Wednesday, October 26, 2022


 The least shall be first.

Do not assuage, flag-out to the intense oppression going on.  Let and know it to sink in, so that your knowledge and love of God embodies, imbibes within you, such that you are not hiding, but facing it head-on . . . with the Love Of God on your side.


The least... THE SWEET and THE LOVING and those with Living souls . . . get to enjoy the fruits of God's providence. . . .  And are a blessing to all. . . .

If you find yourself, amidst the noise of the enemy, yet, nevertheless YOU love GOD ABOVE ALL--as in, you find yourself loving the truth and God and what you know in your soul to be true ABOVE even your own self-centered history--Well . . . you are in Good hands! 

It does take strength . . . and perseverance . . .  patience . . . and a lot of compassion . . . of which, you know you can't have on your own, in these times. . . . 

Or, any time in this fallen world. . . . 


As ONE . . . soul of soul. Child of God. . . .

Oh! He is so magnificent  . . . and He is into the details of your falderal world-life--as well as in the tiniest little happenings of the littlest of creatures you see and know and care for--to the point of knowing THE EXACT NUMBER OF THE HAIRS ON YOURS and their HEADS!

Dare you believe? 

Hah! Yes! You will, because you are designed . . . to know and love Him. And Believe.

Period. .


Jesus is KING said...


Jesus is KING said...

Still waiting on the Mountain story BTW. Whenever you can, loved the Vid.

Brother Thomas ©2005

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