Sunday, May 3, 2020

The Test Is So Clear

Being a student, reader . . . of USSR era police state tactics, I know that one of the early things they did . . . was to outlaw the gathering of individuals.  As in, "social distancing" was mandatory.  Because, of course, you don't want people getting together, forming bonds, enjoying themselves socially.  No--you want isolated, fearful proles looking over their shoulders, hiding, "staying safe" . . . so that no groups can be formed to resist the tyranny.

Man, did I nail it or what?

And, of course, as anyone can see . . . if you don't take "the mark" . . . well, you won't be able to "buy or sell". 

Lookin' pretty Biblical right about now, heh........


THAT . . . is the ultimate question.

Satan's minions (low-life, rebel scum who hate God and YOU) . . . . .

OR, God?

YAY! It's time to wear your faith on your "sleeve".

No worries.  No despair.  No fear.  The test is here.  And thank God HE is in charge!  He is the Big Boss!  He is the giver of blessings and protection.  Thank God we live in a time where the test(s)--so clear!

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