Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Mist (OCM) In Our Midst

 I've long here occasionally brought up Rwanda--the Tutsi & Hutu "civil war" that resulted in mass genocide . . . while world "leaders" did nothing to intervene. . . . And how I've expected a version of that operation to be done here and elsewhere. . . .

Apparently, it (OCM) was--as has been reported for a while, a testing ground for targeted electronic mind/emotion control against a population, used in Rwanda and Iraq and other places, and, I believe, to a degree, being used now.  

OCM.  Operation Crimson Mist.  I don't want to put a link, because . . . the AI algorithm is obviously tracing not only what you write, say, link to, (and I dare say, even THINK) . . . (btw, it also is tracing what you DON'T "like", support etc.) So I'm hoping not to get too prematurely throttled, banned speaking truth. But, surprisingly, if you google the term there is still a fair amount of information available regarding the "program".

Anyway . . . I believe we are already in a version of it here and throughout the world.  I don't "see" that it will be utilized (here, USA) as grotesquely and wide-spread slaughter-wise as it was in Rwanda . . . but will be used in specific, targeted areas (I am talking about the instant rage/violence-inducing aspect of it. 

I think we HAVE seen this aspect used in the recent riot/looting/destruction zones, yes, but I don't "see" that aspect being used across the board.  However, I perceive that, besides the rage-inducing capacity of the program, it is also able to effect a number of various other emotional/intellectual/physical/spiritual reactions/states-of-mind.  I DO believe a broad aspect IS currently being used to suppress the SPIRITUAL frequencies of individuals related to INNER communication with The Creator.  If you've noticed, there is a "repulsion" . . . "blocking" aspect as regards prayer--ie., "getting a prayer through".  It now takes extra effort, commitment, sincerity etc., to make contact spiritually with The Spirit.  

With 5Geeee-whiz coming online . . . and the nano-DNA altering components of the "Lucerface" viper vax working in concert . . . it's bound to get more difficult.  Watch out for that.  Prayer and INTENT toward God will increasingly be more difficult.  BUT OF COURSE, not impossible, for The Shepard will never leave his sheep! He is with the Believer always!  You're just going to have to REALLY mean it and strive for connection/relationship!  But He will never leave you . . . though there be "desert days" . . . walks alone in the wilderness. . . . FAITH is a real, effective workaround.  Remember ALWAYS that there is no pleasing God WITHOUT FAITH!

God bless and protect you and yours.

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