Thursday, October 6, 2022

I Brake For God (station break:)

 [Station break] 

I brake for the Holy Spirit. . . . 

The Holy Spirit is the presence of God . . . given to Believers, in the time after The Messiah completed His mission. . . .

In the times to come (and, in all times) you don't need internet, "media" to give you guidance and directions as to what is going on and what is needed best to do, at any given time. . . .

THE HOLY SPIRIT IS the Original "connectedness".

They are just trying to mimic it.

There are truly only two sides. . . .

I don't need to hack or spy or follow or angle or track or worry etc., etc., about anyone, what they are doing.  The Holy Spirit IS the ultimate and perfect connector and all-knowing Source, if one wants to or needs to, or happens to See, Hear, find out . . . what's going on.

The Holy Spirit . . . will keep one apprised . . . of what is needed at any point in time. . . .

One must be silent and humble enough to Hear Him and His promptings, directions, info . . . but also, if one is not, PRAISE GOD!--He is so merciful, that even then, He will direct your steps, according to His Will. . . . Perfectly.

The whole "transhuman", "internet of things", "interconnectedness", . . . upcoming attempted digital currency . . . ALL the "one world" "unity" "equity" bullcrap that THEY are attempting . . . IS . . . NOTHING . . . compared to the actual unity and direction and insight provided by the gift of THE HOLY SPIRIT. . . . 

If the "internet" goes down, ie., . . . Where will you get your information, direction, knowledge from?

ANSWER: The same place and Person you always should be getting it from: GOD, HOLY SPIRIT, JESUS.

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