Sunday, March 26, 2023

Current Affairs' Notes & "the solace of hell"

 In general, I know, we're getting sliced and diced . . . in up-close situations, people AND on the "grand stage".  Lots of theatre going on.  Lotsa bluff.  AND also lots of macro bluff and oppression going on. . . .

Demons are loosed, flying, flitting about . . . within "the airs" . . . within brain/mind/soul, and of course, doing weather warfare and electronic tortures on the side. . . . 

We are in a live battlefield type situation, where the cannonballs are rolling in, taking off limbs and heads--physically and spiritually, soul-ly. . . . 

Yes, you are under constant attack.  BUT, don't get too upstart thinking this is a special time, because the Children of God have ALWAYS been under attack since the devil got butthurt and thought he/she/it/they/legion could take over the realm, starting from the war in Heaven. . . .

Yes, I have to write somewhat in parable. . . . It works.  The TRUTH . . . transcends above and below all, I dare say, for those with "eyes to see and ears to hear."

Regarding "the solace of hell" motif--I shall get to that, fwiw. . . . For starters, if you love Truth . . . if you love God above ALL--THE ONE TRUE AND ONLY GOD--you, I dare say, will find yourself deeply and utterly disgusted, infuriated on a certain level, with the constant perversion of Truth, and with the  hate of God, with the hate of the Name of Jesus, and with the hate of, that the Messiah has already been here and sacrificed and saved all those who Believe!

The lying, the subversion, the insidious machinations of wicked politicians. "influencers"--the horrific daily perversions of goodness, Godliness, creation . . . the cheats, the liars, the perverse, the constant evil assaults, cruelty, soulless ghouls stirring up chaos and mayhem . . . have their reward.

Demons abound--within, without.  Pray always!


Quick side-note: "1st Amendment Audits". . . . 

On Youtube especially, there is a bit of a "cottage industry" in making "1st Amendment Audit" videos, "copwatch" stuff, where cats go out and enter government buildings with their cameras, carrying on about how it is a constitutional right to "film in public", "there is no expectation of privacy in public", etc., and etc.  It's been a somewhat fascinating, interesting theme to watch unfold.  Of course, WE, the public, the people are constantly under surveillance, cameras everywhere . . . so yes, it is interesting and ironic to watch the "public servants/government workers" freak out when a citizen comes in "filming" with a camera in the public spaces. . . .

I could go on for quite a while in my analysis of this phenomenon/agenda . . . and that would be something I wouldn't mind doing sometime on a podcast interview . . . but meantime, while I'm able to write and share words here for now, I want to quick get down on record a sort of summary of what I think this effort ("1st Amendment Audits") is going to end up being. . . .

So, these 1st amendment dudes and dudettes make a big deal about what is LAW . . . vs. what are RULES/POLICIES.  I believe they are generally having decent intentions, BUT the result of the enterprise will be--eventually, in but a few years--that young, "woke" Maoist-style youth will roam around and nail people to the wall re LAWS vs. policy.  Right now they are using the idea of the Constitution being LAW--the law of the land--however . . . when NEW LAWS (commi-type laws) are in effect . . . you will experience and see these same type characters . . . running around, well-funded, shaming and enforcing THE NEW LAWS!  

'Twill be surveillance state, culture/society, enforced by radicalized youth with cameras shaming, threatening, intimidating, enforcing "lawful" behavior and norms.  These will be new laws, however, according to nwo communistic globalist totalitarian dictatorship. . . .

It's Pol Pot with "smart phone" technology.  In Cambodia, during Khmer Rouge, they targeted people who wore glasses and were so-called "educated".  This time, in this country especially (USA, but other "western" countries as well) it will be . . . bible believers, "patriots", white people, "conservatives" etc who are/will-be the enemies of the global state.  As I wrote some time ago, I expect The Bible will be outlawed, "banned", just as it has been in Godless totalitarian societies previously.  When I first suggested that, I know, it seemed hyperbolic, extreme. . . . BUT, even well meaning dullards nowadays need not stretch their imagination too hard to recognize that this is indeed where it is going. . . . 

There will be hordes of weaponized autists, adult-hating angry . . . ocd pyscho/socio-paths, detail obsessed "robots" of sorts, transhumanist freaks . . . who, in the near-ish future will show up with cameras/phones to record/enforce your compliance to the NEW laws and nwo "constitution".


[Also, here's some quick macro Geo-politics thoughts, predictions (based on long study/observation/visions as I'm watching it all unfold near exact as expected/seen]:

The plan has long-time been to infiltrate, subvert traditional American culture--primarily the remnant forms of the early Christians, Protestants who had their big effect on the drawing up of the original documents; civil, familial, political ideas etc., which resulted in a designed "Constitutional Republic". . . .

Yes, I know, the secret societies were also knee-deep in it all, as usual--BUT, there also was a big, blessed dose of genuine Biblical guidance, Spirit, "Reformed" influence among the framers and instigators of a desired free country.  THAT the Biblical/Protestant impetus is the part which is specifically most under attack and intended to be erased, wiped-out.

The plan, in this case, these days, regarding the overall warfare stratagems of the enemy, is/has-been to infiltrate, subvert, pervert, infest and destroy from within . . . which a major part includes turning the people against their own government--to hate and distrust their own government so that the center is hollowed out, and then easy pickings taking out the integrous, recalcitrant. THEN . . . there is happening a coalescence of all the various cultivated geo-political enemies into a wide-ranging consortium, such that, the island (America) is basically surrounded on all sides by pretty much the whole "world" . . . with all potential patriots and freedom-fighters either dead, threatened with death/prison etc.  SUCH that . . . it all ends up in a veritable surrender, though guised it will be.  

The enemy will arrive as "liberators".  The surrender will look and feel inevitable and will be ushered in as a component of the "great reset".  THEN the clean-up, the sweep-up will happen.  Yes, round-ups, gulags, executions and persecutions.  Many a valiant martyr will earn future gems in their crowns (so-to-speak) through all of that, praise God!

But yeah, you can see it teeing up even now.  Iran, China, India, Mexico et al, Russia, Iraq, Syria, and plenty of others, all combined, swoop in, easy-peasy, surround the broken "woke" disheveled remnants of what's left of the USA . . . PLUS, with the various hating hordes having being let in, now ensconced and awaiting orders, helped across the border, embedded throughout . . . combined with the internal homegrown Maoist transhumanist hateful youth--it all comes together as one diabolical demonic horde assaulting and destroying The Remnant (if they could.)

I can see it lining up.  I can hear and sense the talking-head knuckleheads themselves now getting a little nervous that it may not end well, even for them--those who have carried the subtle poison water for years just for shabby temporary money, power, fame. . . .


Hence, "the solace of hell."

Hell is horrific.  I truly don't wish it on a worst enemy, if I had one. It is fearful, hopeless, dreadful beyond all normal human understanding.  It is NOT a party!  It is just, yes, but so utterly dire and terrible, for there is no excuse and no salvation from there for those deserving it.  Once done, it's done.  Forget multiple lives, multi-verses, parallel realities, reincarnation, purgatories. . . . Nope.  ONE LIFE is what each has been given.  The Liar will lie and whisper that there are other chances, ways around it, and/or that you can have a nice piece of territory to lord over there.  But no!  JUSTICE . . . DIVINE JUSTICE RULES!

So . . . just saying . . . as you witness, sadly, tragically, mourning . . . the rampant, vile evil afoot--the perverting and cruelty foisted on the innocent. . . . When you are crushed and aghast at the bald-faced lies and subterfuge and corruption and theft and murder and wicked, violent oppression of any and everything naturally of God and good and of His creation . . . seeing the old, the sick, the poor, the young, the creatures, harried and harassed and squashed, marginalized, tortured, tormented . . . well, know and rejoice, God is just! The Righteous Judge will Judge!  And He made Hell for His purposes.  And, in hard times, beset by ubiquitous evil, I dare say, sometimes . . . there is some God blessed solace . . . in knowing Hell exists, for real, for those who deserve and want it.  Good riddance!  One day . . . one blessed day . . . good riddance and good bye.   



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