Friday, May 29, 2020

Many Have No Idea

Just noting... current news.. re my very early post in Feb. re what some of the Corona escapade might be about, among other things...:
 " .... Basically, i suggested that this is all a roundabout way to rescue their (the Chinese commis) take down of HONG KONG. Yes it has other strategic benefits... but im suspecting it has mostly to do with their temporarily failed takeover there...If so, and if it slips thru to see... watch developments where the “Cvirus” connects to upcoming news/developments in Hong Kong..."

Well. . . . Among other things, this is looking like . . . a thing . . . .

AND.... there is definitely a lot going on....  On ALL levels... Like I said early on in general... it's "total war" ... what's known as "asymmetrical warfare"... 
Get your strength on... as you can!   Because of my job, I meet and interact with all kinds of people, in all kinds of different "classes"..... People are being hammered.  Not only emotionally, psychologically, spiritually. but also physically.  Re the physical attack . . . it seems to be something like a "grabbling" wave....a disrupter beam . . . that attacks any and all weaknesses . . . within the body.  I'm still tracking it.  I'm experiencing it myself, and noting it others.  Pretty much everyone.  Quite intense now. . . .

And "riots". . . . Many have no idea how much they are being guided/controlled/directed.........

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