Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Engage, He is Near!

 Encouragement! I will yet reiterate again, for those who may be losing heart, nearly losing faith . . . because of the onslaught of psychotronic, physical, spiritual, mental, emotional unrelenting warfare being waged upon you—and seeing others close and afar relinquishing to the “self-destruct” demon..... TAKE HEART! KEEP FAITH! Our King and Lord and GOD OF ALL . . . is NEARER than you are led to believe! Make the connection, or should say, re-invigorate the connection/communication to Him......

Especially now, (but, yes as always!) but ESPECIALLY NOW, He is close and will respond and has legions (of the Good) on the ground, so to speak..... to assist and protect you.

I speak from contemporary experience.  There is (as I once apprised and wrote of forewarning) “demonic flashing” going on , all around, and thus “psychopaths” projecting onto YOU their hate and misery. . . . They are in fear, lost, and starting to circle the drain toward death and an even greater hell. They hate the light. You will be hated and attacked, just as The Master said. BUT ULTIMATELY for His Name’s sake! 

Nevertheless, He knows each of our personal situations. . . . And does not give us more than we each can bear, individually for His glory! 

And, He does intervene and protect and guide, miraculously, constantly, along with His celestial servants (on the ground).

He will thwart your enemies. You must connect, engage, communicate, love and acknowledge Him...... He is near.


Gina Williams said...

Thank you Brother Thomas!

Jeff Weiss said...

God bless you Brother Thomas !!!

Brother Thomas ©2005

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