Thursday, November 26, 2020

Gratitude For His Omni-Glory

Gratitude.  Such a powerful place to go.  It is a key that unlocks many seeming secrets, or hard to perceive things. . . .

I thank God for life, for breath, for having a body to experience this awe-inspiring REALITY.  What a treasure!  What a gift!  To be given LIFE . . . breathing, eating, loving, seeking . . . and even the non-stop fight against evil.  All this glorifies God.  He is beyond comprehension . . . forever! . . . Yet, He keeps giving us new insights into His I AM THAT I AM. . . . 

All that He has Created . . . endless . . . mind-blowing, heh. . . . Wow! JUST WOW!

And He is love!  

We look through a glass darkly . . . catch glimpses (so small compared to the ongoing ETERNAL reveal!) but even the glimpses of His glory are more than enough.  In fact, we, so far, haven't even scraped to the surface (so-to-speak)....

What glories and wonders remain?  LOTS!  

Grateful, falling on face, layed out, amazed constantly by His omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, omni-glory. . . . .

Thank you Lord, and thank you for the friends and family and compatriots that I've been blessed to know!

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