Thursday, March 30, 2023

HIdden Knowledge Re Our Realm

I haden't seen this one before.... I found it an interesting video, fwiw.  It has to do with the hidden history/knowledge re the actual shape/form of this world.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Current Affairs' Notes & "the solace of hell"

 In general, I know, we're getting sliced and diced . . . in up-close situations, people AND on the "grand stage".  Lots of theatre going on.  Lotsa bluff.  AND also lots of macro bluff and oppression going on. . . .

Demons are loosed, flying, flitting about . . . within "the airs" . . . within brain/mind/soul, and of course, doing weather warfare and electronic tortures on the side. . . . 

We are in a live battlefield type situation, where the cannonballs are rolling in, taking off limbs and heads--physically and spiritually, soul-ly. . . . 

Yes, you are under constant attack.  BUT, don't get too upstart thinking this is a special time, because the Children of God have ALWAYS been under attack since the devil got butthurt and thought he/she/it/they/legion could take over the realm, starting from the war in Heaven. . . .

Yes, I have to write somewhat in parable. . . . It works.  The TRUTH . . . transcends above and below all, I dare say, for those with "eyes to see and ears to hear."

Regarding "the solace of hell" motif--I shall get to that, fwiw. . . . For starters, if you love Truth . . . if you love God above ALL--THE ONE TRUE AND ONLY GOD--you, I dare say, will find yourself deeply and utterly disgusted, infuriated on a certain level, with the constant perversion of Truth, and with the  hate of God, with the hate of the Name of Jesus, and with the hate of, that the Messiah has already been here and sacrificed and saved all those who Believe!

The lying, the subversion, the insidious machinations of wicked politicians. "influencers"--the horrific daily perversions of goodness, Godliness, creation . . . the cheats, the liars, the perverse, the constant evil assaults, cruelty, soulless ghouls stirring up chaos and mayhem . . . have their reward.

Demons abound--within, without.  Pray always!


Quick side-note: "1st Amendment Audits". . . . 

On Youtube especially, there is a bit of a "cottage industry" in making "1st Amendment Audit" videos, "copwatch" stuff, where cats go out and enter government buildings with their cameras, carrying on about how it is a constitutional right to "film in public", "there is no expectation of privacy in public", etc., and etc.  It's been a somewhat fascinating, interesting theme to watch unfold.  Of course, WE, the public, the people are constantly under surveillance, cameras everywhere . . . so yes, it is interesting and ironic to watch the "public servants/government workers" freak out when a citizen comes in "filming" with a camera in the public spaces. . . .

I could go on for quite a while in my analysis of this phenomenon/agenda . . . and that would be something I wouldn't mind doing sometime on a podcast interview . . . but meantime, while I'm able to write and share words here for now, I want to quick get down on record a sort of summary of what I think this effort ("1st Amendment Audits") is going to end up being. . . .

So, these 1st amendment dudes and dudettes make a big deal about what is LAW . . . vs. what are RULES/POLICIES.  I believe they are generally having decent intentions, BUT the result of the enterprise will be--eventually, in but a few years--that young, "woke" Maoist-style youth will roam around and nail people to the wall re LAWS vs. policy.  Right now they are using the idea of the Constitution being LAW--the law of the land--however . . . when NEW LAWS (commi-type laws) are in effect . . . you will experience and see these same type characters . . . running around, well-funded, shaming and enforcing THE NEW LAWS!  

'Twill be surveillance state, culture/society, enforced by radicalized youth with cameras shaming, threatening, intimidating, enforcing "lawful" behavior and norms.  These will be new laws, however, according to nwo communistic globalist totalitarian dictatorship. . . .

It's Pol Pot with "smart phone" technology.  In Cambodia, during Khmer Rouge, they targeted people who wore glasses and were so-called "educated".  This time, in this country especially (USA, but other "western" countries as well) it will be . . . bible believers, "patriots", white people, "conservatives" etc who are/will-be the enemies of the global state.  As I wrote some time ago, I expect The Bible will be outlawed, "banned", just as it has been in Godless totalitarian societies previously.  When I first suggested that, I know, it seemed hyperbolic, extreme. . . . BUT, even well meaning dullards nowadays need not stretch their imagination too hard to recognize that this is indeed where it is going. . . . 

There will be hordes of weaponized autists, adult-hating angry . . . ocd pyscho/socio-paths, detail obsessed "robots" of sorts, transhumanist freaks . . . who, in the near-ish future will show up with cameras/phones to record/enforce your compliance to the NEW laws and nwo "constitution".


[Also, here's some quick macro Geo-politics thoughts, predictions (based on long study/observation/visions as I'm watching it all unfold near exact as expected/seen]:

The plan has long-time been to infiltrate, subvert traditional American culture--primarily the remnant forms of the early Christians, Protestants who had their big effect on the drawing up of the original documents; civil, familial, political ideas etc., which resulted in a designed "Constitutional Republic". . . .

Yes, I know, the secret societies were also knee-deep in it all, as usual--BUT, there also was a big, blessed dose of genuine Biblical guidance, Spirit, "Reformed" influence among the framers and instigators of a desired free country.  THAT the Biblical/Protestant impetus is the part which is specifically most under attack and intended to be erased, wiped-out.

The plan, in this case, these days, regarding the overall warfare stratagems of the enemy, is/has-been to infiltrate, subvert, pervert, infest and destroy from within . . . which a major part includes turning the people against their own government--to hate and distrust their own government so that the center is hollowed out, and then easy pickings taking out the integrous, recalcitrant. THEN . . . there is happening a coalescence of all the various cultivated geo-political enemies into a wide-ranging consortium, such that, the island (America) is basically surrounded on all sides by pretty much the whole "world" . . . with all potential patriots and freedom-fighters either dead, threatened with death/prison etc.  SUCH that . . . it all ends up in a veritable surrender, though guised it will be.  

The enemy will arrive as "liberators".  The surrender will look and feel inevitable and will be ushered in as a component of the "great reset".  THEN the clean-up, the sweep-up will happen.  Yes, round-ups, gulags, executions and persecutions.  Many a valiant martyr will earn future gems in their crowns (so-to-speak) through all of that, praise God!

But yeah, you can see it teeing up even now.  Iran, China, India, Mexico et al, Russia, Iraq, Syria, and plenty of others, all combined, swoop in, easy-peasy, surround the broken "woke" disheveled remnants of what's left of the USA . . . PLUS, with the various hating hordes having being let in, now ensconced and awaiting orders, helped across the border, embedded throughout . . . combined with the internal homegrown Maoist transhumanist hateful youth--it all comes together as one diabolical demonic horde assaulting and destroying The Remnant (if they could.)

I can see it lining up.  I can hear and sense the talking-head knuckleheads themselves now getting a little nervous that it may not end well, even for them--those who have carried the subtle poison water for years just for shabby temporary money, power, fame. . . .


Hence, "the solace of hell."

Hell is horrific.  I truly don't wish it on a worst enemy, if I had one. It is fearful, hopeless, dreadful beyond all normal human understanding.  It is NOT a party!  It is just, yes, but so utterly dire and terrible, for there is no excuse and no salvation from there for those deserving it.  Once done, it's done.  Forget multiple lives, multi-verses, parallel realities, reincarnation, purgatories. . . . Nope.  ONE LIFE is what each has been given.  The Liar will lie and whisper that there are other chances, ways around it, and/or that you can have a nice piece of territory to lord over there.  But no!  JUSTICE . . . DIVINE JUSTICE RULES!

So . . . just saying . . . as you witness, sadly, tragically, mourning . . . the rampant, vile evil afoot--the perverting and cruelty foisted on the innocent. . . . When you are crushed and aghast at the bald-faced lies and subterfuge and corruption and theft and murder and wicked, violent oppression of any and everything naturally of God and good and of His creation . . . seeing the old, the sick, the poor, the young, the creatures, harried and harassed and squashed, marginalized, tortured, tormented . . . well, know and rejoice, God is just! The Righteous Judge will Judge!  And He made Hell for His purposes.  And, in hard times, beset by ubiquitous evil, I dare say, sometimes . . . there is some God blessed solace . . . in knowing Hell exists, for real, for those who deserve and want it.  Good riddance!  One day . . . one blessed day . . . good riddance and good bye.   



Wednesday, March 22, 2023

"The More Humble And Obedient" and fleshing out a vision

 “The more humble and obedient to God a man is, the more wise and at peace he will be in all that he does.”

“As long as you live, you will be subject to change, whether you will it or not - now glad, now sorrowful; now pleased, now displeased; now devout, now undevout; now vigorous, now slothful; now gloomy, now merry. But a wise man who is well taught in spiritual labor stands unshaken in all such things, and heeds little what he feels, or from what side the wind of instability blows.”

“God hath thus ordered it, that we may learn to bear one another’s burdens; for no man is without fault, no man without his burden, no man sufficient of himself, no man wise enough of himself; but we ought to bear with one another, comfort one another, help, instruct, and admonish one another.”

“A man who is a lover of Jesus and of truth, a truly interior man who is free from uncontrolled affections, can turn to God at will and rise above himself to enjoy spiritual peace.”

Thomas a'Kempis


[coming soon . . . God willing . . . "The Solace Of Hell" . . . I have something to say about that, I know, sorely needed, helpful. . . .]

[Also . . . re last comment/question re "hardline changeover" verbiage in last post. . . . What I saw, was that it was a sudden, all-encompassing multi-level switchover... Sorry, It's hard to put into words, because it was seen in a revelatory moment--in that time of night/early morning, where I was not asleep, not dreaming, BUT just coming out of dreaming/sleep--The veil thins at that time--the heaviest things I've seen, been shown lately, come in that twilight moment. . . . 

As I fully awoke, I tried to recall all I saw, detail it out in my mind so I could remember/relate it.  By morning, I only could grasp the gist of it (which I am fine with--if God wants details retold, He would provide details as needed.) BUT, I DID retain a semblance of it, which I understood to mean, that I could/should go ahead and relate, retell what I saw.  

I saw a map of the "world" . . . saw all the countries, continents, and at the same time saw all of the various levers of control and agendas . . . all coming together in a bit moment of attack.  

Dis-location . . . from "normal" daily life was severed. . . . It was something like "lights out!" . . . . 

It was seen in the Spirit, so it is hard to translate into words because vision in the Spirit is so comprehensive, multi-dimensional, simultaneous, beyond earthly words.  BUT it was definitely profound!  And a complete "stick in the spokes" . . . . . "A changeover" keeps coming into mind.  And that it was wholesale! Everything shifted in a big way. . . . All of the different plans and agendas and various subterfuges going on . . . came together in a big moment....... It was a shock.  One day, one moment, things all went into motion, and then nothing was like it was before. . . . . 

It was a "flash vision"... I will not embellish or imagine what it meant specifically just yet. I only wanted to relate it while it was relatively fresh in my mind.  I suspect there will be more to see . . . . 

Anyway.... I suspect this is not satisfactory re explanation . . . but it's honest and the best I can do for now. The bottom line sense of it . . . was that . . . one day basically, a bunch of mechanisms got into effect, and from then on, things are never the same.]

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Vision, thrown out, come back later to tighten up, God willing.

 The below writing I'm just going to hurry and get posted.--usually I try to go back over and edit grammar, spelling, etc., . . .  half-thoughts, and not well wrought-out/written purposes. . . . 

BUT, in this case, I'm just going to post the below quick take, fwiw.  I do expect to come back and tighten it up... but for now.... just throwing it out there. 


----[Before I forget--because such things tend to be somewhat transient--I want to get down in words a vision I had last night.  "And it will be in the last days, says God, that I will pour out my Spirit on all people; then your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams." --Acts 2:17

I will say, as mentioned before, the dream world these days . . . is really something.  I've always had stunning, incredibly vivid, epic dreams . . . but since the last (couple years?) it is a whole new ballgame.  I won't go into the details and analysis, for, I generally am suspect of, and not a fan, of people carrying on about their dreams. . . . BUT, I will say, this fairly recent experience of them, has been striking, to me.

Usually, nowadays, nowanights, they come in batches--about 3-4 different scenarios per night. . . .

Anyway, I digress. . . .

There are subtle visons . . . that, when they arrive, for me at least, they arrive about 4-4:30 in the early morning . . . AFTER the proto-typical "witching hour".  

It comes in a full "360-degrees'" Sight--seeing, knowing, Hearing--when seeing with and from The Spirit, lots of knowledge and vision and understanding all at once happens instantaneously.  It is a similar "sensory" experience to those who have "died" and seen/felt/experienced Heaven. . . .

So . . . before I forget the gist of it . . . and while fighting intervening demonic yelling trying to stop me---in that oft sacred time of the early morning/late night. . . I saw quick a vision (I think) of how the big takedown moment arrives. . . . 

"Shock and awe" type scenario is what I saw.  It happens all at once.  It is hard to translate in writing here what I Saw . . . but I'll give it a go.... What I Saw . . . was a vision of "the world" . . . many countries, continents involved . . . and multiple crisis on various different levels coming to a sort of culmination all at once.  Everything happened at once.  It was overwhelming, "shock & awe" kind of attack, informed by A.I.


I saw . . . multiple "crisis" going on . . . all at once.  So much so, that it seemed like within a day or two . . . "missiles" are "flying", power shut down--all of the banking devolve et al--various converging intentional destructions pretty much happen all at once.  Hence, the "shock and awe".  

For a moment--in the "old men dreaming dreams" seeming experience I'm possibly experiencing lately--I Saw the day . . . when it all changes over. . . . And what was notable, was that it was a real, hard-line changeover. . . . .]


Thursday, March 16, 2023

Gulag Prep 101

 The "doom and gloom" . . . AND YET HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL!

Well, it feels like about time to update the "doom" part of things. . . . 

Just an occasional heads-up . . . fwiw :)


Ooh . . . I know, I KNOW . . . it's gettin' rough out there!. . . .

We are dealing with it all, but "still kickin" . . . as they say. . . .

Gettin' old.  Gettin' the various and sundry odd body-physical maladies and struggles and nuttin' through.

So, when I can, amidst the pressuring, intended chaos . . . I find myself making some notes:

The more lies . . . the more Truth Seen.  As bad as things are--as the lies compound . . . it always helps make THE TRUTH more visible and appreciated!

They are isolating Christians & "patriots" into targetable pockets . . . so as to be easier swept up when gulag time comes up. . . . The foot soldiers, as I said way back in an early "May Day" interview with Zeph D., will be the "Mao youth" ("cultural revolution" style) who enforce the domestic angle. . . .  PLUS the radicalized "minorities" and, add . . . the millions now of "illegal" immigrants/gangs--ALL ready to take vengeance on the programmed, assumed enemy (Christians, esp. whites, "patriots"). . . .

Eventually, and apparently not too far off . . . it turns into full-blown persecution and gulags.


Just like I always said.  And now it's starting to get obvious, so that the knucklehead talking-heads are realizing . . . none shall be spared of that ilk.

Don't fall for the "Russia is good guy" psyop.  I long ago warned of that trap.  They are all on the same side.  It is a diabolically devious strategy (old school, time-tested, takeover techniques).  Don't forget that it was from Moscow, so-to-speak, that the infiltration and subversion of all our (here in the U.S. and "west") institutions and ideals . . . took place--going back decades.  NOW they will come in and play the "liberator"--"liberating" us from our corrupt, hated government.  

It's all a trick.  Truly, I dare say . . . the main enemy for Them/"glavny vrag" is BIBLE BELIEVING HOLY SPIRIT INVESTED CHRISTIANS.  The Bible believing Chrisitians are the enemy of the nwo, plain, obvious and simple.  This is a SPIRITUAL war above all.  We battle not against flesh....

Yes, the current banking scenario . . . is but a channel . . . and intended progress into CBDC, plus all the other appurtenances of the "G-Reeeeesetttt" . . . . As I've long said.... Worldwide totalitarian communist dictatorship (which is naught, but the synagogue of satan 2023) utilizing technocratic/trans-humanist fluff and bluff and boots on the throat . . . is the inevitable governing apparatus to be (and so says The Word, so, not surprised.) 

. . . I don't think there is much to do (besides some basic preparatory maneuvers for physical survival as long and as far as one can)  OTHER THAN . . . getting right with God.

I suspect, once the ball really gets rolling, things will happen FAST . . . and there won't be much time to sort things out--OTHER THAN . . . what you have already intentionally, lovingly, Spiritedly sorted out in and for your eternal soul--submitted to and loving and determined to adhere--chosen, designed for such a time, in the will of The Lord.

Death comes either way.  Whether in the 1800s . . . or in Roman times . . . or alone in some village after Genghis hordes blew through and slaughtered, or this or that through the ages . . . it doesn't matter, the details.  Get right with God, as can, as willing, loving and able!  He is so gracious towards those who seek and love to know and be with Him, for once the mucky, murky evils of this current, temporary world/life are over. . . . DEATH COMES.  THEN LIFE ETERNAL . . . (or the 2nd death, in Hell.)

Those who love God and Truth . . . are either going to be spared here soon dying mercifully . . . while others . . . will go through crown-making martyr-type scenarios.  

You know this, in your heart, ( if you do) and, I suspect, you are already being braced and hearing the trumpets.

There will be a full on, quick assault . . . once the fur starts flying.  Anyone with even half of brain, can see it being set up.  Praise GOD!  In earlier times, it was not so easy to see the Light from the dark.

We are blessed to live and persevere in such a time.  Grateful!  Humble! Loving God and loving others as we would love to be loved amidst the suffering and chaos. . . . Joyfully suffering for His Name's sake!  Such a blessing!  Let the dead bury the dead!

Yeah, there's gonna be round-ups and gulags.  It always goes the same, this tawdry attempt at world dominion.  BUT, there will indeed also be miracles, albeit quietly and singularly seen and recognized. . . . 

THIS life, in this fashion, as it is . . . is but a vapor.  It's quick.  Make it count!  Truth and love of Truth (GOD) is manna for the Believing in these ever darkening days where sorcerers and perverse demons and fallen humans thrive. . . . 

Whatever, however it passes, it is just one gulag to another until the blessed day of reckoning. . . . 

PRAY ALWAYS--especially for having the LOVE OF GOD . . . ABOVE ALL! 

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Quick Notes/Thoughts On The Situation

[Here are some quick notes, thoughts, inspirations, along the way, that I'm going to go ahead and just post fwiw:)]


Well . . . and beware this "15 Minute City" stuff.  Old news, I know . . . but it's now percolating a bit . . . "smart cities". . . .

And wait! What did I hear the donald talking about?  "Freedom Cities"? .....

Hmmm.  Lookout.  We'll see if Ea. Palestine OH is being set up for that. . . . Hmmm.....

I'll say, Ukraine is appearing to be setting up to be a "smart country" so-to-speak. . . . Yes, it's the whole wef scenario . . . agenda 2030 . . . . . . . etc., and etc.   

Oh, and I heard ol' "elonmusk" . . . is floating scenarios about "utopian towns" . . . . . Hmmm....

They are setting the stage.

UBI . . . soy boys and girls and everything in between . . . "transhuman psychotronic, sans-gender catatonic". . . with various and sundry occult influences and infestations amidst the "tech". . . . Basically a programmed, culled, robot community.

Near total surveillance . . . near behavior control . . . near complete direction and compliance . . . with demons and psycho-tech and wickedly/perversely-possessed hosts and props . . . and . . . yes . . . a lot of other annoying totalitarian appurtenances roundabout, within and without. . . . Welcome to "Happy Valley".

Nevertheless, Praise God!  ALWAYS! If you find yourself in one of these upcoming hell-holes . . . 

HE . . . and yes I say HE!--because that is the pronoun HE used to write about Himself in His Word--HE will still be with and guide and protect your soul, if you are a Believer!  

As always, take care, pray always!  I think many of the faithful will NOT find themselves in these horror zones.  

But some will.

JUST AS . . . in the last century, a lot of Believers found themselves in the gulags.

Gulags are coming. No surprise. 

Recall, however, that the jewels in the crowns of the Children of God, in Heaven, relate to the sacrifice and suffering that they experience--and I dare say are BLESSED WITH in this fallen, devilish world!

For now, the Kingdom Of God is WITHIN.  When He brings all to pass it will ALSO be without!  

It is the all in all.  

HE is the ALL IN ALL!  

That, this is the situation!  Praise God!


The C-Vid/Alien Invasion Connection

 On March 13th, 2020, just as the Covid psyop was about to really kick off, I mentioned an immediate "flash vision" I had which alluded to a connection between the plandemic and the coming fake alien invasion.  I suspect one major connection is the success of the "experiment" to see how many people, globally, can be tricked into believing AND enforcing a lie.  I was suspicious of the thing from the get go, just as I was on the day of 9/11.  I never "locked" down--kept working, didn't worry about a mask and, of course, did not (nor did any of my family) take the so-called "vaccine".  BUT millions did.  The psyop was quite a success.  It also served as instilling "trauma-based mind control"--those who were susceptible to the obvious lies and nonsense will be ever more susceptible to the next worldwide psyop--even something so incredible as an "alien invasion".  Not to mention, those who survive the jab, likely have technology within them that will help conform them to the "alien invasion"/influence scheme.

I imagine this will be the excuse for certain, targeted "EMP" type events to take place (blamed on the "extraterrestrials". . . .

I've seen this event, I believe, in many dreams, off and on, for many years.  It truly is a "shock and awe" event.

If you thought a "global pandemic" was effective for luring and coercing worldwide compliance of behavious--the "alien invasion"/contact will put it to shame. . . . 

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Take Heart: Truth is lovelier than lies!

 Take heart! 

You who love and know God--The Triune God . . . should be able to feel and anticipate with a humble thrill, as the end draws near, the subtle glorious excitement at getting soon to meet Him "face to face"-- to be immersed in His love and glory and (beyond measure) endless relationship!  

As I've oft acknowledged here, life is short and getting shorter.  By the minute.  It's a breeze.  It is quick green going to soon withering yellow grass. . . . 

THIS is not our world.  Well, and to be more specific, this is not our Home.  This is a temporary way-station on The Way.  We are nomads for a time . . . pressing on, in faith, through the wild wilderness and deserts and stormy waters. . . . 

It is wholesomely natural to be involved with and engaged and dealing with the world, as it is. . . .

Hermitism, petty self-obsession, over-concern for comfort, status, "security" in this fallen world . . . is for the living dead.  

The Living . . . walk, move parallel to the wickedness--in the world but not of it. . . . 

The two tracks are near each other.  But they are ultimately different and diverge, completely, ending up in one or the other of the two destinations. 

The end is near.  Look into it.  Begin to anticipate what that looks like . . . being in the presence of GOD, who is light, truth . . . He Who reveals all that is truly in your spiritual, soul heart. If you love and seek The Lord, despite the attacks, whilst suffering the crippling nature of mortal life in this chaotic, demonic, fallen world . . . then you should be getting subtly and/or heavily energized IN THE SPIRIT.

Yes, there is the ongoing and intentionally oppressive sense of general dread,  It is meant to demoralize you.  Much, I dare say, of the talk about AI dominance and the upcoming irrelevancy of basic humans is a psyop.  They want you to think they are way more ubiquitous and powerful than they actually are.  It's the "wizard of Oz" motif.  Well, and yes, because it works on fools.

Most everything now is a "mindf*ck" operation.  As always, they have some tech.  But the biggest part of it is bluff, bluffing. . . . 

Because the Truth is simple, they/it don't want you to know how easy it is to simply screw with peoples' minds and souls with boiler-plate propaganda. Hence, all the distractions, details, "progressions", diversions, subversions, chaos et al.  The Truth is lovely, LOVE, straightforward, narrow but leading to unending creativity and glory and fulfilment . . . FOREVER AFTER!

SO, take heart!  Take up your SPIRITUAL HEART!  Swerve around the obstacles, yet staying on the track, and find yourself regularly speaking to and listening to GOD, YOUR ONLY EVER-LIVING KING AND HOLY FATHER.

Don't be fooled.

Don't let them/it steal your joy--steal or subvert the innate Spiritual Knowledge you have been gifted to enjoy and rest in and take strength from, as you wend your way (along the track) through this fallen, temporary "world".

TRUTH is lovelier than fiction/lies.

The Liar . . . is a LIAR!


Friday, March 3, 2023

One of 2 Ways To Go

 There is only one of two ways to go....





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