Monday, October 9, 2023

Godspeed Amidst The Breaking Storm

 I wrote this last month, reporting one of my "flash visions" during the thin veil time of the night: 

  "What I suspect, and believe I saw, in the ongoing and increasingly poignant early morning hour "flash visions" I've been recently experiencing (when the veil seems most thin) . . . is that there would be a series of coordinated "T" attacks in different locations, prominent cities (likely those that are currently being hollowed out for future foreign occupation)."

It was very clear, ominous, orchestrated, and felt quite eminent.  Now we see with what's going on in Israel and the pouring in of "military aged" men from other countries--many hostile to the U.S. or whatever host country they are invading, it is easy to imagine that ie., Hamas/Palestinian terror cells have entered and are staging throughout the country.

I "saw" that there would be a series of attacks in different cities, and the state of things in such chaos, that the 2024 elections would likely be postponed--or, as I've long "seen" some sort of "panel" government runs the show with emergency powers.  I've also always thought Michelle Obama would at some point re-enter the scene.  I've always said, even during his first term, that Barry Barak O Soetoro wouldn't really ever leave and would continue to be working behind the scenes ongoing.  (Many, I know, do now consider the Biden regime to actually be Obama's 3rd term.)

I've also recently had another of my recurring military invasion dreams.  This one involved troops, vehicles moving in (a usual scenario) to cities, neighborhoods, street-to-street, house-to-house.  People fleeing, getting caught up. They were indeed obviously "Asian" soldiers for the most part.  I, with a few others, are basically on the run, trying to find some safe haven--but it always seems like there are just too many of them to ultimately escape, although in some of these dreams I have made it up into the hills to relative safety--though they are there too to varying degrees. . . . 

Anyway, the palpable and gnawing sense of doom and looming catastrophe has been growing in me ever intensely the past couple years.  I feel it every day.  I put my faith in God, of course, but a natural, instinctual feeling of persistent anxiety (mainly considering the safety of my family and other loved ones) has me in a low-level state of heightened alert tension.  Like if one is in enemy territory, or like if one suspects a dangerous threat is nearby, in the house . . . you're on tenterhooks, just waiting for the event/reveal/enemy strike.  I am in a constant state of that these days.  I still can enjoy the small things in life and look to the life after and to God for my hope . . . but I am often struck at how so many are oblivious to the looming, very real threats accruing against our lives, freedom, livelihoods!

I see people carrying on, going to concerts, football games, planning and going on vacations (that usually end in travel nightmares), "eating and drinking and giving in marriage" . . . desperate to "get back to normal" after the horrors of the pandemic operation. . . . And I don't begrudge anyone wanting to "get back to normal" . . . but I cannot NOT see that we are NOT going back to normal.  Things are about to get apocalyptic, I dare say.  So much of what I observe, is just a general clueless, determined ignorance and deliberate disregard of the signs and portents of the hour at hand.

Me?  Besides some basic, whatever possible material preparations--I'm afraid these will mostly end up useless, moot--I am just going harder, deeper, more repentantly, passionately and desperately into the "things of the Spirit of God".  I suspect most material plans, preparations will find themselves irrelevant.  

Freedom "without" is looking very dubious in the days to come.  Freedom WITHIN, in Christ is the only perfect preparation once the hammer comes down. . . .

The geo-political setup for the takedown--leading to the Great Reset is obvious to those paying attention.

Godspeed ("may you prosper") SPIRITUALLY amidst the gathering and ultimately breaking storm upon us!

[Little sidenote: coincidentally(?) I just happen to have been reading , the past few months, books about the history of the famous battles in Israel through Biblical times]

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