Thursday, September 29, 2022

Mountain Tales (Fish Lake) Pt.1

 A bit of sideline classic ephemera--although, actually I don't think anything is "ephemera" in the sense that it is meaningless occurrences, for I believe that EVERYTHING and EVERYONE is divinely meant, intentioned, purposeful . . . part of the divine tapestry of God's creation in time. . . .) And beyond.........

Anyway . . . so . . . just to relate some things that happened on the "working" vacation. . . .

The drive through the state . . . heading south . . . was a bit notable, just for the lack of people, traffic, compared to a few years ago. . . . (I think peeps are being hit hard--I know I am--with the inflation and shortages and general commi takedown depleting appurtenances). . . .

The cabin is at a beautiful location . . . tons of Aspens (one of, if not, my favorite of trees). . . . And pines, and scrub. . . .

Little deer cabals flitting here and there, cute smallish squirrels, hawks, birds etc., as usual in the mountains.  Roughly . . . 9000 ft. above sea level . . . purportedly the largest fresh water lake in Utah, Fish Lake, and yes, lotsa fish in there!  Butterflies . . . some pesky "yellow jackets" coveting the grill sauces/meat. . . . 

So... a well-kept 1950s era cabin up on the hill amidst the trees and brush. . . . No wifi (yay!) ... no cell service (yay!) (though you could drive a couple miles downhill to find a "location" to get and give texts to stay in touch as needed. . . .)

I was there to work . . . stain a deck and a big run of stairs.  Had to haul in a lot of paint, supplies etc.  

(To Be Continued)

1 comment:

Roger said...

Greeting Bro. T.

WOW... 9,000 feet above sea level...
Anyways, I can just imagine the pristine back-to-nature environment...
Basically, uncluttered by steel, concrete and asphalt... Lovely...

Peace, love and favor,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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