Monday, October 17, 2022

I've Said It Before, Yet Again, Praise God

 I've said it before. . . .

Communism . . . is the devil's army, blunt force, fodder thrown at the walls . . . to tear down (as if it could) . . . God's Kingdom.

We are awash in it, as I've long said, wrote, alerted to, long before it was fashionable in these latter days....


The ones who killed, tormented, abused God in flesh--who HATE GOD . . . at the behest of the one, big, loser, maniac, psychopath, narcissist, hater, self-pitying fool. . . . Yeah. That crew. And their pathetic egomaniac . . . devil, Satan (so-to-speak).

Because the evil one . . . hates Truth, hence, he/she becomes the "father of lies".  Big fancy GOOOFY! "Baphomet" . . . . lol.  Oh, sooooo fancy there with your boobs and d*ck and hands in secret style m*snic weirdo weak nonsense . . . lol. 


Look at the Fool . . . the fools. . . .

Evil.  Ruins everything.  Perverts, twists, subverts, attacks ALL THAT IS GOOD.

It is so easy to see, if you have the Eyes to See it.


Who beats death?  

Death comes, you fools! There is ONLY ONE WAY OUT OF DEATH.

Well, and there's death, and there's death. . . .

There is death, and then there is LIFE. . . .

There is also the 2nd death . . . which is horrific.

AND if you go there, you will know that you deserve it.

Do you love God?! Do you love Truth?

Or, . . . do you cavil about, because you are so self-centered . . . that you are subject and winnowing . . . to the lowest common . . . denominator . . . of THE EVIL ONE?

Don't do it.

You can't.

The Lord is nearby . . . so sweet, merciful, SOOOOO amazing beyond all!  As I've witnessed to . . . CLOSER THAN YOU THINK!  AND WANTING YOUR ATTENTION!


Anyway , . . . 

Yeah, it blows.  The perverts, the "commi's"--the SOS--the hater's of God . . .  have infiltrated every little corner.  Churches, pastors, fathers and mothers have laid down on the job.... WELL, not all . . . but a lot, as usual. . . . MANY ARE CALLED, FEW ARE CHOSEN.

It's obvious now.  Even to dummies. . . . 

It wasn't so much, when I tried to alert. . . . But no biggie.  I'm nothing. I'm just over here, commenting, giving thoughts and Spirit when Led. . . . fwiw :)

1 comment:

Roger said...

Hello Dear Bro. T.

WOW. Your picture and that movie really hit me deep in my spirit.
I don't know what it is or why, but I seem to "catch on" to the
symbolism I encounter these days? It wasn't so with me years ago.
That movie brought back to remembrance a lot of stuff.
And Betty Boop ~ Bimbo's initiation is telling us so very much too.
Mainly, I was thinking about that song Hotel California.
To me, it seems like a metaphor or allegory referencing hell.
"You can check out whenever you want, but you can never leave."
Then the bands name the "eagles" quite likely has a demonic nature.
And of course that cartoon of the baphomet. It made me think about
how one has to or is supposed to raise their right hand and "swear"
in a court of law. Hmmm? I will leave it at that, regarding the
judicial system.

Peace, love and favour,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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