Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Too Bad For Corona Perps...

Yeah.... I’m thinking my initial sense on the Corona scenario is a big psyop among a few other things.  I feel no fear regarding it. Annoyance, yes a bit. But I think its a beta test— just one if the bigger ones they've done in a while.  Yes, they will probably try to roll out the real deal of sorts, but i think this one is a practice run, upon which a bunch of side money can be made (wish i were a face mask manufacturer ie., lol)..., AND some dissidents can get rounded up under pretext etc., . . . . But these knuckleheads operate in ie., “5 year plans” . . . . The Bernie stuff—conditioning of expecting world communism/socialism... is a long , tedious ongoing plan of which this latest craze is just a part. Too bad for them God in control—always was, always will be.!

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