Wednesday, April 21, 2021

May Day 2021 update

 Have had some requests for a current “May Day” writing/update.... I began that original “branding” because way back when ... i knew what was coming and wanted to alert.... I’ve “received” new pointers... regarding that/this whole NOW current situation..... I’ve hesitated writing about it because I don’t want anyone to be despondent. But yeah, it’s everything i warned/spoke of.... And I’m taking the requests as a sign to go ahead and lay it out.  Mentally, physically, and of course SPIRITUALLY the saved need to be braced and savvy as can be under the circumstances.... So yes, will just lay it out what is coming/upon us.... bro t . net may be a locale to continue receiving encouragement and GOD WILLING guidance... as the looming events/agenda carry forth. 


hardamber said...

Brother Thomas, I am looking forward to your May Day post. Thank you for the work that you put into it.

Jesus is KING said...

That would be good Bro T. I mean, it cant get any worse right???? lol

God Speed!


Lee in TN said...

Thank you Bro T! I always think about the May Day shows with Zeph and your writings about these times. Of course, I also think it would be a good time to do one more talk with Zeph again, as most all those things are coming to pass now and you probably have a new clarity on the current Marxist takeover. Blessings and thanks always!

Brother Thomas ©2005

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