Friday, November 10, 2023

"Flash Vision": Cremation Of Care

They've been happening on the cusp of sleep; within what is, I believe, called the "hypnagogic state".  Suddenly I will "see" a broad view/macro view of the world, something usually related to current events.  It always has a "A-ha! I see what's up!" sense to it.  Also, at the moment of the "vision", the portent or scenario I am "seeing" has a strong feeling of obvious inevitability.  There is also a feeling of "this thing is so obvious, how could one miss it!"  Another typical occurance is that in the morning upon finally waking, recalling the "vision" it doesn't seem that profound or striking as it did the moment I "saw".  Although I can still recall what I "saw" in my mind's eyes, it is missing now the ominous foreboding sensation that accompanied the initial "vision".  I find that little detail interesting.

[Note: This "flash vision" experience is different than these strange, new epic dreams, though they also often tend to include what seem to be dreadful, shocking warning scenarios of upcoming events--more on the latest of those, which dreams relate to my last post about demonic style widescale "manifesting".]

Last night's pre-dawn, "flash vision" (as usual, brief and a ominous and shocking when I "saw" it) involved dramatic recent tragic/catastrophic events.  Specifically, the Lahaina Maui fires, Acapulco being wiped out in bizarre, deadly hurricane Otis and the current merciless pummeling of Gaza (though other mass casualty/mass destruction events felt implicated as well, ie., the fuel spill in East Palestine, Ohio.)  

The basic gist of the "vision" put into words, was the message that "they" are effecting these widespread mass destruction events, for--among other specific NWO agendas--to DESENSITIZE the public, so that, when "they" start doing ie., mass roundups and detentions and executions (think Stalinist Soviet Union and the gulag era) the "folks" will turn away, desensitized, numb.

We are being conditioned to become accustomed to and blase' about horrific, tragic, unprecedented mass casualty/mass destruction happenings.  They happen, people are shocked and horrified for a moment, then it drops off the news, is forgotten and there is soon something else, just as, or even more horrific, catastrophic.  The foreboding, ominous tenor of this "vision" was in seeing how easy it will eventually be, for "them" to effect WIDESPREAD, brutal totalitarian oppression, controls on a huge swath of the population.  People will be conditioned to fairly much just shrug, look the other way, and consider it just another "one of those things".  (We are already in the early, soft phase of this mass persecution; I believe it WILL indeed get to genocidal levels.  We have been and are presently being conditioned to view certain groups or types of people as dangerous threats/pests to be simply imprisoned and/or exterminated.  Not only that, but it is and will be VIRTUOUS to target, persecute, kill, torture, imprison the targeted group!)

"And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold" --Matt. 24:12

Indeed, through ongoing and increasingly open, deliberate mass murder and persecution, there is a growing, widespread and shocking numbing of conscience, to the point where such blatant evils and cruelty are celebrated and actually considered virtuous.

Oh, wait . . . what was that ceremony called that the "elites" of the world celebrate together at the Grove?  Oh yeah, "Cremation of Care". . . .

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