Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Stick a Fork In It

I’ve always thought we were not DONE with Barry Sotoro and the gang.... Have expected all along that Michelle (mike to some) would be put up for pres eventually.  So, imagine Biden picks her as vp....Then he bails... Michelle is pres, Barry is vp... and we get that gang for 8-10 or more years..... Stick a fork in it, we’d be done done....


Mark said...

Remember "appearances" are not everything .Biden must win the election to bail .

ROGER said...

Hello Bro. T.

I've thought of a few scenarios myself. And everything looks bleak.
DJT (to put it very politely) has been hamstrung and fenced in.
Even if, (a big if), the Fall's elections were canceled, DJT
would generally be marginalized and effective over the next 4 years.
And if the elections did go off, a democrat will somehow win and
not by any honest means.

I think, we will have a short reprieve from this virus thingy for
only a couple of months and then the BIG WHAMMNY comes.
I keep thinking: Where there's smoke, there's fire. And TPTB are
going to milk this in order to get THEIR way. One way or another.

I could say (write more), but being "circumspect" is the order-

Peace and many blessings,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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