Saturday, June 1, 2024

When The Walls Come Tumbling Down, Praise God!

 I am aware of the chatter.  I recall, not so long ago, in the wee hours, "seeing" a multiple city hit--I believe I saw that it was going to happen and that it will be a stunning "shock & awe" style attack(s).  

Why wouldn't they?  It's old-style takeover, last stages of the "revolution" kind of warfare.  Obviously, the "lawfare" is doing its part.  But at some point it goes kinetic.  HENCE . . . the only real "preparation" is truly and (thank God!) SPIRITUAL.

The things they have done, do, and, will do . . . to Christians, Believers, is . . . well . . . written and known of, in the books and scriptures of martyrs.  

The torments of this fallen world . . . are truly a small speck of annoyance . . . compared to the Grace and Beauty and Love and Reward that The Father God Creator has in store for His Children.  And even  compared to the torments in store for those who despised and wanted nothing to do with God, and will get their wish--eternity bereft of The Lord's Presence--horrific beyond imagination, the Truth and Glory of God is beyond.  I don't wish it even on the worst of our enemies.  But God is Holy, and no unclean things can possibly be in His presence.

Without FAITH . . . it is impossible to please God.

The heathen, the devil worshipers HATE that part of His design!  

It all reduces to humility, submission TO GOD'S SOVEREIGNTY, but the rebellious spirit chafes and says waaa waaa  waaa, "I deserve...I expect . . . I'm owed . . .  etc., etc.,"

The rebellious spirit gets angry, resentful, cries, complains and then is tempted (and most often does) throw in with THE O.G. rebellious spirit!  As in, THE DEVIL (and/or his seedy lieutenants are sitting on your shoulder, beware the temptation to calumniate The Lord God.

BUT, the Children of God . . . do NOT do that, even though, they often feel the same.


THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD!  Is Where He is At.  And where YOU are blessedly at, God Willing, despite the machinations of The Evil One and his paltry, fallen degradations trying to throw you off of The Way, if he could...... (he can't;)....

God Rules.  Jesus Is King.  The Holy Spirit . . . are ONE GOD, THE ONLY ONE AND TRUE GOD>!

So, when the walls inevitably come tumbling down, the righteous lovers of God yet stand victorious with and in His Holy Presence!  Praise God!  With an eye single to the glorious prize. . . ! 

1 comment:

Roger said...

Greetings dear Bro. T.,

Oh my. You wrote, "It all reduces to humility, submission TO GOD'S SOVEREIGNTY, but the
rebellious spirit chafes and says waaa waaa waaa, I deserve...I expect . . . I'm owed.."
The word "entitlement" popped into my wee brain when I read "I'm owed..."
It wasn't so long ago when listening to a podcast where the speaker was talking about the
elites and rich financiers. He mentioned that THEY have this inner sense of ENTITLEMENT.
Wow. Like they deserve their riches. That THEY worked so very hard for their riches.
Like you always reminded us of the fact that, "this life isn't about us, it's about the
Lord's will and purpose." I am now thinking that this life really seems like the final
test to see who will be the lambs and who will be the goats.

Peace, love and the Lord's favor,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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