Saturday, October 28, 2023

"Day(s) Of Slaughter" and AI Directed Divisiveness

 This new angle is quite the doozy.  I'm tempted to suspect it has some AI direction. . . . Indeed, I'm fairly sure it does have a bit of the wef "cyber satan" "g. reset" involved, but I also don't like to give that angle too much credit.  Because at bottom, while the "principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness, spiritual wickedness in high places" are running amok . . . there are the human vessels effecting the material plane of the wickedness.  So, yeah, "they" got tech.  But ultimately it boils down to the human vessels running, programming the tech.

The doozy on this one is . . . creating more fracturing of cultural, political, religious strata of the targeted societies, peoples/states/countries, as regards the Israeli/Hamas/Palestine "war".  

Some very fractious social interactions (social media, talking heads, religious/political "leaders/influencers" is well under way, diving groups "social groups" that were once fairly cohesive in their own spheres.  THIS operation . . . is really putting the cleaver to the marrow and bone (hence why I do think there is some AI tech involved which had determined which next step would be the most divisive. 

MEANWHILE . . . wow! And terrible!  What's happening in Acapulco!  A fairly widespread blackout on the news/media.  It's Maui squared!  Maui suffered hundreds to couple thousand or so victims.  Acapulco is in the tens of thousands, looks like!  Black out.  ***Military not letting in aid (just like Maui).  I'm thinking these instances are preemptory, practice versions of what I once "saw" and spoke about some years ago in the early podcasts: The Day Of Slaughter.  It is looking like full-on effected purge/hunger games.

I know.  It's difficult when you are not a Satanic psychopath to imagine that such evil villains exist and who actually ENJOY effecting such death and misery.  BUT THEY DO.

(Another reason, I do--although I righteously fear it and God--appreciate the reality of Hell . . . for them.)


***NOTE.. News is still sketchy, but this may be a possible correction.  Latest word was that it wasn't the military standing down to help--they apparently weren't doing that.  BUT . . . the "media" was saying such.  Somewhere there is already some high level dis-information going on (fog of war scenario).... staying tuned.  Def there is a bizarre general media blackout/suppression on the event though, obviously. 

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