Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Latest "political" twist... pshaw on that!

 Well . . . and I'm well aware . . . of the latest psyop machinations... ie., developments re so-called candidates.... 

Have long seen it and been preparing Spiritually to survive and thrive Spiritually amidst the Satanic noise . . . . . .

Of course . . . we are looking at some sort of sad-sack color revolution COMMUNIST TAKEOVER... oy, do I have to say it again, lol... already laid that part all out....

SO, for the Children Of God . . . all the usual mess . . . is beside the point.  The Children Of God will be and are rescued, despite their fallen ramblings. . . . 

Praise God!

How can't you?!!!!

The Lord . . . is . . . beyond all . . .  HOLY . . . 

He ALWAYS . . . IS . . . . . . . THAT . . . . . HE . . . . IS!.....

(Now, fall down and worship, gratefully!  Praise God!)!!!!!

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