Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Wartime Directives while Behind Enemy Lines

I'm going to take Roger's recent comment/vision as a confirm to briefly address something I was about to share but hadn't yet.
And I'll simply cut to the chase, thankfully knowing I'm among friends here.....

I have fairly recently . . . felt . . . "seen" in the spirit, I dare say, the presence and increased attendance of the angelic corps--warrior class.  Along with this, of course, and most importantly, the pressing presence of the General, The Master, The Lord, Holy Spirit.

I am suspecting that some extra divisions of His Majesty's messengers and servants . . . have arrived . . . to assist Believers in these obvious times of testing and trial.  They are here to help--to protect and guide during what is swiftly becoming a time of importantly needed discernment.  Choices will have to be made.  Oppression and intensifying assaults from the enemy and it's own reinforcements require buttressing on our own side.  And I believe I have seen and felt and recognize that indeed, the activities and support in the unseen realm by angelic helpers has increased and/or is more intensive and "close".  It is simply something to note and be aware of and take some solace in, whereas, as always, our only supplications and communications are to go direct our Lord.  HE will do the directing and communicating and ordering as regards to them, but there is no harm in sensing and appreciating that they are here and doing their work perfectly; to be especially attentive SPIRITUALLY amid the rising cacophony.

We are in a battle.  This is war.  Our weapons are faith, love of God, gratitude, mercy, singularity of purpose and remembrance over what this mortal travail is ultimately all about.  That is, the glorifying of God and the immeasurable gift of our being created and intended to love and enjoy Him forever (once the Adversary's charade is over)!

As with the heightened activity and interest spiritually extant with these angelic warriors and servants, the demonic legions are likewise active and interested and clearly on the move.  They are "close" too.  And remember, one of their time-tested talents is to sow discord and division among people, but especially among God-ordained households and fellowships etc.  Oh, and they are subtle!  Trivialities can be exacerbated and spun and magnified and blown up into roiling mis-communications between fellows, loved ones, co-horts, etc., to the point of outright violent mental, spiritual and physical conflict.  Key in their arsenal, is playing upon fear, paranoia, anxiety, mistrust, doubt, panic, petty sensual indulgences. . . .

It looks to be (as was inevitable and expected sooner or later) that quick and critical decisions will increasingly need to be made.  Indeed, swift choices leading to quite distinct and often opposite trajectories . . . will needs be concluded at distinct crucial moments.  Do you go here?  Do you go there?  Do you stay where you are?  Do you go with this group or that group?  When you're being hounded by agitated cries and groanings and imploring of, say, loved ones . . . or "authorities" . . . or friends, quorums, fellowships to do such-and-such a thing . . . will you buckle and go against conscience . . . or with the still, small, discreet whisperings of the Spirit (possibly brought or accentuated by attending Messengers/Angels)?

Wheat and chaff separate at such points of intense despair and conflict. "So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth." --Rev. 3:16

While care must and should be taken as relates to the body and mortal responsibilities, you must never allow the fear of temporal privations and comfort to overcome the hope and the joy and gratitude and LOVE in, for and of GOD above all!  This life is truly a vapor compared to the glories and riches of HEAVEN and eternal perfection as The Lord has dictated and promised shall be for His children.  "As for man, his days are like grass; As a flower of the field, so he flourishes. When the wind has passed over it, it is no more, And its place acknowledges it no longer." --Psalm 103:15-16
"Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away." --James 4:14

The rage on the other side is and always has been a testament to the reality of this great martial engagement!  We are born in a hole, hidden amongst enemy lines, fighting raging all about from our first breath 'til our last.  We walk and live and travail and fight and glorify the light and truth and love of God the whole time, to varying degrees according to His will and good grace.  We rest in that!  HIS will be done!  There IS no rest for the wicked.  Ever.

The enemy, in many persistent and devious ways will constantly be trying to thwart or at least diminish such a high calling as is given to the elect.  Our work is to revel in the goodness and glory and divine perfection of The Most High and share this truth with one another and with all, as we can, for WE do not always know who or who is NOT of His fold.  One of the greatest mortal joys is to find yourself being used as a messenger--as a Light, a Torch which ignites another who was in darkness but then begins to See and live!  In chaotic and especially distressful times, there are many chances for this!  Within and through the tension and despair and suffering and warring conflagrations are found sublime moments where seekers's eyes and ears and hearts are opened, and The Word is implanted to take root and grow! 

We are blessed to live in such an epoch!  God forbid a time of ease and numb melancholy where enervating pleasures and comfort muffle the desperate yearning of the soul to be free and wholly aligned with the will of God!  Thank God for times where the mettle can be tested AND FOUND SURE!  Faith gets re-found and strengthened and becomes a source of power, wisdom and solace for yourself and others!  And for ALL the creatures near your care and purview.

Always praising God!  Remembering who and what we are!  Trusting in His Word!  God bless and blesses you continuously!  Vigilance and gratitude--a worthy sword and buckler while behind enemy lines. . . .
--your brother, Thomas

(Ha! Sorry, I MEANT that to be brief, but once I got going...well...THAT happened:)

1 comment:

Greg said...

This word is very timely. The warning and the encouragement speak directly to a situation my wife and I just went through. Your writing has reconfirmed that I am listening to the Spirit. I was beginning to doubt. Thank you and God bless you.

Brother Thomas ©2005

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