Sunday, February 2, 2020

Flat Earth Reveal

Wow... flat earth just got a shout out in superbowl commercial.... That butresses what i think is going on re flat earth reveal... I think i know what “they” have up their sleeve re this topic... I’ll expound shortly...

1 comment:

ROGER said...

Dear Bro. T,

Heh. As you would write or say. So, as usual, I do a little back-peddling whenever I visit your blog.

So, I ran into your post “Faith Really Does Move Mountains.” Yep, the Truth and Faith do go together. When I come across the word “faith” in the Bible, I start thinking about the word “confidence” in my mind. In my own little way, faith is synonymous with having an unwavering confidence and absolutely no doubt either. Oh, the things which we could possibly do, if we could totally unlearn all of that negative programing, we’ve gotten along the way? It’s likened to how many times a young child is exposed to the words “no” and “don’t.” Hmmm??

And then, “Anniversaries with God.” BTW, Happy Anniversary to you and your wife too!! I do agree with you on that mysticism thingy too. I’ve really gotten to learn the Old Testament quite well over the past year. Totally amazing. And what really struck me was the fact that the book of Psalms is perfectly in the middle. I kind of think of Psalms as a type of cornerstone of the Holy Bible. Yupper.

When it comes to the flat earth thingy, I really am not sure. If we exist, as I’ve imagined via a multi-dimensional and holographic simulacrum; then certainly this is a possibility. The movie, THE SIGNAL, which has Laurence Fishburne in it, comes to my mind. This is an interesting movie which also depicts portals in it. Thus, one can translate from one reality to another. And it shows a flat earth at its very end. This movie is truly spooky!!

Peace and many blessings,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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