Sunday, June 16, 2024

Do Not Turn To The Right Or Left

 "Attention attention . . . everybody look at me."

This is a metaphysical, Spiritual crux. . . . Attention . . . is energy, light, love.  IT SHOULD BE FOCUSED ON THE LORD.

This is what kicked off the evil--the twisting of that reality.  And it still does to this very moment.

The devil and all of his/her/they/it spawn . . . is mad, resentful, jealous, covetous that attention is not directed at "them".  Legion.

Meanwhile, all of existence, creation, creatures . . . is at THE BEHEST OF GOD!  ALL ATTENTION, ADORATION, WORSHIP, LOVE . . . ought be directed, thankful, humbly, directed toward THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY CREATOR!  THE ONE TRUE AND ONLY GOD OF ALL! 

For none of us can breathe another breath, but for His Grace and Lordship!

Every mess since the original rebellion and original sin has to do with this deep, intrinsic move to try and wrest away God's Awesome Sovereignty, and try to glean some shine for oneself.

HENCE, why most everything now is geared to distract and drive ATTENTION to one's self via social media etc.  

Feedback loops, technically driven, encourage this dark, evil trend.  

THANK GOD for THE HOLY SPIRIT Who guides the Children of God through the wild chaos.  The subtle thread increases FAITH in THE ONE TRUE AND ONLY GOD!

If you know you know.  If you have ears to hear, you hear.  If you have eyes to see, you see.  

Just SHOUTING THROUGH THE DIN here . . . . . . . . . . . Illegetimi Non Carborundum!!!

WE are not bastards.  

We are the living sons and daughters of THE ETERNAL FATHER CREATOR.

The rest are of the rebel--the creepy one who perverts and seeks to destroy, devour, subvert, murder.

I live in holy terror of God.  The fear of God is the BEGINNING of wisdom.

He is almighty!  HE is LOVE!  He is Holy!

Don't slight Him.  

DO fall down on face, recognizing His Sovereignty, and plead for His mercy.

AND THANK GOD,  HE is merciful! 

"Look straight ahead, neither to the left or right."   Proverbs 4:25-27

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