Friday, September 1, 2023

Destruction Comes Swift

 Others have been suggesting this and I've been thinking it for a while.  I won't be surprised if there is not an election in '24.  If there is, it will be weirder than the last one.  I'm wondering if the "vision" I once had some years ago, where I saw some kind of major constitutional crisis and there results a sort of "panel" government--a politburo of sorts.

When you see what "they" are doing now to DJT and his followers--the Jan. 6 gulags are just a miniature preview of things to come for "wrongthink"--and that they are willing to burn alive men, women, children, pets, everything I am seeing is on par with a typical, tyrannical communist regime.  We are an "occupied" country and "they" will NOT cede back the near total power they have at last coalesced.

And they always come especially hard for Christians, for "they" are a Satanic cabal at the source.  They HATE The Lord and His people most of all.  The widescale vicious persecution is inevitable as far as I can see it.  Hence it is time to put away the things--toys and distractions--of children, truly DENY YOURSELF, TAKE UP YOUR CROSS AND FOLLOW HIM!  As in the time of the Assyrians and destruction of Judah and Israel, destruction will come swift, surprisingly and hard!  


Roger said...

Greetings Bro. T.

This makes me wonder about whether I am sensing this too because of THAT word which has
recently come to my notice while reading scriptures?
It's kind of eerie how "devour" seemed to especially stick out and grasp my attention..
Somehow, I believe, the Spirit wanted me to understand this...

Peace, love and the Lord's favor,

Jesus is KING said...

Very timely word. I received this same word during the week. I had set down this coming Monday as the the day I would stop gaming and wasting time on the internet and get stuck into the many tasks and things that I have to do. I know it is going to be hard and that is the first step rather than pretending it will be easy, avoiding things we find unpleasant; that keep us frozen and in a rut. Just accept that it wont be pleasant at first as you break old bad habits. It will pass. I have done it before but backslid.

God Speed Bro.


Brother Thomas ©2005

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