Wednesday, January 6, 2021

The Story Ain't Over

 I Posted this 3/17/16: "What I'm afraid of with him (Trump) is not so much that he won't follow through on his more strident threats to the "elites" . . . but that, even if he were to follow through, they will simply collapse the system on him and we will quickly be in a world of chaotic hurt.  But then, I expect that anyway, regardless of who gets in.  It could be that with a Democrat (ie., socialist/communist) they will try to prop the thing up a little longer. . . . But the economic forces and laws, combined with the cultural rot, combined with the spiritual malaise, added to widespread war and civil war repercussions . . . I just don't see how this mess can be turned around any time soon.  It is crashing, falling apart, by design, and the bloodthirsty, megalomaniacs who have been generationally conspiring to bring it down in order to reform their new ("illuminated") Utopia . . . will not be denied one way or the other. 

I don't bemoan anyone desperately wanting a temporal savior . . . and grasping for anyone who might fit the bill. . . . I am just concerned that they will be sorely disappointed once again and will lose heart for the greater purposes we are here for. . . ."


It is a rather doomy time, eh?  Also, I posted early in the DT administration that I didn't believe he would have been allowed to be elected unless it was part of the plan.  Not to say HE was in on it, no, I don't believe that (I believe he was used because of his personality and he could be counted on to act certain ways that would help the bigger, over-arching global dictatorship goal--even if he concsiously opposed it).  

For one thing, note that many egregious changes to our culture and system have happened during Republican administrations.  This is because, once a "conservative" is "in power" . . . the (patriotic) people tend to be placated and bide their time hoping for some real change.  Meanwhile the administrative ("deep state") continues implementing their goals and systemic changes under the radar.  The patriots, hoping for the best, watch, hope and wait. WHEREAS, for instance, if Hillary had won . . . things like mandatory face-masks, "pandemic" lockdowns, wide-spread destruction of small businesses, travel restrictions, bizarro mRNA barely tested vaccinations near mandatory to be able to work, travel, anarchists rioting, looting, burning down cities and businesses etc., . . . Well, these things would have been loudly and roundly and much more forcefully and vocally resisted (I believe) if were all being done under a Clinton administration.  But they happened under a Republican . . . and so, the patriots/conservatives mostly checked themselves waiting and hoping for the best--some sort of turnaround . . . hope for a second term to rectify.   This is what "they" count on, and it has worked many times already. But there was no way "they" were going to allow any real and lasting reversals of the agenda to be long or seriously waylayed. 

Also, as I've mentioned oft before . . . just like in Tiananmen Square . . . the "powers that be" allowed a degree of citizen-freedom-loving revolt to occur--but under a watchful and recording "eye".  You let the patriots, "reactionaries" reveal themselves (their intentions, relationships, thoughts, actions) , make careful notes . . . and then later, when the iron fist comes down, it is easier to sort out who is who and which side they are on.  Many of those Chinese protesters were later systematically hunted down, targeted, killed or imprisioned.

"They" needed to placate the people for a time (under a "conservative" administration) while "they" continued their larger, more global and entrenched diabolical work.  Most of the good things Trump did to change or reverse bad policy/goals were done through Executive Order, and thus can (and will be) swiftly and fairly easily reversed the same way.  So "they" really didn't lose much by having a few years of their draconian schemes and policies partially stalled.  

I never had any real hope of any substantial or lasting good change happening (relating to politics/culture/governance).  Why? Well, because I've read the road-map--The Revelation.  There WILL be a one-world demon-run global totalitarian state.  There WILL be a "mark", without which, you will not be able to "buy or sell"--WORK, in other words.  There WILL be widespread and technocratic-systematic persecution of Believers.  The Book says it gets bad and worse . . . UNTIL the final glorious ending (when AT LAST) all the evil is caught, judged and swept away . . . and then a "new heaven and a new earth".

Which is why I have tended to not fuss too much over fleeting politics and politicians.  This is NOT our home (as is).  We are NOT of this world.  We are celestial citizens trapped behind enemy lines, living--holding out--in a veritable concentration camp.  It has always been so, since The Fall.  It is now just becoming quite obvious (which is a GOOD thing in many ways!)

Now, more than ever, as the line of separation--the sifting of wheat and tares-becomes clearer and clearer . . . it is time to seek and strengthen and rely on FAITH (without which you cannot please God) . . . and draw ever nearer to The Lord for guidance, protection and sustenance!

Have Faith!  IN GOD! The story ain't over!

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