Thursday, May 9, 2024

We Will Serve The Lord

 Meanwhile. . . . Death is lurking.  

I must say I do sense . . . a stalking horse, "a roaring lion looking for someone to devour" is well afoot.

Death is afoot in big ways.  

Of course, death is always about and inevitable.  But there is a full court press, on all sides.  

I praise and thank God that We are as protected as we are with so much grace and given latitude We are blessed with, amidst and among the enemies and whilst behind enemy lines!

I do believe . . . I have been shown recently, more than ever, that the stakes are as dire as has been Written.

SUCH THAT . . . the Only Begotten Son of God . . . humbled Himself, to suffer (for us) unimaginable stripes, pain, suffering, torment, burden BECAUSE OF HIS LOVE . . . on Our behalf.

I have been given a glimpse of that suffering.  And that it is just what I deserve, let alone, all the sins of all sinners from beginning to end.

It is SO devastating to even barely grasp a miniscule taste, speck of what He went through--well, it is an infinitesimally slight revelation, such that I barely dare try to put into words. . . . 

HENCE The Glory!  The thankfulness, gratitude, likewise beyond words to convey, to be saved!

I have been shown a glimpse into Hell.  Repeatedly in the last year or so.  I am compelled to share that for the mere mortal, fallen, unrepentant sinner . . . it is more horrible than you can imagine.  It is beyond any of the most graphic, tawdry, gaudy "Hollywood" horror depiction. . . . The hopelessness is beyond measure, once one is condemned. . . . 

Time is short.  Life is short--a vapor, a withering grass, fading flowers--the vanity of the world will have its day; but then comes the end.

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”  --Joshua 24:15


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

THE Most Vivid "Dream" Ever (Pt. 4)

So, yes, they did take a few of us to a propaganda camp ("training center"), as it turned out.  As we were being transported, we could see out the windows of the vehicles that all these same kind of military insurgents were fanning out now into the local towns, along the country-side rural communities--on foot, in jeeps, trucks, motorcycles, low-flying planes etc., but I was struck, bemused that they were not being especially brutal; as in, they were not flat-out just shooting the locals on sight.  They were very disciplined, but clearly made it plain in their manner and organization, that there would be no resistance.  And everybody seemed to just comply and were mainly left alone (for the time) except, I did note that they were specifically harsh on certain individuals, as if they had knowledge/lists of some of us.

While on the transport train, everything was under strict supervision and there was an obvious hierarchy--there were captains in charge and then just general soldier types mindlessly effecting directives.  There was no question of resisting, we were resigned captives of some sort (yet to be determined) and while there was no blunt brutality, it was simply accepted that we were under control by an organized lot and for the time being, it was just best to go along and see where it led.


[Below are my rough notes.  I just need/want to get this completed, what I saw, so forgive the roughness of the recitation.  The bottom-line experience . . . was one of being swiftly and severely under some foreign insurgence and control--polite but lurking brutality should one not submit.]


  they called  it "training" ... forced to do certain menial meaningless tasks... minders always coming around checking work and assigning next task... meanwhile chinese happy orchestral music was pumping out everywhere...sounding, feeling like like the Shen Yun plays and ads and propaganda popping up now on local radio, tv (if you've heard/seen it, you'll know)...  there was a floating boat show in the sky, quite stunning, indeed, with exquisite paper life-sized boats as balloons moving, floating above, such that the plebes below would clap and shout in awe at the marvel... 

 .. various of  the minders were children....teens...who kept the commands and order carried on politely (but with truncheon-wielding uniformed thugs lurking, watching in the wings in case one should buck the program).....

oh and note as we were transported to this "mystical magical" training place... I saw towns, rural outskirts and the usual dilapidated malls etc along way still carrying on, that didn't have these military insurgents yet taking over... but the sense was it was imminent everywhere, determined, well executed, and just a matter of time before all was under their control. 


Friday, May 3, 2024

THE Most Vivid "Dream" Ever (Pt. 3)

 , , , but about as soon as I got up to the main floor, there was already a rush of sounds, kerfuffle, shouts going on downstairs where these strange foreign soldier types were quickly, aggressively pressing into the building (as they were also outside on the streets, rounding people up, shock-and-awe style; I dashed to where I felt there was a top attic level, still hoping to hide . . . and got about half-way, before it was too late, the insurgent uniformed characters had surrounded and infiltrated the whole establishment.  And indeed, as I had first noted, focusing as I could in the diminishing daylight, they were "Asian"-looking, all of them, definitely a single, disciplined military unit or gang.  I wasn't totally certain just who they were yet, but it soon became apparent, they were Chinese by their manner and lapels (although it looked like there were possibly also some North Korean conscripts included in the ranks).

In short measure, they had total control of the scene, barking orders, armed, in charge of the lackadaisical wayfarers who had been lolling about.  There was no doubt now what was underway.  I did note that they were not immediately physical brutal--ie., they were weren't flat-out shooting or beating people, BUT it was clear who was quickly and severely taking charge of the scene.

[sidenote . . . I have seen the recently viral video(s) of the communist Chinese brutalizing African workers . . . and it had the same flavor as what this dream portended.  As in, they mean business!  They expect compliance with orders.  And everyone hanging around soon realized that a new sheriff was in town, and there was to be no messing about!]

They stopped me before I could try to escape from or hide in the old dusty attic.  We were all swiftly brought together back to the main room, ordered to sit in a circle; ordered by tight, mean, disciplined "military-aged" men (18-35 years old) and a leader started shouting commands, as we sat there subservient to the situation.  

They were in a hurry.  The apparent leader of them started shouting at us to submit.  Then he started looking around the circle of us, sitting there . . . and said, "Three of you are going with us.  Who will it be?!"  

There was hemming and hawing among us now sudden captives, nobody wanting to volunteer . . . so the Captain looked around carefully and quickly at each person in the captive group--he picked out two and then, while he was casting about, Stuttering John, sweaty, worried for his own hide above all, pointed to me and said "Him!  He has money!"  

Which wasn't true.  BUT the Chinese Captain/leader focused on me and pointed in my face, sneering, and said, "Send a message--a text to your family right now and ask them for $2500, wired! Immediately!"

I looked at Stuttering John, thinking, "what an asshole, siding with these foreign military dudes, tossing a fellow to their gulags and torments, just to save his own skin!"

Another (decent) fellow sitting in the forced, submissive circle blurted at John, saying "wow! you are throwing one of us under the bus! you are a piece of sh*t!"

And so, as SJ was pointing at me, saying, "pick him, pick him! He's got money"--which was laughable and a mere cowardly deflection the Captain/Lt. took the cue and focused on and pointed at me and said curtly: "Pay up! Or else!"

I didn't have the means to "pay up" immediately, and realized this was also just an arbitrary intimidation trick and quick became resigned that I would be (as I ended up being) among the three chosen to be taken to wherever this particular batch of the insurgent foreign military operators were tasked to take us.  

And so they did.

What struck me from the onset of the sudden assault was how concise and disciplined, brutal and cold, yet business-like--how they operated.  There weren't beatings, or executions.  But there was a clear authoritative sense that IF one were to resist in any way, indeed, there would be swift and violent repercussions.  These cats weren't playing around.  

SO, everyone complied as instructed/directed.  

They pretty much left the others there--the lolling, loitering wayfarers--to wallow and be grateful for not being pointed out to be taken away, and were satisfied with snagging three of us who they deemed meritable to take.

Then we were next being transported away in THEIR vehicles.  (My little motor-bike thingy was left behind.  Now I was amongst others who had also been quickly gathered-up, in an efficient caravan of transport military vehicles, moving fast, intently toward a certain southward destination.)

Brother Thomas ©2005

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