Friday, April 8, 2022

Beware Temp "White Knights".

 I've been meaning and intending to write on this for a while now....Just have wanted to take more time to lay it out, but now seeing bits of info slipping out that just keeps confirming my original impression, wariness.... I'll try to get more specific as soon as can... but for now, in general...  Beware "white knights" .... Those proffered as such (characters) who are here to save the day.  Ie., those who might be showing up to "fix" Twitter...and various other things/problems in the realm....elon.... Also, well... just note, fwiw for those who take note... I haven't bandwagoned re (well, remember when Romney was once the big hope?lol), Trump, Putin, Elon.... (I'm not putting them all in the same basket, and have more thoughts re particulars....)(You know, btw, Ivanka is part of the WEF's "Young Global Leaders" club right?--Klaus's kids, so-to-speak....yikes!)

But just sayin' beware where your energy and thoughts and hope lie..... Especially these days... Because things . . . and proffered characters, "saviors", "last great hopes" etc.... are not what they may seem to be. . . .

There is only One Hope.

Life is short.  The grains of one's life are ceaselessly slipping away.

We are not of this world, this is not our Home.

These are not our king(s). 

Life is a vapor here.

The life to come . . . and Who we ultimately serve and worship . . . is what it's all about.



1 comment:

Roger said...

My Dear Bro. T.,

First of all, I loved that “My God and my all” post. It seemed like a love poem to me.
And so, your statement, "We are not of this world, this is not our Home," triggered a
memory of mine. I've heard it said that one cannot build a kingdom within another man's
kingdom. This really sunk in for me a couple of weeks ago. It's when I read someone's
post on social media that, "this is our kingdom and you aren't welcome here." This can
be understood or looked at from different angles. But, the "context" of where and how
it's used is very important in this case. So, when I read that posting, I realized
that I never considered this place here as a kingdom, but rather a place where I came
to learn some new lessons, figure out why I'm here in the first place, and return home
to the spirit realm.

Thanks for all you do, teach and share with me and your readers.

Much peace and love,

understood or looked at from different angles. But, the "context" of it is important
in this case.

Brother Thomas ©2005

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