Monday, April 11, 2022

Good News!

 It’s exciting and a big relief—the veil is thinning (well, it’s a big relief if you love and strive to know and serve The Lord).

I can now increasingly See bits and pieces of the other side—and it’s as glorious and lovely and rectified and fulfilled as ever your Heart/soul knows and wishes for, imagined…

For those who seek God above all. 

What He loves, and created you for, is to have a personal, unique relationship. In a sort of unfathomable way…He desires and (dare i say) “craves” that! 

Of course, He needs nothing, He is complete and perfect…But there is a great and wondrous eternally profound mystety …about His character, which loves and rewards … those who love and focus, worship Him!

When you meet Him, you realize… how could you not!?!!!

This time, this “world” fleeting…

HIS Kingdom is wonderful and amazing and secure and unending in every way (and more!) expounded than you can imagine—though your heart and soul…slightly (which is still a lot) whispers (if you are quiet and will Hear it) to your best self this Knowing—your living Child of God soul, who resides in the Heavenlies… 

Good news! 

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