Sunday, January 10, 2021

What’s Coming

 What’s coming? What’s coming is death. The “wages of sin”.  Same as it ever was.  People trying to “change the world” . . . “make the world a better place” . . . “live my dreams” . . . are whistling past the graveyard. 

This struck me at a very young age.  Still does. 

“The bottom line ... is the bottom line” I wrote in song and recorded several years later . . . meaning . . . YOU WILL DIE.  Get down with that! Few will remember or care about you. Yes, a few will . . . and then . . . they do too (die). 

THAT is the “elephant in the room”. . . .

Stop ignoring it. Make friends with it. And quick figure out Who has your back. 

Otherwise . . . you are just a prop.  A fleeting grass, come and gone through the seasons.

It’s time to brace oneself and go within . . . seek the Kingdom Of God. For real. Truly. 

Once you have met your Maker and (potential) Executioner . . . well . . . you throw yourself on the ground, awestruck .  . . and go with Faith in His Word . .  . or , piffle out, like an insect or animal, blade of grass......

There is a bold, blazing meaning in the Word referring to Those “made in the image of God.”  Meditate on that.  What does that truly mean, and why did He make such a point of it?!

Praise and thank The Lord always. What else is there?

(Aaaand, oh yeah—we at war baby!) Giiiirrrrddddd!


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