music which you love to do, and will do and have always done, regardless if there is a payday or not.)  

When I wended my way, writing, producing, scoring movie/tv soundtracks (using at the time the most cutting edge digital/sampling technology--one of a few who were doing it, because it was so new, early 80s, I'm in my early 20s with wife and 2 children) . . . my first of several investors was John Browning, of Browning Arms . . . he liked my "soundscape" experimental music, but barely . . . he was an old-world elite type guy in a suit and bow-tie at 10 in the morning.... me, I was across the desk with my shoulder length rocknroll hair, rocknroll boots.. lol, it was a couple of surreal, funny meetings.  I pitched to him my philanthropic ideas (remember, I was about 22-23 years old, a bit idealistic, but also I've always seen the future of things going on in the world, before they have manifested... If I were a "playa" I could have long ago taken WORLDLY advantage of that foresight $....  BUT, I've always been more interested in and committed to--because bought and paid for by Jesus God and HIS purposes, I dare say.

Anyway, sitting there with John Browning Jr., I'm pitching my music, music video ideas 9early days of MTV)  . . . and telling him, if and when the money rolled in, then private prisons and animal rescue sanctuaries would be something to develop.  I did not realize how nefarious the "private prison" racket would be... (my idea was to actually create privately funded prisons that would REHABILITATE lovingly, Godly, the prisoners)  Re that . . . and regarding the animal sanctuary idea, he said, basically, "why would I care about that?" .... He then let me know that "they" were moving into "shale oil" ... in some part of the ocean around Australia.  I will say, he was kind enough to give me a moment of his time, several times, and DID invest a little bit into my musical creative ideas. . . . Well, and I could go on about that whole connection and how and why I even was allowed to end up there (mainly a few different family connections/legal related things...)  But bottom line (which is one of the songs "The Bottom Line" I wrote and produced via his "help" at the time  at Osmond Studios--which is about how... the "bottom line" is death--making terms and realizing . . . that for all the money, status, clout-seeking etc in this world... YOU DIE AT THE END OF THE DAY and YOU BETTER KNOW WHAT IT WAS ALL FOR!.....

Then.... I met with a dude who claimed to be one of James Brown's (illegitimate sons). . . .

That was early days.... 

I'm just recalling a few of the initial ventures into trying to "make it"... (spoiler alert: lol... I NEVER took the ticket, never "went to the basement" .... SO... I didn't "make it" ... but could have . . . several times over.)  Because I have always been focused on GOD, TRUTH . . . and very skeptical and resistant to the wiles and ways of the world.  Had no taste for that.  

But wait!  There's more! .... 

Does anyone want me to continue on with some of these tales?  It would be easier to do on a podcast, and I can fill in interesting details, if and when I can get that up and running.....

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Never Took the Diddy Ticket/Basement Crawl

 [Sidenote blog related to the daily news]: 

All the revealing of the scene.  The diddy stuff.  I've alluded to it before.  I came up against it quite a few  times.  I was a young, super talented, charismatic, pretty young boy/man.  I was always having to fend off "chicken hawks", which I did, successfully, btw!  

It actually started when I was 7 or 8.  I believe I was Protected, otherwise I could have been molested, assaulted.  I never was, thank God!

I was eventually taken to a few adult parties, as a sort of token, novelty, because . . . well, was an only child, babysitters were hard to find, sooooo. take the little kid to the party .  

I remember in 6th grade, at one of the occasional parties at our house, my step-dad taught me how to mix drinks, be the bartender for a bit... it was a novelty... I mixed the party goers' drinks, they chuckled, thought it was cute... And then, (thank God nothing weird happened, and I would go off to my room to sleep, listening to the talking, laughing, music well into the night, as I drifted off to sleep, then school in the morning) my "dad" lawyer with his associates (he was a big up-and-coming lawyer, very German in his character and ways...super intelligent, not emotional, introduced me to Plato, Aristotle, logic). . . . I found out later in life that those were wild parties--not WILD wild... they were just 70's boomers, smoking weed, drinking, and perhaps doing some other stuff, but on the surface very straight-laced and professional).

Well, and then after that all the "offers" . . . from very wealthy, placed people.. which I always was repulsed by... and never "took the ticket"/"went to the basement" . . . .

Because I loved Truth and God above all--above money, fortune and fame.... I was told by the evil one(s) . . . . "you will only then be a day laborer, just working by the sweat of your brow" ...... And I said, "that sounds rough, BUT I am not going to cross that line!"  

And I didn't, and haven't.

It was obvious to me.  They want to get you into a compromised situation . . . record it all . . . then blackmail or gift bounteous $ bribes.  It's either, you are blacklisted OR . . . you have a million dollars in your bank account tomorrow.   

I said no.  I saw and rejected over and over . . . that whole play.

 I love God above all.

Tempted in all things, . . . The Lord said NO!  And did NONE!  HE IS PERFECT!

He said, if you Know and follow Me. . . so will you be tempted and tried and made the least.

I sorted through the whole assaults of The World/Devil, and said NO! to the temptations. 

"They" said . . . "ok... fine.... now your life will be hard."

And I said, "The Lord had nowhere to lay his head, how dare I expect anything more than that!"  

And I find myself grateful for every breath of life . . . and the opportunity to give comfort and blessing to THE LEAST OF THESE.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Nope (What we DON'T do is comply with casual evil)!

 I'm over here in the wilderness.... Found myself working on . . . an almost sort of . . . "last blog and testament" . . . for several days I hope not, lol, .... but, yeah it's been a rough week, let alone, year.  It hasn't let up.

BUT, I dare barely complain (well, I don't complain . . . I am grateful for every moment of life, breath and graced Love Of God . . . . . . .)  BUT .... like you I feel and am well aware of all the other suffering going on in any moment, yet each of us must needs be . . . share, for we are a communal human race.  It's in our designed nature.  SO . . . while the availability is still extant . . . fwiw, I'll share my thoughts and ongoing experience.  AND . . . I know and feel YOU have your own--just as important, meaningful, intense, real.

Been dealing with a beloved one . . . in house . . . after fairly serious surgery . . . since Monday.  It's been near minute to minute, hour to hour, watching, caring, protecting, healing . . . . . . And in these especially hard-hearted times, "they" would just as soon have ya die off--one less mouth to feed.


Regardless of the worldly cost and time . . . a Christian--a lover of the least and all God's creatures, you find yourself taking care of others and trusting God's will in the end. We do what we can do, God strengthen us!

What we DON'T do . . . is  "c'est la vie" (leave that to the Godless, self-seeking existentialists!!!) 

Nope.  A disciple of The Master, Lord of All . . . strives to save and comfort "the least".  For we are born of, and thrive in, and long for . . . The Lord's loving sacrificial Spirit (the world be damned if it's not appreciated and recognized--which it is and will be in The End).

Whatever the cost, we love and succor and save and garnish and heal and care over life as able!

.....  ..... ......  . . . . . . . . . . .

Anyway . . . yes, I have a near short book/blog-post written up, addressing most general things current, personal, historic, and specifically related to the immediate and coming spiritual times, which I can't seem to post just yet . . . so this is, I'm surmising a prelude of sorts. . . . . fwiw... .

Not trying to oversell it!... Just saying... it's been days, amidst the triage, in the making.  

If, perchance, it were the last thing I wrote/conveyed (I wouldn't necessarily be thrilled, lol) ....BUT, I wouldn't mind it being such, such as it has gone, as I continue to hone it, and we'll see where things go.

Well, and as I said a few times lately, just a while ago, "we are in the fast moving waters" ......... 

Turns out that phrase was (sadly) poignant lately.

But there it is.

And there's more. . . .

Brace yourself.  

Pray, love and seek God above all!  (I too say, extol and pray for this to/for myself and loved ones daily!)




Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Do Not Fear, He Is Always With You

 Fast moving waters . . . we are in, as I've noted, written of, melancholily anticipated, in real time.  

We're in them, and hitting the rocky rapids, whirlpools, waterfalls.

Getting hammered from the left, from the right, inside outside, physical, material, psychological, spiritual. . . . and then some.

Bottom line, is whether you truly have faith in God or not?

We are being hit with all kinds of "total war", "asymmetrical (demonic) warfare" on all sides.  I know me and mine are . . . and I see and feel deeply for all the others that are also.

We are in a last days of new martyrs, I dare say.  Most (as usual) will die in (worldly) ignominy.  Some will be seen and known by The Remnant even in this fallen world.  Regardless . . . GOD SEES AND RECORDS AND REWARDS the least, unseen, unheard in this vaporous realm AND, we trust IS THE AUTHOR OF ALL!  So shall it be!  HIS WILL BE DONE!

Every deed, every thought, every selfless task, effort--striving to love others as one loves oneself--IS WRITTEN . . . IN THE BOOK OF LIFE>!

Take heart, take heed, stay in prayer, repentant, humble, grateful and keeping YOUR EYE SINGLE TO THE GLORY OF GOD!  For that is what it is ALL ABOUT!

And He promised and WILL reward those who love and value and serve and yearn and appreciate HIS GLORY ABOVE ALL!!!

This fleeting, fallen, corrupt world . . . will have it's end.

And those who love it more than The Lord, will find their place--what THEY wanted aside from GOD!

God bless the suffering, the penitent, the humble, the grateful, the righteous in Christ . . . the martyrs and saints through the ages, including this age.

Praise God all the way!

Do not fear!  Bless and love and hope and be strong in your faith!  Times of especial trial are upon us at last. . . .  ALSO a time for reflected glory in serving and staying true in and to His Revelation!

Most is dross, sent to the pit.  That is HIS will, so shall it be.  So it is Written.

Me? Just shouting through the din of tumult and chaos and multitudinous assaults; I dare not say "a watchman" . . . but . . . it does feel like that sometimes, finding myself piercing through the haze of war and darkness, weaknesses of my own. 

God bless you!  I pray for you.  Your prayers are felt also and deeply appreciated.  

We shall mostly feel abandoned, alone, afraid . . . the few that be who Know and are willing to give all for The Truth. . . . 

BUT HE SAID (and if you Believe what He said, then never forget and thus cherish!) He Said: I will never leave or forsake you.

That promise along with accompanying gratitude . . . is mightier than all the armies and chaos and charades and subterfuge etc., that the puerile, debased, doomed enemy may impenitently toss your way. 


Monday, September 30, 2024

YOU Will Not Cave

[I will revisit this post . . . I am suspect that there are typos and some clarification wording that ought straighten it out... BUT ... the time is such, and, I dare say, some impending . . . hmmm. ... from what I've been seeing and feeling in The Spirit..... (It looks like a dark, solid, maleficent, irrevocable wall of sorts . . . moving up closer, soon, and about to get into place)] . . . 

Such that, I want to quick share these timely thoughts/feelings/spirit (see below) . . . 


..... feeling the suffering, sadness going on, viscerally.  The people, the pets, the animals. . . . And a continuous foreboding sense for all.

The wicked . . . are wicked . . . and evil . . . and delight in the suffering of others.  

They always have, through the ages.  

We are in an age.  Nothing new under the sun.  

There are the day-to-day worries, bills, inflation, people changing, family, friends, taxes, beloved friends and family dying, pet losses, looming more treachery, demonic influences swirling about, subtle back-stabbing whisperers, projected impending doom, intended doom, perversion of God's laws/commandments/nature in your face  "pride".... getting old body falling apart and reducing, "cultural revolution" Mao 4.0 where the children that have been brainwashed to hate their elders then put them up to have stones thrown at them and then eventual calumny them to gulags, or outright tortuous executions..... 

I recall reading (AND hearing personally from actual survivors personally, the many accounts--now mostly censored and hard to find) of how the godless God-hating cabal communist marxist devil spawn... would suss out the "Christians" . . . main target . . . and then, for instance, in a case I learned of . . . they took the man, a believer who would not renounce his faith, and put him in a tall barrel . . . encased . . . with nails sticking in from the outside... just touching his body barely.... THEN ... they rolled him in the barrel . . . down a steep hill.... And they laughed and drank and played poker and continued their torture the rest of the days on the others.  Christians were primary targets--because . . . in the communist world . . . the state is God . . . there can be no other contender.

Most in that position of torment and threat (who do not have the grace of God, Holy Spirit) cave.

They do not persist. They still have hope in this world.

But True Believers . . . martyrs . . . simply CAN NOT cave!  Once you have seen the Truth and the Glory of THE ONE TRUE AND ONLY GOD . . . you cannot deny it.  Separation of goats and sheep happens at that moment.

It isn't easy, for sure! It is Awful . . . terrible, painful! 

BUT . . . when you think of the One Pure Sacrifice, Who gave Himself to suffer and take on all your fallen sin, iniquities . . . and you recall, having read thereof, and even barely grasp . . . the depth, and suffering, and sacrifice, and the disgusting mockery put upon, and the calumnies spread against THE PERFECT LAMB OF GOD.

There is all the physical, material, worldly threats and attacks and subterfuge, as usual. . . .

BUT above all . . . never forget and always keep in mind and in spirit and soul . . . THIS IS A SPIRITUAL BATTLE!

This worldly life is a vapor.  It goes fast, even if you live a long time.  Many get clipped way before even a long life.  Tomorrow is not promised.  SO . . . pray always . . . always be striving for a prayerful, grateful state of mind.  AND (and this might sound flippant, but it's not) . . . a certain sense of humor amidst the oppression . . . is Godly.  We would not have a sense of humor, if God didn't Himself, within his essence, being.  

Gratitude . . . a sense of humor . . . love . . . compassion for the lost fallen . . . empathy . . . loving others as much as you love yourself . . . loving GOD above all--finding yourself graced with the unfathomable (albeit "through a glass darkly")  love and desperate desire for THE TRUTH, GOD . . . and being gifted with having the recognition of The Lord, The Word.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Arrogant Internet $ Spiritual Grifters

Tonight.. tracking things . . . observing, like I always find myself doing. . . . 
I just got to quick say,
Sam Shamoun . . . no Bueno.

Money, cheap internet fame, ego . . . EGO . . . deluded, pervasive and vile arrogant mouth, not of Jesus. . . and I wouldn't be surprised if . . . some "accelerants" fueling the flame.......

He is exposing himself.  It's over for the cat.

ARROGANCE . . . PRIDE . . . is the original fall from grace.

Not gonna end well.

He is an arrogant fool, sad to say.  All of that weaponized autistic memory going to waste, and serving self and the wicked Marxist atheist pope. . . . 

So . . . yeah, he can beat up on Islam . . . but he is not of, with Jesus, I dare say.
And I just did. 
Beware wolves in sheep's clothing.

I'll stick with the least, the poor in spirit . . . pleading, praying every night for mercy, because it is the heart of the humble, submitted.

Not impressed with encyclopedic arrogance.

That . . . is Talmudic . . . 


And the least shall be first.  Take heart ( if you find yourself the least, and simply loving and seeking and finding THE LORD . . . in the quiet of the night)

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Where Does Your Attention Go?

 Like I mentioned before . . . ATTENTION is a thing.

It runs the world and was the falling sin of Lucy-pants.


WHO and/or what do you expend your energy toward?

I've addressed this before.  It's worth mentioning again.

This world is run by attention.  It is run by the fallen one who wanted attention.

The fallen one, kicked out of Heaven, then got allowed a realm for an amount of time to showcase how that works.

It works like . . . perversion, child trafficking, murder, violence, hate, jealousy, greed, subversion, destruction of all that is good and of God, 

So, God allowed the Rebel/rebels to show what they could do WITHOUT His Sovereignty.  

And look at it now.

Horrific.  Pure dedicated evil.

WHERE does your attention go?   Are you focused on and loving ONLY GOD?!  NOT the god of this fallen world, but THE GOD OF ALL, WHO IS SOVEREIGN, HOLY, GOOD ABOVE ALL, KING OF KINGS!

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

A Sudden Strike

 Last night, in the wee small hours, I Saw the sudden crippling cyber/power-grid attack.   I saw Russian military operatives . . . biding their time, analyzing the best strike points, planning, getting ready and waiting . . . then of a sudden, they hit, out of the blue. 

Imagine, if this happens near simultaneously with widespread terror attacks on the ground. 

It will get rough quickly, to say the least. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Vanity . . . All Is Vanity, other than the 1st commandment

"Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever. The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose. The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to his circuits. All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again. All things are full of labour; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing."  --Ecc 1:2-8

Sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, bereft, self-seekers, winners, losers, and the rest, BEWARE.

It is not about YOU, regardless. 

Recall and strive to live THE FIRST COMMANDMENT if you can't muster the effort to do anything else worth striving for.  For, if you do (follow the 1st commandment) . . . all else worthy and holy and joyful follows.  THAT is the whole of the law, the rest follows.

"You will not have any other gods before Me. Thou shalt not."  Start with this directive above all.  All else can go jump off a cliff.  

[Well, and strict in tow is the 2nd commandment, which is tied to the first.]

Sunday, September 8, 2024

It's Not About You, It's About HIM


If I could say anything, all in all ... of what I've Seen...


Thank God for air, existence, water . . . some food ....

What you find yourself doing . . . is surging, yearning towards LOVING GOD. 

Everything besides that is a distraction.

How and why do the angels spend all of their eternal time singing glorious hymns and songs dedicated to the honor, glory, unfathomable reality of GOD?  Moment after timeless moment... this is what they do.  From before time, through time and after time... through eternity. . . . .

Oh, we should be so blessed!  

Once you get even the slightest micro sliver of seeing His glory and light... EVEN A FAINT SLIVER!  THAT ALONE . . . is enough to find yourself on your face, face down, in awe, that HE IS WHO IS IS ........... THE ALPHA AND OMEGA!!!

Words don't do justice to even attempt to describe what you see and know and acknowledge Who He Is!



YOU... meanwhile . . . with petty temporary concerns, trying to make a big splash in the fleeting material world and mortal life . . . are a fool, if you so do. . . . 

The suffering and burden borne . . . by The Son . . . Who died in the flesh, yet rose, defeating death . . . is beyond mortal appreciation and understanding.  The only way you might grasp it--be invested and a part of it--IS ONLY ... BY HIS GRACE.

He IS love . . . and gracious!  Merciful. And wholly Holy. 

He is all in all . . . and has no need whatsoever to do ANYTHING for you.

If you find yourself loving and serving and suffering in this (quick, brutal temporary mortal) life then PRAISE GOD!

There is a perfect Divine justice to it all.  Those who hate God . . . get what they want.  Justice.  They hate God and want nothing to do with Him.  And so, they fairly get what they want.

What do you crave, yearn for?  

Truth?  God?   

Or..... just stupid, myopic temporary self-seeking/fulfilment.... ?

The Lord came down to this realm . . . and suffered ALL that we have or might have had gone through.  He took it all upon Himself, through His only begotten Son. . . .

Tempted in all things...

Yet, perfect....

He conquered all.  The proof was rising from the dead.  NO ONE EVER BUT JESUS DID THAT!

And all of the witnesses... Apostles... went to their tortuous dying ends proclaiming what they had witnessed! ...... They could not and did not and would not DENY what and Who they saw, heard, knew.

The Lord IS coming soon.

The Lord is HERE NOW, having gifted His Holy Spirit to succor those who believe and have faith.

Everything needed for guidance . . . is Written.

Everything that can console the troubled soul yearning for solace and truth and the Lord . . . has been given.

All to do . . . is to press into faith, belief, hope and trust in The Word, guided by the Holy Spirit, searching for yearning for, loving The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Together, Who are together ONE . . . and the ONLY TRUE LIVING SOVEREIGN GOD OF ALL.

Heaven is a place . . . where . . . GOD . . . shares HIS immutable reality with His deigned and perfect subjects, for His and their endless righteous pleasure.

The devil people hate that.  THEY want to usurp WHAT IS.

THEY want to subvert what is Truth!.

They got given a pittance of existence . . . and then got full of themselves, and want to overthrow THE THRONE OF GOD.

The LORD is GOD.  Usurpers, upstarts are NOT.  They don't realize or accept that they only exist as a subject creature BECAUSE OF HIS DESIGN.

He is an awesome and fearful God.

He is Who He Is.

You can either accept it or reject it.

Here's what you can't do. . . . OVERTHROW HIM!

Fools--those who think they can. . . .

We suffer for His Name and Glory's sake! . . . For now. . . . 

THEN.......... the reward!

Stay fast, true, in love, in submission to The Lord, THE ONE TRUE AND  HOLY GOD.

Brother Thomas ©2005

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