Sunday, November 5, 2023

Lots Of Manifesting

 I've been wanting to write here for days.  There are a number of various blocks.  I'm skirting the edges of the general shutdown tech/info-wise, ie., the censorship . . . . . . But above all, from what I've been Seeing and want to share--it is . . . a bit edgy to convey, and, as always, I don't ever want to just write or say things here that I don't feel aren't "sanctioned" by the Holy Spirit.  So, it is treading carefully, yet feeling, compelled to share.

It's just that . . . as I go to relay it . . . I'm held off, either by the tech blocks OR God . . . and since I tend to "reformed" . . . I roughly assume both.

Anyway. . . . I've got a moment here where the lines are clear to at least begin to address it.  And sometimes, I will at least get down my notes here taken from the field of battle.  I would love to have the time and proper spiritual presence to flesh them out further, and sometimes I am able to to do that.

But also, sometimes, I just will, in a quiet moment, throw out my handwritten notes (from amidst the field of battle) here . . . hoping, trusting, that something of value (for the legit Spiritual warriors) will be transmitted. . . . .

So... for now--and I do hope to expound on this, because I do think it is a real current ongoing most important spiritual phenomena occurring roundabout--I will quick relate my notes amidst certain battlefields:


"Witchcraft--Satanic magnet $ . . . "P** at O**** is a witch, one of the owners.  Demons are manifesting, the clientele look like humans, but, these days, I'm not so sure--my latest dreams keep showing this, how they quickly transform from human-like into beasts/zombies/demonics--hence why they are attracted like (evil) moths to a flame, focusing on me--they feed off Light/Life--because they are dead and dying, parasitical, like the devil, who has no life, but what he can suck from the living--the only kick they get is mocking, manifesting, accusing the Saints, The Believers, the Children of God!  

I think I now understand these latest dreams (old men dream) of these recent transforming evil beasts attacking, and it is becoming near ubiquitous, all around. . . ." 


Ok. So that's the quick related note.  I could expound and hope to.  Basically, I can quick say for now . . . there is real witchcraft going on all around.  And not many people in the middle.  Those that were lukewarm . . . have been and are being subsumed into the demonic hordes.  Yes!  I know that sound hyperbolic and dramatic and theatrical.  BUT, I dare say I am seeing it in day-to-day temporal reality, AND it is being pounded home in these new kinds of dreams I've recently mentioned.

I happen to find myself (as one being IN the world, ALTHOUGH NOT OF IT) here I am seeing and expeirencing flash visions of the latest quick money and deluded and demonically possessed/influenced people are gathering . . . and in more cases than not, now, it is because of deliberate voodoo, sanitaria, black magic etc., . . .  efforts more than you might suspect!  It only takes a few dedicated witches/warlocks to create a coven, and in these days, satan is more than happy to oblige and shower (temporal) gifts on a few gathered and committed towards evil gain. 

I genuinely fear for them.  Hell is real.  Time is short.  Temptation . . . succors and sucks most into that wide way maw of destruction and eternal damnation!

Jus' sayin' . . . . 

The golums are everywhere and if you have Eyes to See . . . you will see them manifesting...

(More to say, God willing.) 

God bless and love you as He does! 

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