Saturday, November 9, 2019

P.S., Reading!

Another thing that is encouraging (re "memoirs") . . . is that this is writing . . . and you are reading.  Another angle of true self-defense . . . and fighting the good fight . . . is to preserve logical, rational thought.  Thoughts and ideas that are not just seconds'-long memes.  Reading.  Writing. The word.  Words mean and have meant things, and obviously, "they" are trying to dumb down consciousness, thought, analysis, nuanced thinking.

I spoke once in an interview, some years ago, regarding ways to defend against the onslaught--attempted mind control/direction--and I simply said, READ OLD BOOKS (while you can).  The patterns of thought, the way of thinking (not always necessarily the content) is important to maintain.  Preservation.  Conserve-ation.  When the Pol Pots come to establish "year zero" . . . wipe out the past, and now with technotronic/psychotronic methods as well . . . well, "old-fashioned" is good!  And a way to maintain sanity amidst the mind-grabble. . . .

SO.... hence . . . another reason . . . why I interested and compelled . . . to WRITE . . . words . . . that will be read, comprehended, maintaining a critical purpose . . . and tradition . . . of the WRITTEN WORD.

1 comment:

ROGER said...

Hello Bro. T.

You hit the mark about reading books from the past.
I took a speech class a year ago, and it certainly opened my eyes a lot.
I learned a lot about rhetoric, whether it's written or spoken.
Rhetoric is organized thought. Plus the main rhetorical devices are:
Logos, Pathos and Ethos. When understood, we see these in every type
of communication. And how fallacies are used too for manipulation.
I sometimes wonder how the Lord prompts me to learn certain skills and
tasks. And this is true for others too.

Peace and many blessings,

Brother Thomas ©2005

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