Friday, March 3, 2023

One of 2 Ways To Go

 There is only one of two ways to go....





1 comment:

Roger said...

Hello Bro. T.

Like a spiritual synchronicity or intuitiveness, I've pondered the dipole dilemma lately.
And considering and applying some wisdom from 2nd Esdras or maybe it's from Ecclesiasticus?
When you are rich, don't forget when you were poor.
And visa versa.
When you acquire some knowledge, don't forget the times when you were ignorant.
And visa versa.
When food is abundant and you are well fed, don't forget when you were hungry.
And visa versa.
There always seems to be some kind of balance and remembrance between opposite poles.
Then I pondered this further in regards to choices:
You can go either left or right; however, it's the "why" which caused one to choose
one path over another in the first place which is at the "heart" of all this:
I believe there are 3 things|whys which determine choices which are also motivated
by rewards or punishments.
1) It's how one interprets the Lord's rewards or punishments
2) It's how one interprets how society, family and etc will view oneself as good or bad
3) Finally, a choice could be made based upon what's written in or on one's heart:
A) Let's just say that it's similar to being hard-wired into one's soul or psyche
B) It's probably also similar to doing or acting based on programming or a script
C) It totally over-rides or disregards the first two and acts or does via its
own free will since spiritual laws are already written within somehow
Which leads me to believe that there are some people who naturally gravitate to being
spiritually-minded, caring, loving and etc. without being overly reminded by society's
influences about what's right or wrong and consequences.
Of course, the other end of the spectrum is "do as thou wilt" like Allister Crowley
and not being concerned about spiritual consequences. And is in total rebellion of
the Lord's spiritual laws.
Well, I didn't expect to get so lengthy here. Zeph always told me that my replies were
"terse." He He..

Love, peace and the Lord's favour,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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