Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Take Heart And Have Faith, O Ye Children Of The Living GOD!


I saw it and said it was coming . . . where discerning The Truth amidst a thousand asserted "truths" would vie . . . for your attention each and every moment, day . . . rest of life.

We are there.

My brothers and sisters IN GOD . . . I am one, like you, hanging on to THE Life Raft . . . shouting through the din--nowadays, through the psychotronic "electronic fencing" mind-control din. . . . 

JUST KNOW and take solace, that SPIRIT--THE HOLY SPIRIT always rises above, and is Intrinsically beyond the petty wiles of the wicked one.  

YES, it is a fight and a struggle!  Praise God He keeps you separate (holy) apart from the materialistic chaos abounding.  Believe, trust, have faith.  Never forget, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE GOD WITHOUT FAITH. (Heb. 11:6)

And let that sink in.


Faith is a substance.  It transcends the usual brain, worldly mind machinations that we daily experience.  Faith is of a SPIRITUAL substance--it is spiritually visceral! And is the stuff of Heaven and His Being.  You become one with Him, through this substance (faith) and it is also the means by which He receives your communication . . . and communion.

It is like manna. . . .

It is given.

We praise and love and worship and believe in and have FAITH IN GOD . . . because He bestows that substance within us.  The Kingdom Of God is Within. . . . 

I do resist saying "in these times" ... or  .. "in this day and age" when addressing what seems to be an especially new oppressive and destructive/subversive/perverse era (for those phrases have become  hackneyed meme/phraseology . . . which tends to cheap-shot, short-circuit the vital and blessed connection between one's current, material body/soul worldly self experiences and history and especially relationship with The Lord.)  And nothing is new under the sun.  It has been this way since The Fall.  

So don't feel fancy, new and unique in your suffering the fallen state. . . . 

Because, as always . . . NOW IS NOW . . . and NOW is always the time to be aware of, and abide by the Eternal Spirit of God, regardless of trends, memes, mis-directions, subversions, mundane tropes etc., and etc.  

For, for us, at any "time" . . . this IS "in these times" . . . and in "this day and age" . . . . . . . . 

And knowing this, when The Lord said "The Kingdom Of Heaven is at hand.... ," He was speaking Truth.  The Kingdom Of God is ever now, within--even for us in this fleshly, worldly ramshackle run. 

It "was" then . . . and It/He is "now".  

The Word of God is always present, living, starkly modern and applicable.  The Word Of God is eternal. . . . Time and mind and memories and worldly kerfuffle's . . . come and go.  

(And, my friends, pardon my seeming overuse of punctuation/emphasis! :) It is near impossible to convey in written missives the vision and knowledge of Spiritual matters, as you Know.)

But Know this.

The Word is NOW.

God is Now.

God loves and adores you now!  For you are His precious creation.  EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!  

Yes . . . YOU!

(And the scripture--His Word--absolutely confirms this! So take heart, and have faith!)

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