Friday, April 15, 2022

"White Knight" warning re-cap

 "Mark Cuban says Twitter is looking for a white knight."--(Mark Cuban)                      Bloomberg News

"Despite Musk’s $43 billion cash offer, Katz doubts Tesla CEO’s bid to buy Twitter will go through. It still has to be brought to a vote in front of Twitter’s shareholders.

“'I think that there’s going to be real pressure put upon Twitter not to sell,” Katz said. “They are looking for a white knight.'" --(Tony Katz) NewsNation

"To escape from Musk, Twitter may need what’s called a white knight in the buyout game, a well-capitalized suitor it can live with more easily than the mercurial electric-car mogul."--Forbes 

"In that regard, Musk said, Twitter is failing. And he's just the anti-censorship white knight to fix the problem."--Fortune Magazine


Heh... These are just a few articles, reports that I've noticed come up since I did my "beware the temporary white knights" posts.... Just heads up on that. There's a lot of head fakes at play, I dare say....  Well, and and then the below quote, I subsequently "stumbled" into, evinces some things I have been recently been lead to see and share...namely that The Lord loves when we love Him, PAY ATTNENTION TO and call out to Him!  That's what it's all about.

--Bro T 


"The ardent desire which Jesus Christ evinces to come and take possession of our hearts, that He may reign there as God, should convince us that we afford Him a real pleasure by worthy and frequent Communion; and that, by staying away from the Holy Table, apparently from ease with many Christians, we deprive Jesus Christ of the satisfaction He would have in remaining with us, testifies in these words: 'My delight is to be with the children of men." To abstain through our own fault . . .  is to interrupt the connecting links of our predestination, because it is to deprive ourselves of one of the most effectual means of securing the salvation of our souls, a worthy and frequent participation (in communion with God)."--T o'K

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