Saturday, April 29, 2023

A Poem Re God & The Devil


is a cuck . . . to her/him/its/thems/theys/ Baphomet-self.



Is evil, satanic.


Yes, as Written . . . there will be (as is obviously perceived even now) as purported, an intended satanic world government, society, culture--a near ubiquitous degradation of all that is good and holy in the last days.  It is Written.  Those who know and believe, know and believe. . . . 

The deluded, through sin, are oblivious, knocked-out, virtually unconscious (having seared consciences) and thus have seared hearts. . . . 

They really think they are going to win the day.  Suckers. . . . 


Horrible.  Disgusting.  Perverted.  Upside down. Criminal. Filthy. Pathetic. Designated to eternal suffering in Hell.  Demons attacking and tormenting demons . . . forever . . . with no hope, no water, no moment of rest, no peace, no love, no creativity, no glory, no clean air, no beautiful creatures, no joy, NO PRESENCE OF GOD!  NO PRESENCE OF GOD! 

THAT is what the evil, degraded, cruel, prideful, subversive, wicked loving devil-worshipers have to look forward to FOREVER--an eternal reward of their hatred of God, bereft then of grace, scrabbling, fighting, tearing amidst fellow haters of God.  The horror show . . . reality . . . of all horror shows.

I can't imagine loving, seeking and adhering to . . . cruelty, lies, subversion, perversion, subterfuge, treason, gory darkness, filth, greed . . . envy . . . "slothfulness" . . . BUT THE WICKED DISCIPLES OF THE LIAR, EVIL ONE DO!  


I love God, Truth, Love, Light, compassion, humility, His Word, HIS sacrifice, self-sacrifice, wonder, awe, creativity, eternity, glory, life, children of God, brothers and sisters of God's creations, creation, His multitudinous creatures beholding His innate beauty, civility, genuine Godly comradery, intelligence, loveliness, niceness, Holy servitude, Holiness, The Holy Spirit, air, water, sunlight, moonlight, stars, fauna, TRUTH, LOVE, GOD THE FATHER CREATOR, JESUS, . . . . faith, heaven, justice, judgment, . . . .

. . . . and I pray for and look forward to PRAISING and BEING WITH and ENDLESSLY CELEBRATING THE ONE TRUE GOD FOREVER

with you!

Monday, April 24, 2023

Shouting! In Love From The Watchtower....


Keep your eye (and heart and soul and spirit and body) on the prize.

THE PRIZE (for us mere mortals) IS HEAVEN!

It certainly isn't (obviously) any sort of utopia in this fallen world.  Duh.  Don't be stupid.


THEY, Legion, the devil . . . etc., doesn't want you to think of what matters after this quick busk of a mortal life. . . . 

HEAVEN . . . the AFTERLIFE is where it's at.


This world is doomed in it's present iteration.  Obviously.  Right?

The Book, The Word attests to this, . . . . so you can "take it to the bank".

Do not be distracted from the purpose of your eternal soul . . .  in, of, living in God.


As I said a while ago, we are in the "fast moving waters"--Multitudinous petty and tawdry worldly distractions will be thrown at you . . . daily . . . hour to hour . . . . . . . . DON'T BE SWAYED!

[This realm, fallen as it is, is more malleable and guided IN THE SPIRIT than you dare imagine]

No, it's not "positive thinking" (although that is nice and sometimes helpful at times)--BUT NO it is much more--INFINITELELY MORE than that tawdry puppet play carrying on in front of our daily faces. . . .


Yet again, I am shouting, through the storming waves and lightning and thunder and war-drums and perverse machinations of the little, constant demonic imps AND through the "big-time" demonic counsellors and potentates . . . of the current state of the . . . fallen realm.


GOD IS SOVEREIGN and He has His purpose through all this seeming mess. . . .

It's no mess.  It is purposeful . . . creation . . . love . . . ultimate authority and Godly design and construction . . . blessings upon His Chosen ones. . . . 

Yes, and indeed this fact . . . FACT . . . infuriates . . . those not Chosen--those NOT the Children Of God....

But that is--from everything I've Seen and experienced--JUST WHAT IT IS.  

And it is JESUS.  It is the Holy Trinity.  It is The Father.  The Holy Spirit, The Son.  ONE GOD, Three Persons.  I'VE SEEN IT, SEEN HIM!  HE is something that you grasp through grace IN THE SPIRIT, The TRUTH of His unique BEING.  HE IS WHAT HE IS!  The babies can cry and fight and pervert and scream and terrorize and hellify and deny . . . all they want to. . . . . BUT IT DOESN'T CHANGE THE FACT, THE TRUTH of HIS REALITY--HIS ABSOLUTE CHARACTER AND REALITY!

He IS THAT HE IS.  And He Is AS He Is!  You either See/Hear/Know it . . . or not. . . . 



YOU can meditate and pray and ponder on THAT FACT OF REALITY, humbled by The realization, reality. . . . Well, and He is gracious and loving . . . and snatches reprobates out of the flames of Hell all the day long!  

Please do strive to know and love and understand Him.  For that is an endless, eternal glory experience!


Time is short, and getting shorter. . . .

For there will come a time, a day (I do dare say! because I believe His Word!) where all . . . this material current scenario . . . will . . . . . . . . . . . . wrap up-- Like a scroll rolled up in the "heavens".


Then there is Hell . . . . . . . for those who desire it. . . . And they will justly get what they "loved".

And then there is Heaven . . . . . for those who desire it. . . .For those who love and crave Truth--He Who Is Truth. . . .!


And each to their own.  

The God of All . . . IS GOD!  HE is the ULTIMATE JUDGE!

And . . . . praise and love God, as you do . . . finding yourself . . . among The Living . . . in Glory!

:) !!!!!!! 


Monday, April 17, 2023

"Grey Terror" Goes to Redhot, Then Joy In The Morning!

 some notes from my post June 2020 re "Grey Terror":

"A change is gonna come/just like Animal Farm--you wake up one day with a hammer in your hand and a sickle on your arm.... So hoist that UN Flag/ raise a fist salute, bow down to your new comrade/ It's rule by fist and boot--there'll be violence in the suburbs/violence in the suburbs/violence in the suburbs when the Marxist roll into town....."  --(lyrics from my song "Violence In The Suburbs" WRITTEN IN 1988, recorded 2000)

 . . . attacks on water supplies, power supplies/plants . . . utilities in general--even sewer. . . .  Be prepared to weather poisoned municipal water sources . . . power outages, no plumbing etc., in some cases. . . . There are cadres and "special forces" type operatives well in place, prepared and who will be exercising the 'grey terror' phase of the takeover."


Yep.  Obvious to me, right again, fwiw . . . we are indeed seeing the "grey terror" well underway.  The food plants on fire, exploding, . . . the trains "derailing", killing of livestock . . . semi-trucks spilling hazardous wastes--in the "heartland" . . . weather-warfare . . . et al.

And the border . . . is fully open.  All sorts of agents, spec ops, grey terror experts, "military age" young men AND women, from all corners . . . are pouring in, embedding into the big blue cities, of course, but also, NOW . . . into the "heartland"--into the heartland, suburbs, fields, forests, small towns--hollowed out by meth/fent/pot/porn/occult. . . . etc.  

Yes, we are in for it.  Surrounded, infiltrated, infused, subverted, perverted, enervated, drugged, technologically assaulted, poisoned, surveilled, blackmailed, distracted. . . . DISTRACTED!

The "art of war".  It's an old timey, well-proven method of conquest. . . . I dare say, as I have for a long time now, happening, and now we are into the final phases.  If you're still around to see it, experience it . . . it will be just like it always has been.  As usual, traitors at the top levels, for decades now, have been selling out for their little pile of silver or gold or tawdry lusts and pleasures.  They got theirs, and they are leaving the people to the wolves (no disparagement to wolves, just using metaphor:)

BUT . . . there is some solace in knowing and realizing it's no surprise.  AND . . . the "good" folk really have not had much to do with it.  The "elite" (as they like to think of themselves) own it.  THEY have allowed and encouraged it, and been bribed, perverted in soul and spirit and mind, to acquiesce to the literal and supernatural destruction.  

However . . . those who have read The Book . . . and know the FINAL ending . . . aren't surprised, and also don't resist in the flesh--for we fight not against flesh but against . . . well . . . you know who!. . . . .

From what I can see from this little ol' watchtower over here . . . it looks like 2024-25 is when all hell breaks loose.  There will be activated cells everywhere.  "Grey terror" . . . will get hotter and move steadily into blatant redhot terror.  

And, as I've been being shown, I do believe, it will increase . . . and then, suddenly turn into a very striking moment, where all is lost, so-to-speak.  

There will come a day . . . when it's obviously "game over".  

THAT moment is where I--as father, husband, man, believer, citizen--have been stewing upon for years, wondering just what to do. . . . Because, I know, by then, all of the exits, retreats, redoubts, hideouts etc., will already have been wrapped up and near impossible to escape to, because of the ubiquitous surveillance state of things.  

HENCE, why I've continued to truly impress . . . the premier need and purpose to be utterly focused on, dedicated to, resigned to GOD!  To THE TRUTH!  

No one gets out of here alive, regardless . . . SO . . . definitely . . . the one thing, at least you can commit to, and feel confident in . . . is the SALVATION OF YOUR ETERNAL SOUL! Praise Jesus! 

For all will die!  What is important and meaningful ABOVE ALL . . . is . . . . . . THEN WHAT?  

Where will you go from here?!  

Did you aid and abet the rebels, the traitors, the liars?  

OR did you hold out, come what may, standing fast in your mind, heart, body, soul, spirit toward and in THE TRUTH OF GOD, HOLY FATHER OF ALL!!!?   THAT is all that matters in the end!  THIS is not our home.

Hold fast, hold fast, HOLD FAST to that which is True!  . . . TO HE Who is Truth!

It's about to get rough.  Things will change on a dime.  One day we will not be able to communicate like this with one another, and each will be left to their own devices.  Isolated. Marginalized.  Dehumanized. Targeted. Maligned.  Assaulted, bereft of what were normal associations and general living of life as it has been.  

No.  It will be a hard break.  It will be terror and fear and oppression and threat in general. . . . 

And no, I am NOT enjoying bearing this news and vision.  I never have enjoyed bringing it. I have simply seen it for nearly as long as I've been alive here and observing. It's a bit of a burden, actually, for there is little that seems able to be done, for the die is cast. . . . It is like being forced to watch a trainwreck, inexorably, inevitably underway . . . and the forces and trajectories are too huge, too long running, for a simple soul to obviate or thwart.  One can but shout alarm, seek Safety, protect others as able . . . and then watch and experience as it all comes about.

YET, I do always see the upside and positive benefit of being, at least, somewhat prepared mentally, physically, SPIRITUALLY (of course!) for the trouble times ahead and foretold of. . . . Because one can at least prepare as able--especially in the Spirit, soul, heart, mind, body.

Great glory and joy and peace and love and perfection and eternal veracity within the ever loving and good and just arms of The Lord awaits the faithful!  

THERE IS NO BETTER OUTCOME than that for those . . . WHO BELIEVE and have FAITH in the Word and Love and Truth of GOD!  There is JOY in the morning!  

Once this nightmare is past, there will be peace and glory and eternal joy in the morning!

So, thus, knowing this, we can taste the joy now--we can imbibe of it, dwell in God--because HE dwells in us, and His presence and purpose rapturously carries us on our way Home--albeit through warzones and minefields and flitting, corrupt demons harassing about. . . . 

We are blessed to live in a time where the stark contrast between Good and Evil is so obvious!   


Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Holy, Humble Preps Impetus

 I saw it again--it was shown to me again, last night, I dare say. . . .

A big move will happen suddenly.  It looked like . . . one day . . . "shock and awe" sudden crazy new scenario, shut-down, collapse, cut-off. . . .

"They" catch everyone off-guard (even though most of us are expecting something of the sort)--but it will yet still be startling and ominous to realize in that moment, and as the days go on in that fashion.

So, yes, again, in a "flash vision"--in that late hour, early morning . . . it was shown to me, very quick and clear. . . .

Several times now, recently, I keep seeing a basic "map" of the world . . . and then see a "world-wide" shut-down, all of a day, and things don't "return to normal". . . .

Like a thief in the night, so-to-speak. . . .

Indeed, "THEY" are lining up all their pawns and pieces . . . and . . . at some point, "they" pull the trigger, "go time".

It looked/looks like . . . where . . . one day, things are straggling along, betrodden, lame, staggering  along this viscous, slow, broiling mire--BUT THEN! . . . of a sudden, it's lights off, switcharoo, concocted big new crisis' here and there as well making the cover. . . . 

It's like "lights off"--everyone thrown into darkness and lack of the day-to-day, moment-to-moment latest "news", virtual social contacts etc.--a near total upending of the previous order! . . . 

I don't know much one can do to be prepared for that when it happens, other than the general, pragmatic material stores to be considered, banal--albeit prudent--preparations as able, which will at least immediately come in handy. . . .  

BUT ABOVE ALL . . . SPIRITUAL PREPAREDNESS is what we can . . . and ought do, now.  THAT is the real survival storage!  THAT is blessed holy, humble "preps".

 From what I've "seen" lately . . . things will be so upended and switched-over fast and novel and confusing . . . such that . . . ONLY . . . being IN and OF the HOLY SPIRIT OF TRUTH, OF GOD, will give the necessary ability and stores/preps Who can transcend and transform the chaos and threat abounding, on that day and going forward.

Yes, ant-like prudence--storing for a hard time--is admirable and legitimately impressive, important, as one finds oneself able to do. . . .  

However, INFINITELY! above and beyond that . . . is to  . . . find oneself in the loving arms of GOD at just such a time! THAT is the premier "prepping/storage" to be done!  

Seek, search out, yearn for, and find yourself loving GOD . . . NOW! 

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Gospel Message Resurrection Sunday

 “There is more danger in the risk of resisting God than in the heaviest of other sorrows. Crosses borne with quiet endurance, lowliness, simplicity, and self-denial unite us to Jesus Christ crucified, and work untold good. But crosses that we reject through thinking too highly of ourselves and through self-will separate us from him, contract the heart, and by degrees dry up the fountain of grace. Yield humbly, therefore, without trusting yourself, mere broken reed that you are, and say, 'To him nothing is impossible.' He asks only one 'Yes,' spoken in pure faith." --F.F.


Even though the pagans have hijacked and perverted pretty much everything, NO creature in this fallen world is going to thwart me and those who Believe . . . in the astounding LIFE GIVING Truth of the resurrection, regardless of the easter bunny and eggs attempt . . . .

The whole "world" pivots . . . on that moment, that event!  That He came and suffered and died for our sins . . . and proving the power of God, rose from the grave/death!  A man . . . the God man . . . experienced all of our travails and sins . . . and took them on Himself, as The Sacrificial Son, FOR US who don't deserve it!


[But the good news is that God has made a way for us to escape judgment. Jesus Christ, God the Son, came into the world as a man. As a true human being he became subject to his own law, and he lived under that law perfectly. He never transgressed it at any point. He always did all that the law of God requires.

Then he offered himself in sacrifice to God as the sinner’s substitute. That is, he died in place of sinners, paying in full the penalty they had incurred by their sin. In his death on a Roman cross of execution he was forsaken of God, bearing the curse of sin. As a true human being he stood in the place of sinners. And as God his sacrifice is of infinite worth. Although he had never sinned, he offered himself to God in behalf of sinners and died as the sinner’s substitute.

Then he was buried. And on the third day he rose from the dead having exhausted sin’s curse.

 “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us,
so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

(2 Corinthians 5:21)

“He bore our sins in his body on the tree.”

(1 Peter 2:24)

“He was delivered over to death for our sins
and was raised to life for our justification.”

(Romans 4:25)

And this is the good news — Jesus Christ is the sinner’s savior!

How then can you be rescued from your sin against God? God tells us that it is only through Jesus Christ, for only he has lived perfectly before God, and only he has paid the penalty of sin.

Did you know that there is nothing you can do to make yourself acceptable to God? That’s right. You have sinned, and nothing can change that fact. If you would reform your life dramatically, this fact would remain — you are guilty before God. There is nothing you can do to make yourself acceptable to God. It’s too late.

The fact is, you need help. You need someone to rescue you from your sin. You need someone who can stand before God on your behalf. And this is precisely what Jesus Christ came to do — he came to take the place of sinners so that they might be saved. You, the sinner, can never please God. But Christ has done for us what we can never do for ourselves.

But this rescue is available only on his terms. But do you know what those terms are? These are the terms: you must humbly receive it as a free gift. That’s right. It’s free! There is nothing you can ever do to earn it. The Lord Jesus Christ has done all the work himself. Salvation from sin is now offered freely to those who will come humbly to the Lord Jesus and receive it freely from his hand.

The Bible calls this faith. We come to God trusting only in Jesus Christ, not ourselves. We do not come to God pleading our own virtue. We are sinners! Coming to God pleading our virtues, we will never make it. We may come to God only as we renounce all self-help and trust only in the Lord Jesus, the only savior for sinners.

 “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life,
but whoever rejects the Son will not see life,
for God’s wrath remains on him.”

(John 3:36)

“Whoever calls on the name of the Lord
shall be saved.”

(Romans 10:13)

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith —
and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God —
not by works, so that no one can boast.”

(Ephesians 2:8-9)

Now of course this faith in Jesus Christ has implications. When we come to him to be saved from sin, we must turn away from our sin. The Bible calls this repentance. God does not tell us that we must become sinless in order to be saved. But he does tell us that we must renounce our sin and trust in Christ. He will not save you so that you may sin freely. No, but he will save you from your sin.

“Except you repent, you too will perish.”

(Luke 13:3)]  

Thursday, April 6, 2023

!!!!!!! You Hear You See You Know!

 Humble servant, lover of Truth. . . .

Take heart!  The Spirit IS being poured out in these times of trouble!  The Word is True and God is good and loving and a friend . . . and visions and knowledge of Believers' future in Heaven ARE being revealed in such a time as this!  We are being graced with understanding and excited, REAL, anticipation regarding what this mortal run is ultimately all about!  Praise God!

[Sorry . . . I probably use "exclamation points" !!!! too much, lol, in order to emphasize what is being Seen! But so be it!!!!! The end is good!  It is NOT the end!  It is only the real beginning!  Stay in FAITH! Hearken to the whispers of the Holy Spirit nowadays giving you solace about the ultimate truth of the matter!  Heaven is real and it is all you have hoped for and feel like you lost, missed, wished-for etc., that which DIDN'T happen . . . in this temporary fallen life-track (unless you 'took the ticket'/crossroads-seduction--because then you are deluded, believing a lie)].

Heaven is worth ALL of the toil and suffering, and we here, now, have little to complain of!---Especially compared to what He Who suffered once, perfectly, and for all. . . . !  

Yes, we suffer, but NOTHING compared to what He did for us, if you will have it!

Hold on, friends!  Hold on, stay fast, stay TRUE, stay in LOVE OF THE FATHER, CREATOR OF ALL!

The good, blessed bright and (all creation/creatures) singing morning of the new life is just over the horizon. . . .!

YOU KNOW THIS!  YOU BELIEVE!  YOU HAVE FAITH!  And He is merciful beyond all measure for and to those who love and serve Him--and THANK GOD He gives you the sense, and the knowledge, and the faith, and the perseverance to wend out--albeit straggling along--through to the end of the race!. . . .

It IS like a race . . . to the Finish line. . . .

And you will make it!  Because HE MADE YOU to!

(no, i'm not talking "universalism" tropes here--nope.  I am writing, talking specifically to YOU who are reading these words right now.)!!!!!! 

Monday, April 3, 2023

The Crossroad. Which Way Did/Do You Go?

 I recall the day, the moment when I found myself at "the crossroads".  I was about 13-14 yrs old.  I had just created, played a song on my grandparents old mormon piano in the front room.  Nobody was home.  I use to write songs on their piano when everyone was away--some of my best work, I dare say. . . .

 I still have a cassette tape I made of that song. . . .

Anyway . . . at that moment, at that empty, haunted home, up on the mountain, with the view of Salt Lake City valley . . . I realized that I had just written, created a sort of masterpiece.  I saw the potential future.  This was a moment . . . I found myself at "the crossroads".  

I pulled off the piano bench afterwords and sat down on the funky, quaint couch . . . alone . . . in that big old house up on the mountain.  I sat on the couch . . . thinking, Seeing 2 different futures. . . . 

It was literally like . . . a demon on one "shoulder" . . . and an angel on the other.  The "crossroads"!

I was told in spirit . . . that if I went one way . . . all would be like a golden "yellow brick road"--things would move swift and fast . . . and I would/could be a young musical prodigy . . . famous, rich, celebrity . . . etc.  THE other choice was ignominy, suffering in general, small-time. marginalized "black sheep" type life. . . .

I sat there, aware of the heavy portence. . . . 

I thought seriously about it.  I had already been searching and loving God, Truth for years . . . yes, a young little talented, bright, nice fellow neglected--LIKE SO MANY OTHERS! I already knew and was commiserating with the lost of the early "latch-key" kids. . . . . 

BUT, anyway . . . as I sat there thinking about the suddenly pressing choice--the choice of the two different ways to go re "the crossroads" . . . I, sort of sadly, but with " stiff upper lip" decided . . . that I had to go with God.       !!!!!!!

Immediately . . . the devil . . . started mocking me.  He said " you will have a rough, ignominious life!  You could have been RICH, A STAR, POWERFUL, RECOGNIZED, REGAILED!" 

The other side said--a quieter angel said, "yeah, you will be in the shadows, marginalized, unrecognized, basically a poor scrapping worker dude" BUT you will abide in Truth, in God, rarer (albeit like a neglected stone) than the obvious seduction of the way of the devil.......


I sat there . . . seeing, feeling "the crossroads" . . . considering the future . . . . . . 

BUT I had already committed, in my young heart, to Truth and to God. 

So there was really no question.  I had to take the hard way, the good way, the way of Truth!. . . .

Well, and I thank God He guided (and I dare say, designed me) to take the "hard way".  YES, it is hard in this world to avoid and reject the devil when he is offering silver paths, golden easy ways filled with "treasure" in this world.  To reject that takes GODLY design and strength, AS YOU KNOW :)!

YES . . . if you actually believe in and LOVE GOD . . . there is no choice.  You will find yourself CHOOSING THE LORD OF ALL.  

So . . . I took the path other than the one the devil was offering, and have struggled and fought and survived 'til now, grateful that I did and that HE gave me the will to do it! . . . . . . . 

I wouldn't (THANK GOD!) change that decision EVER!!!!!  BECAUSE . . . this life is short . . . and death comes to all!  

THEN you will answer for your decision regarding which way YOU took--when YOU came to "the crossroad". ! ! !  

There are little "crossroads" . . . biggish ones . . . BIG ONES . . . small ones . . . . . . . . However THERE IS ALWAYS THE CROSSROAD you will find yourself dealing with!

Let the dead bury the dead.

Angels do help and abound.

FAITH . . . BELIEF . . . TRUST . . . in GOD . . . is ALL IT IS ABOUT!


And . . . I dare say . . . this is one of the most genuinely SPIRITUAL corners of this realm in this time.  The least shall be first.  Many are "called" . . . FEW are chosen.  

The Word of God is a sword in this day.

God bless you, you who are here and reading these words.  

There will come a time . . . when words . . . The Word . . . will be outlawed. . . .

And I will be there . . . for as long as God wills, saying and writing, witness to/in 21st century, The Word.

Humble servants.  Martyrs. That's what we do.!

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Secret Things For God, Revealed Things For His Children Forever

 The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.--Deut. 29:29\

The whole world will be and is constantly trying to thwart you from the simplicity and direct knowledge/experience of knowing God.

HE has His unfathomable realm of eternal existence--He is GOD!  

Pert near everything going on right now . . . is designed and intended (from the evil side) to distract you from real, personal relationship with GOD.

He is so close.  He is the only God.  Hence, why the current and long-running themes through the ages and now . . . want to obfuscate the fact . . . that . . . there is ONLY ONE GOD.

He blows my mind.  

All the distractions . . . are tawdry, vile, puerile, and only getting more obviously childish and perverted (bad combo) by the moment.

GOD, on the other hand . . .  is The Rock, The Truth.  Never changing, immutable. 

THIS mindset, soulset, heartset, experiential graced and given knowledge is what we will want and need going into the coming times of trouble, apocalypse era. . . .

HE has His secret existential ultimate reality.  GOD IS GOD! .... 

Obviously, everybody is trying to fight for position and have the childish impetus to think that THEY (creatures, created) can be God.  That is the oldest tale of all.  

God, The Father . . . The Son, The Holy Spirit . . . . . . . I am blessedly obsessed with!  Fascinated by!  Terrified thereof!  LOVE!

Yeah, I'm old-fashioned. . . . I believe The Bible.  I have faith in God.  I believe Jesus is the Messiah.  I am at odds with the world. . . . 

Regarding the Deut. quote above . . . He is saying that HE has and is of Himself, by Himself, and He will do and be and is what He is.  BUT that also, He has given us revelations, through His Word--enough to get us through the wicked miasma and chaos--such that, through all the ages, we, as men, women, children, creatures . . . have been given enough, forever, to find and know Him, our Lord, King, Father, Friend, Creator. . . .


Saturday, April 1, 2023

Give Rather Than Get

 O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


(these are survival words for these times--bt)

Brother Thomas ©2005

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