Saturday, February 26, 2022

Heads Up, It’s Coming Down

 Well… more on this later, but bottom line (as I suspect anyone who reads this blog already knows;)… They’re all in on it. Its a script … and the peeps/audience  are being played. 

Russia will be the bogeyman to blame the cyber shutdown-shuffle on… All is going to—as i said in my 2nd or so interview with Zeph back around 2005, when he asked “so.. where’s it all going”—I answered quick and sure “global communist totalitarianism”…

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Pass it on, and help, helps (we’re under fire)

If you have any friends, loved ones, Christian, btw, that you trust and who are searching… and you dare.. it might not hurt to refer them to this little/big outpost…. Just sayin… 

There is soon going to be a winnowing and shortage of friends who dare and can speak of Biblical God-centric things… So far, so good over here…. I’m going to the end, God willing…

Threading needles…amidst the ai algo censorship panic 😊


Cosmic Scuttlebutt!

 Well… and like i wrote recently… we are im the “fast moving waters”….

Forgive me for (soon to be) delving into the temporary muck, but i do intend here shortly to give my expert analysis on the current “geo-political” new war bullshizzle… I do think I have the better of takes on it… So, yes, I’m well aware of “the concerns of the day”… so def will chime in on that fwiw….

Meanwhile—I have positive, hopefull encouraging things to relate from the transcendent Spiritual realm of God!  

You may be feeling lost and inconsequential in the flow of this material fallen world—as the individual…a uniquely Created PERSON, BEING, LIFE that you feel and know yourself to be…. 

There is so much chaos, so much noise, so much frivolous entertainment and distraction…one can feel lost amidst the roiling waves….

HOWEVER…. YOU…… YOU… and I do mean YOU!…are as special and uniquely designed and wrought … “fearfully and wonderfully made!”.

.… Every moment of your struggling, forging onward life in this thick, attacked, undermined, besought fallen world…. IS GLORIOUS! If you could See it…you would understand and fall-on-face appreciate it—that not a moment is wasted or for naught, no mattet how mundane and misbegotten it seems to be! He is close and caring and genuinely lovingly interested in EVERY moment of YOUR very personal, unique existence and life in this time-frame! There is not one “jot or tittle” which is missed and not part of the glorious, unfathomable mortal run made for us, humans, creatures.

God is in all! God is with and watching and creating and guiding you every step of the way, as He will!

If you find yourself believing in and wanting, trying to worship God THE CREATOR FATHER OF ALL… aye! Find yourself blessed! And know that this rag-tag jumble, scuffy, wobbling PERSONAL life you are experiencing IS monitored and loved and INFINITELY beautiful and important… being a creature, child of HE WHO IS AUTHOR SOVEREIGN GOD FATHER NURTURER OF ALL THAT IS! 

Every moment counts, no matter how mundane it seems! Every moment is what the worldly call a “miracle!” It is beyond comprehension! Hence… why we have so much more to go for! 

Hang in there my friends! 

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Closer Than *Imagined*!

 I only write when feel, solidy led to—including the sometimes “irreverent” lingo and humorous asides. NOTE: God has a sense of humor, which is why, being made in His image you do too. AND, so do animals I dare say (and i even as well so do suspect insects and fauna having a good chuckle!:)

The point here now, writing, is not about humor however, but more to the point of being careful, concerning Spiritual concerns, to not just be popping off with casual commentary…. I revere and am in awe and righteous fear of God. Also, I know He uses “broken vessels” and “the least” to share and convey things in this fallen world.  

He must, for besides The Son, that’s all He’s got to work with here! As intended:) [I adore that He chooses “the least” and “the weak” things… heh, to confound “the wise”😊

Anyway… just wanted to impart … Heaven and Hell are nearer than casually thought of.  Heaven is above, Hell is below. And from all that I’ve been Seeing and experiencing in the near recent while—regardless that it’s become a lazy “end timesy” trope…. I do also dare say “the veil is thinning”….

Heaven, Hell, death … are pressing close…. They are all closer than imagined. They are real. Make haste to repatriation with The Lord. He is so merciful, kind, friendly, READY to have close relationship! 

Which is the whole purpose for us—what we were designed for!….AND THEN infinite more things He has in store for His children, which we cannot come close to apprehending here, now…although He does deign to sometimes send little treasured transcendent missives, in dreams, in fleeting moments, insights, thoughts, feelings, etc.

It ain’t cheap, it ain’t easy … as you will find yourself imploring, beseeching, wanting Him more and more and MORE than anything or anyone else, for He is supreme, Above all!…. And He is good! He is good and He is love—do not allow the haters of Him to confuse this awesome, awe-ful Truth and joy!

He will ready your heart and mind. He is already, constantly.

Gratitude for these things gives strength and poise ….amidst the blatant sh*tshow blaring inyour face right about now!


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Mic Drop. I Dare Say, The Spirit Speaks

 [First off, God blesses and I thank you! I still suspect you might be an actual angel … but if not, there are few things rarer in this world than mortals …blessed with an angelic type nature…who are so intrinsically designed, so as to harbor some of the rope hard, taut love of God/Truth, that you can’t hardly help yourself being anything other than… tied to Him…. Through all the chaos and miasma and distracting “noise”….it is quite a unique and a beneficent wonder!:) ___V.] I dare say!:)God bless:)!

Now… for the rest of you beloved knuckleheads ;)…. Here we are. I would suggest it’s about to get hot and heavy—but for, I’ve already said that for a long while-because it already has been! Since the garden!

The superficial details change, like the weather, seasons etc., but don’t think you are living in special times. That thinking does injustice to ALL those who have lived through and suffered throughout His-story since the first bite of the forbidden fruit.  It is a subtle form of pride … to think “it’s never been like this”…. “Canada”…. WEF… commi’s…. Psychopaths galore…. Etc and etc.


It’s very simple and the same old thing.  Do you love and serve God? Or do you bitch and whine about your rough life?

I can and will dare to tell you—as bad as it seems…as awful and frustrating and demoralizing as it feels (and is) to be regarding your individual dreams, hopes, yearnings, comfort, security etc., in this mortal realm (for now)…. You will find yourself flattened to the ground, blushing, weeping, wailing once you See the Glory that is God and JUST HOW MUCH AND HOW OFTEN HE SUSTAINED AND BLESSED AND GUIDED YOU ALL THROUGH THE RUGGED MORTAL TIME!!! (The angels are righteously admiring of us so created to go through this seeming mess, you should know, btw.)

You have no idea how good you’ve actually had it, compared to what existence is like WITHOUT His sustaining, LOVING presence! Even the worst scenarios here (though with God abiding and within you) are NOTHING compared to that type of (eternal) existence which is foretold, for those who hate(d) and want(ed) nothing to do with Him! 

HELL…is existence WITHOUT His presence and familiarity. It can’t be imagined.

 It can and has been Shown… but it is worse than the worst this fallen, depraved world has ever given. You should be scared … OF THAT! Not what “men”,  “women” can do to you in this body—but what HE can do with and to your eternal soul!

The (righteous) fear of God is the BEGINNING of wisdom.

Me? I fear God..and I love and am drawn to Him, come what may in the meantime.  His Word commands that and I gratefully find myself willing.

How is it that the apostles and saints … and The Son Himself were able to willingly, with no guile, sincerely bless and love and worship God …. all the while they were being tormented, persecuted, hated, shunned, misunderstood, beaten, tortured, jailed, maligned—the targets of vitriol and calumnies!!!? 

………..BY THIS! The love and knowledge and worshipful recognition, awareness of and submission to GOD! To THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD OF ALL! Sovereign King, Creator, Sustainer of this whole “reality” currently underway!

Oh… but there’s more!…. And more! You can’t imagine the wonderful, blessed, lovely, endless, amazing, incredible, mind and heart and soul-blowing things YET in store… for those who persevere!  Your God -blessed dreams and desires will all unfold….

And all we have to do…  Is love and praise and acknowledge God….(instead of ourselves and/or the devil!) 

Mic drop :)!!!

Monday, February 14, 2022

Cringe vs. Leap Toward!

 You’ll notice… those who cringe at the name Jesus…they hate it…. and then yourself…well….

When YOU hear about God, Jesus, your heart leaps! 

That is a big tell….

Wheat/chaff I dare say….

Take solace and be fortified…in that, in your heart, your soul, you DO NOT cringe at the mention of Jesus, The Lord, God The Father, The Bible….

Things are quite simple … foundationally… albeit PROFOUND!

God blesses and protects and is The Author of your soul—your unique INDIVIDUALITY within His Creation—His Story…His pleasure and joy, which He shares with those whom He will…. AS HE WILLS!….

Praise God you are staying true and strong (as able in this chaos)…. 

You find yourself, for now, metaphorically (sometimes God willing literally) falling on your face, worshipping Him, like the good angels do constantly!

 “Pray always” is the cure for now…

This life is but a vapor….

The green grass withers and dies according to seasons…

YOUR soul is eternal! 

He lovingly made you (and all else, praise God)!…

But you… YOU …. are a unique and precious creation/creature … who HE has deigned to LIVE in His midst!

You know it! 

Many are called… a lot more are created…. FEW are chosen.

Hence! The falling down on face and thanking God endlessly! (If you find yourself there)…..

HE will sort out all the pieces, as He may!


There is only One. The true and “eternal” King and Creator, Father … of all!

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

God Owns It All

 Well…. I’m going to stay true to the course, best as able. And always recognizing (God willing!) that if I have any shred of helpful words … along the Way, I consider myself blessed and you too!  I have not “taken the ticket”—though have had the devil himself try a few times—Nope.

FWIW (for what it’s worth)… still holding down the fort, the fortress. You, I, et al, are under several layers of attack, assault. As usual. 


Don’t think you are in a “special time” of forebearing….

It is always the same story and pressure. 

Do you love, know, recognize and fall on your face worshiping God, Messiah? JESUS THE CHRIST?!

Orrrrr …. are you still piddling around with your GOD GIVEN “personal” concerns and whinings….?

Few (there are always some, a few…) who realize that this is NOT ABOUT YOU….. BUT ABOUT GOD!…. And, praise God, the Father and Creator and Designer of ALL… that He invites/creates/informs/directs/sustains … you to Know and See/Hear/Feel this Truth!


Ohhhh … and He DOES have a “sense of humor”! Of course! 


You will find yourself falling on your face, worshiping His ineffible glory, like the angels do “daily”—constantly!…. You will own nothing and be happy…..! (Albeit GLORIFIED!)

You know😊

Praise God!😊❤️

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Sherry Shriner and (not) The Way

Aaaand I’m a sophisticated contrarian…..  There is something about the written word. WRITING, READING! 

I love and cherish still having wended through all the last couple decades of media permutations, to continue in this little (dare I say, humbly, profound—yes I do!) WRITTEN corner of report and sharing, and Gid willing, decent Spirit-led advice….. 

They want us off the written Word. 

Soooo, feisty—albeit subtle—contrarian (to the world) that I am…I shall continue….

Hey! Meanwhile… did ya hear about Sherry Shriner? Any old timey ie., “lamb cafe” peeps still kickin around these here parts?…

I haven’t checked it out yet, but have seen notice of Sherry and her thing… on YT…. Some sort if “true crime” documentary?  

Will check it out… 

Lots of charlatans out there—always have been… I’ve stumbled into a few (as seekers often do along The Way)…. Never fell for her schtick… but as usual, she was an interesting character (slightly) observed…along The Way….

Hey! God bless and love you! …. Over here in the the little writ corner 😊❤️🙏🏻!

Monday, February 7, 2022

Gut Check Rogan Script

 Yeah, once in a while I’m gonna be a little bold in pronouncements. Early on (easily over a decade ago) I said (seeing the trajectory of social media/“tripartite layering”/evil agenda) that I was interested in quality over quantity, regarding friends, readers, peeps here. Those with Eyes and Ears…. Guided, led by The Spirit of Truth… vs. just tryto get a big following in the budding “metaverse”…. (

Hey! Someone’s gotta do it!:)

Anyway… a quick dip into the latest permutations of the (wicked) operation/campaign— Heads up. The Joe Rogan kerfuffle … is pure theater. Scripted. As i have already (half or more decade ago? said…  AI is running the program. They/It are already 10 steps  ahead…. Things being done now in the ubiquitous media realm… are designed to trigger, channel behaviors meant to lead to further Spiritual devolvement/chaos down the road a bit…. 

You are being attempted to be assimilated into “the Satanic  borg” so-to-speak….. 

I alerted and warned, and still do more than ever!—that you must maintain and address and nourish…a transcendent SPIRITUAL MIND that is above and beyond the day-to-day “narrative”! 

It is only going to get more miasmic and interwoven into your body and pysche…. BUT TRUE LIVING SPIRIT OF THE ONE TRUE GOD is above and beyond and sovereign over all!

😊 gut check. 

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Without God,, And Cyber Attack

Hell . . . is existence WITHOUT God....

The Creator of ALL is the source, the Sovereign, the sustenance, the purpose, the joy, the meaning, the LOVE, the Justice!  The FATHER, sustainer . . . nurturing GREAT BEING OF ALL THAT WE ARE and are experiencing!

"Simulation" theory . . . as in, "this is all a 'simulation'" . . . a la' "The Matrix" . . . has a sense of truth to it.  BUT NO, not.

It is a proper horror.  For real, if you don’t have the grace and blessing of God’s presence within and sustaining all about. Hence when He promises to Believers “I will always be with you,” it is no small thing! It is EVERYTHING! 

More on this in a bit—it is so important always and especially nowadays as we are assaulted on all fronts—especially WITHIN the mind, soul, spirit, body…..
[Meanwhile, heads up, be ready…. So much is being exposed…I suspect drastic measures (already planned for) will be instigated—as pertains to “cyber attacks” and online takedowns.  Anticipate, ie., that day when all connections go dead. You have no idea what has happened…but systems appear to be down…for days, intermittent, weeks… months?…. Just be ready for that as can be.]
God bless and stay True!

Brother Thomas ©2005

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