Sunday, April 17, 2022

He Has All The "Time" He Needs For You

 Discourage, distract, demoralize . . . to cause distrust, disbelief. . . .

That is the order of the day, what the enemy is constantly striving towards. . . .

So that you harden your heart.  So that your instant, reflexive answer is to "fight fire with fire".

And while you may not externally manifest it in word or deed, IF the thought--the impetus is in your heart (now hardened) it is just the same . . . in Spirit--this reaction, this response is not in Heaven.  It can't be there, for nothing impure is in Heaven, where The Lord resides and rules perfectly manifest. . . .

"Do not repay evil for evil.  Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone.  If possible, as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone . . . do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." --Romans 12:17-21 

We are to manifest, proclaim through THOUGHT, heart, deed, word . . . the "image", the character of God.  Love, goodness, patience, longsuffering, compassion . . . giving quarter and forgiving all the constant sleights, calumnies, subterfuge, mistakes; in other words, every one is a sinner, JUST LIKE YOU, and only by the grace of God may you be at times riding a bit high in the Spirit.  He forgives sinners--the worst of the worst, ie,. people like PAUL! So, we ought do the same.

Having said that, we know it's not easy.  HE knows it's not easy.  He became a man, in the flesh, and was tempted in all the ways, and suffered the gist of the mortal coil.  So, we have a friend, One Who understands the depths and breadth of our struggles against the flesh and living in this fallen world.

Pray always . . . means . . . always seeking to stay in moment-to-moment communication and thankfulness to Him for this amazing, glorious creation and gift of life--this gift of life as a unique individual whom He knows intimately and cares about infinitely, with the deepest, most profound and perfect love and caring.

The devil doesn't sleep. But neither does God, and we know Who is ultimate and most powerful and perfect in all ways, to rescue and reconcile, restore. . . .

Once, Jesus took me, met me . . . high up on a mountain top.  It was craggy, austere, roiling dark clouds above, but awesomely beautiful, and we were in a private, safe space amidst.  The valley was below,  We were up high where there might be the high flying regal birds and nearby swirling winds. . . . I asked Him, worrying, something to the effect of "but how could you know, care about me and all my nuances and struggles and challenges."  Because, to my mortal mind, it all seemed (this life) like such a whirlwind of a mess--something you might see during and in the aftermath of a wild tornado. . . .

He chuckled.  He smiled--He was so sweet, knowing and forgiving and understanding . . . and replied "I have all the time in the world.  I AM time.  I have no end and no beginning."  And I was briefly shown how time, as we experience it, is not like time in the Heavenly realm, where He rules and operates from.  He was basically saying, "don't worry about Me having enough time to sort you out", and He said it with a loving, gracious, friendly smile, laugh, which gave great comfort. . . . .

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